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|title=The Scarlet Kimono
|sort=Scarlet Kimono
|publisher=Choc Lit
|date=March 2011
''The Scarlet Kimono'' is definitely a cut above your average romance novel: although it might be predictable and a bit far-fetched at times, it is completely absorbing from start to finish and I hope other readers will be swept along by its passionate characters and exciting story as much as I was.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to The Bookbag. We also have a review of [[New England Rocks by Christina Courtenay]].
Further Reading Suggestion: If you like the sound of this book, you may also enjoy Christina Courtenay's first novel [[Trade Winds by Christina Courtenay|Trade Winds]] or for more Choc Lit books try [[Turning the Tide by Christine Stovell]].
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