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If you haven't yet read the [[Archibald Lox and the Bridge Between Worlds by Darren Shan|first]], the [[Archibald Lox and the Empress of Suanpan by Darren Shan|second]] and the third [[Archibald Lox and the Vote of Alignment by Darren Shan|third]] instalments in this series, don't read this review! It may contain spoilers!
So. Having done the impossible and unpicked the lock to the Forgotten Crypt, from which the Departed communicate with the Merge, Archie now has ''grop'' to think about. But before that, soirees. Soirees! Archie, much to Inez's amusement, doesn't even know what one of those is. But he manages to come through the fancy party unscathed, even after an uncomfortable encounter with Kurtis, whose fledgling romance with Inez was crushed in the first volume of this series.