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'''If you're looking for children's picture books for review, you'll find them [[Children's Picture Books for Review|HERE]]'''.
''' ''If the links to Amazon are loading slowly you'll find a list of the books we have available above each shelf - with a link to Amazon, where you can find more details.'' '''
==='''Non Fiction Shelf'''===
IWe'm sorry, we have ve nothing at the moment, I'm afraid.
==='''Fiction Shelf'''===
 {{amazonurl|isbn=1913193616|title=Everything Happens For A Reason by Katie Allen}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1529352657|title= When I Ran Away by Ilona Bannister}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1473630371|title=Misplaced Persons by Susan Beale}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1471190056|title= The Other Daughter by Caroline Bishop}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=19131935431803367806|title=Hotel Cartagena by Simone Buchholz}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1529334179|title=The Lip by Charlie Carroll}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=0356516237|title=The Unbroken by C L Clarke}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=0857059203|title=The Disappearance Saints of Stephanie Mailer by Joel Dicker}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1472267966|title=While Paris Slept by Ruth Druart}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1800750072|title=The High House by Jessie Greengrass}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=191319356X|title=Smoke Screen by Jorn Lier Horst Storm and Thomas Enger}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=178909481X|title=Birds of Paradise Sorrow by Oliver K LangmeadGabriella Buba}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=14722359400861547616|title=The Drowned City by K J Maitland}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=0356515885|title=Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=139850033X|title=Flappy Entertains by Santa Montefiore}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1950539261|title=In the Event of Contact by Ethel Rohan}} - Please note this is a PDF which can be uploaded Gate to a Kindle Reading app.<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1472227824|title=Katharine Parr, The Sixth Wife Kagoshima by Alison WeirPoppy Kuroki}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=19131934890861546989|title=Deity A Proper Mother by Matt WesolowskiIsobel Shirlaw}}<br> <amazonuk>1913193616</amazonuk> <!-- Katie Allen --><amazonuk>1529352657</amazonuk> <!-- Ilona Bannister --><amazonuk>1473630371</amazonuk> <!-- Susan Beale --><amazonuk>1471190056</amazonuk> <!-- Caroline Bishop --><amazonuk>1913193543</amazonuk> <!-- Simone Buchholz --><amazonuk>1529334179</amazonuk> <!-- Charlie Carroll --><amazonuk>0356516237</amazonuk> <!-- C L Clarke --><amazonuk>0857059203</amazonuk> <!-- Joel Dicker --><amazonuk>1472267966</amazonuk> <!-- Ruth Druart --><amazonuk>1800750072</amazonuk> <!-- Jessie Greengrass --><amazonuk>191319356X</amazonuk> <!-- Jorn Lier Horst and Thomas Enger --><amazonuk>178909481X</amazonuk> <!-- Oliver K Langmead --><amazonuk>1472235940</amazonuk> <!-- K J Maitland --><amazonuk>0356515885</amazonuk> <!-- Everina Maxwell --><amazonuk>139850033X</amazonuk> <!-- Santa Montefiore --><amazonuk>1950539261</amazonuk> <!-- Ethel Rohan --><amazonuk>1472227824</amazonuk> <!-- Alison Weir --><amazonuk>1913193489</amazonuk> <!-- Matt Wesolowski -->
==='''Children and Young Adult's Shelf'''===
'''If you're looking for children's picture book for review, you'll find them [[Children's Picture Books for Review|HERE]]'''. ''New books added on 17 October'' {{amazonurl|isbn=057135971X|title=The Ocean Squid Explorers' Club by Alex Bell}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1788009436|title=The Boy Who Met a Whale by Nizrana Farook}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1444956027|title=Jamie McFlair Vs The Boyband Generator by Luke Franks and Sean Thorne}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1789094437|title=Witherward by Hannah Mathewson}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=B08HRFFM9W|title=The Last Girl by Goldy Moldavsky}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=0192774735|title=Amber Undercover by Em Norry}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1683692349|title=Lycanthrophy and Other Chronic Illnesses by Kristen O'Neal}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1788006003|title=The Secret Detectives by Ella Risbridger}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1800780001|title=The Elephant in the Room by Holly Goldberg Sloan}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1406394815|title=The Outlaws Scarlett and Browne by Jonathan Stroud}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1788006046000862657X|title=Luna Rae is Not Alone Lover Birds by Hayley WebsterLeanne Egan}}<br>
<amazonuk>057135971X</amazonuk> <!-- Alex Bell --><amazonuk>1788009436</amazonuk> <!-- Nizrana Farook --><amazonuk>1444956027</amazonuk> <!-- Luke Franks and Sean Thorne --><amazonuk>1789094437</amazonuk> <!-- Hannah Mathewson --><amazonuk>B08HRFFM9W</amazonuk> <!-- Goldy Moldavsky --><amazonuk>0192774735</amazonuk> <!-- Em Norry --><amazonuk>1683692349</amazonuk> <!-- Kristen O'Neal --><amazonuk>1788006003</amazonuk> <!-- Ella Risbridger --><amazonuk>1800780001</amazonuk> <!-- Holly Goldberg Sloan --><amazonuk>1406394815</amazonuk> <!-- Jonathan Stroud --><amazonuk>1788006046</amazonuk> <!-- Hayley Webster -->''If you're looking for children's picture books for review, you'll find them [[Children's Picture Books for Review|HERE]]'''.
[[Category: Reviewer Centre]]
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