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'''If you're looking for children's picture books for review, you'll find them [[Children's Picture Books for Review|HERE]]'''.
''' ''If the links to Amazon are loading slowly you'll find a list of the books we have available above each shelf - with a link to Amazon, where you can find more details.'' '''
==='''Non Fiction Shelf'''===
IWe'm sorry, we have ve nothing at the moment, I'm afraid.
==='''Fiction Shelf'''===
 {{amazonurl|isbn=1913193616|title=Everything Happens For A Reason by Katie Allen}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1913193713|title=This is How We Are Human by Louise Beech}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1683692330|title=Whisper Down the Lane by Clay McLeod Chapman}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=0356516237|title=The Unbroken by C L Clarke}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1913193659|title=The Assistant by Kjell Ola Dahl}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1913193691|title=One Last Time by Helga Flatland}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1789097061|title=The Witch's Heart by Genevieve Gornichec}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1471198677|title=The House Beneath the Cliffs by Sharon Gosling}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1472235940|title=The Drowned City by K J Maitland}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=059339559X|title=When the Stars Go Dark by Paula McLain}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=03565158261803367806|title=The Son Saints of the Storm and Sorrow by Suyi Davies OkungbowaGabriella Buba}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=19505392610861547616|title=In the Event of Contact by Ethel Rohan}} - Please note this is a PDF which can be uploaded Gate to a Kindle Reading app.<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1913193632|title=Facets of Death Kagoshima by Michael StanleyPoppy Kuroki}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=15290518860861546989|title=Shards of Earth by Adrian Tchaikovsky}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1472227824|title=Katharine Parr, The Sixth Wife by Alison Weir}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=0316592781|title=For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1789096812|title=Wendy, Darling A Proper Mother by A C WiseIsobel Shirlaw}}<br> <amazonuk>1913193616</amazonuk> <!-- Katie Allen --><amazonuk>1913193713</amazonuk> <!-- Louise Beech --><amazonuk>1683692330</amazonuk> <!-- Clay McLeod Chapman --><amazonuk>0356516237</amazonuk> <!-- C L Clarke --><amazonuk>1913193659</amazonuk> <!-- Kjell Ola Dahl --><amazonuk>1913193691</amazonuk> <!-- Helga Flatland --><amazonuk>1789097061</amazonuk> <!-- Genevieve Gornichec --><amazonuk>1471198677</amazonuk> <!-- Sharon Gosling --><amazonuk>1472235940</amazonuk> <!-- K J Maitland --><amazonuk>059339559X</amazonuk> <!-- Paula McLain --><amazonuk>0356515826</amazonuk> <!-- Suyi Davies Okungbowa --><amazonuk>1950539261</amazonuk> <!-- Ethel Rohan --><amazonuk>1913193632</amazonuk> <!-- Michael Stanley --><amazonuk>1529051886</amazonuk> <!-- Adrian Tchaikovsky --><amazonuk>1472227824</amazonuk> <!-- Alison Weir --><amazonuk>0316592781</amazonuk> <!-- Hannah Whitten --><amazonuk>1789096812</amazonuk> <!-- A C Wise -->
==='''Children and Young Adult's Shelf'''===
'''If you're looking for children's picture book for review, you'll find them [[Children's Picture Books for Review|HERE]]'''. ''New books added on 17 October'' {{amazonurl|isbn=1788008626|title=The House on the Edge by Alex Cotter}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1788009436|title=The Boy Who Met a Whale by Nizrana Farook}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1913322122|title=By Ash, Oak and Thorn by Melissa Harrison}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1788452186|title=A Street Dog Named Pup by Gill Lewis}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1788451961|title=The Girl in Wooden Armour by Conrad Mason}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=0192774735|title=Amber Undercover by Em Norry}}<br>{{amazonurl|isbn=1848129432000862657X|title=Monster Doughnuts Lover Birds by Gianna PolleroLeanne Egan}}<br>
<amazonuk>1788008626</amazonuk> <!-- Alex Cotter --><amazonuk>1788009436</amazonuk> <!-- Nizrana Farook --><amazonuk>1913322122</amazonuk> <!-- Harrison --><amazonuk>1788452186</amazonuk> <!-- Gill Lewis --><amazonuk>1788451961</amazonuk> <!-- Conrad Mason --><amazonuk>0192774735</amazonuk> <!-- Em Norry --><amazonuk>1848129432</amazonuk> <!-- Gianna Pollero -->'''If you're looking for children's picture books for review, you'll find them [[Children's Picture Books for Review|HERE]]'''.
[[Category: Reviewer Centre]]
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