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 =='''17 OCTOBER4 JULY'''==
|author= Karina Sainz Borgo and Elizabeth Bryer (translator)Max Boucherat|title= It Would Be Night in Caracas|rating= 4|genre= Literary Fiction |summary= ''It Would Be Night in Caracas'' illuminates the everyday horrors The Last Life of modern day Venezuela. It begins with the death of Adelaida Falcon's mother and chronicles Adelaida's coming to terms with her new solitude in this world and her attempts to escape it. Danger stalks the shadows and, in a society where the establishment is crumbling, who can you turn to? |isbn=0062936867}}{{Frontpage|isbn=0349423067|title=The Body on the Train (Kate Shackleton Mysteries)|author=Frances BrodyLori Mills
|genre=Crime (Historical)Confident Readers|summary=From Christmas We meet Lori on the first evening she's got the house to Easter a train ran from Leeds City Station herself – no neighbour to King’s Crosspop in, arriving before dawn so that the forced rhubarb it carried could be taken to Covent Garden. In early March 1929 one of the porters who was unloading the boxes discovered the body of a manbabysitter poorly, mother at work, just an avidly rule-breaking eleven year old, stripped naked and with no means of identificationon her lonesome. Scotland Yard hit What could possibly go wrong? Snuggled in a dead end blanket fort, she has one main intention, and called that is to log on to Voxminer, the services of Kate Shackleton world-building, critter-collecting game that is a hit in the hope Lori's world. But first Lori has a tiny inkling that this stormy night doesn't find herself entirely on her knowledge own, and connections in Yorkshire would give them the lead they neededthen she finds something even more spooky. Kate immediately found herself hamstrung: Commander Woodhead remembered For the server she and her as a child bestie and could not come nobody else should be able to terms with the fact that she was now a woman experienced in dealing with murderenter shows signs of tampering. He was reluctant to give When malevolent eyes spark up on her phone screen, and her all safe place in the information which the police has been doctored – well, where is a girl to turn?|isbn=0008666482
=='''19 OCTOBER'''==
|isbnauthor=1925820025Jenny Lecoat|title=Once, I was Loved|author=Belinda LandsberryBeyond Summerland
|genre=For SharingGeneral Fiction|summary=Tock, Jean lives on Jersey with her mother where they are celebrating the toy rabbit, is in a box of toys going to the charity shop. He realises that he's not wanted any more, but muses that it wasn't always this way. ''Once'', he says, ''I was loved''. And he tells us end of all the children who have loved him over the years.}} =='''24 OCTOBER'''=={{Frontpage|isbn=1542015421|title=The Royal Baths Murder|author=J R Ellis|rating=3.5|genre=Crime|summary=When Damian Penrose was murdered there was no shortage of suspects: he was a deeply unpleasant manoccupation. In fact the only surprising thing was that there wasn't more of a queue waiting to do During the dirty deed. What was a bit of a headline maker was that Penrose was a crime writer and that he was strangled in the midst of Harrogate's crime writing festival. He went for a swim at the Royal Baths and never returned, his body being found by the receptionist. DCI Jim Oldroyd was the man tasked with investigating the crime. It would not be the only deathwar, and it was only because of the quick actions of his sergeant, Andy Carter, that OldroydJean's father was not one of them.}} {|class-"wikitable" cellpadding="15" =='''29 OCTOBER'''== <!-- Meg Cabot and Cara McGee -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1401286208.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Black Canary: Ignite by Meg Cabot and Cara McGee]]=== [[image:3.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Confident Readers|Confident Readers]], [[:Category:Graphic Novels|Graphic Novels]] Meet Dinah Lance. Frustrated that her policeman father will not allow her to try and follow in his footsteps, and seemingly lumbered with being a cheerleader at school, she is desperate to find her voice. But it's actually more a case of her voice finding her, as when she gets frustrated or plain dissed at school her vocal outcry can shatter glass better than any opera singer. You could almost call it a weapon, or a power. But in order arrested for her to call herself a superhero, there has listening to be a whole path of steps for her to take – one of which will be into her past… [[Black Canary: Ignite by Meg Cabot banned radio and Cara McGee|Full Review]] |}{|class-"wikitable" cellpadding="15" =='''31 OCTOBER'''== {{Frontpage|isbn=B07X6GLQ3Q|title=See Them Run|author=Marion Todd|rating=4|genre=Crime|summary=D I Clare Mackay is still relatively new to St Andrew's: she was previously at Maryhill Rd station in Glasgow. She's left quite a lot behind including a relationship that wasn't going anywhere after Tom failed to support her when the chips were down. She also left a nasty situation, of her own making but not her fault, and St Andrew's is a fresh start. Not long into the job she's faced with a hit and run death and there's little doubt that it wasn't accidental - the card with the number five suggests murder. Andy Robb was married to Sandra. You could say that they had an open marriage but there seemed to be a lot of the 'open' and very little of the 'marriage' left - on both sides, but would she want soldiers took him dead?}} {|class-"wikitable" cellpadding="15"<!-- Ben Brooks -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1786540991.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[The Impossible Boy by Ben Brooks]]=== [[image:4.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Confident Readers|Confident Readers]] ''Oleg and Emma entered their den to find a cardboard spaceship standing where they usually sat. Slowly, the front door opened. Smoke billowed out. And out stepped a boy, dressed in a long coat with an even longer scarf, wound around his neck.''  ''"My name's Sebastian Cole," the boy said, "But you already know that."'' And indeed they do. Ever since the summer, when their friend Sarah's mother had moved her awayone night, Oleg leaving Jean and Emma have been unable to find a new friend to take her place. [[The Impossible Boy by Ben Brooks|Full Review]]<!-- Peter F Hamilton -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1447281357.jpg|link=]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Salvation Lost by Peter F Hamilton]]=== [[image:4star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Science Fiction|Science Fiction]] In the twenty-third century, humanity is enjoying a comparative utopia. Yet life on Earth is about to change, forever. Feriton Kane's investigative team has discovered the worst threat ever to face mankind – and we've almost no time to fight back. The supposedly benign Olyix plan to harvest humanity, in order to carry us to their god at the end of the universe. And as their agents conclude schemes down on earth, vast warships converge above to gather this cargo. Some factions push for humanity to flee, to live in hiding amongst the stars – although only a chosen few would make it out in time. But others refuse to break before the storm. As disaster looms, animosities must be set aside to focus on just one goal: wiping this enemy from the face of creation. Even if it means preparing for a future this generation will never see. [[Salvation Lost by Peter F Hamilton|Full Review]] <!-- Caroline Scott -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1471186393.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Photographer of the Lost by Caroline Scott]]=== [[image:4.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Historical Fiction|Historical Fiction]], [[:Category:Literary Fiction|Literary Fiction]] May 1921. Edie receives a photograph through the post. There is no letter or note with it. There is nothing written on the back of the photograph. It is a picture of her husband, Francis. Francis has been missing mother waiting for four years. Technically, he has been "missing, believed killed" but that is not something that a young widow can believe. She hangs on the word 'missing', disbelieving the word killed. [[Photographer of the Lost by Caroline Scott|Full Review]] |}{|class-"wikitable" cellpadding="15" =='''3 NOVEMBER'''== <!-- Eoin Colfer -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:0008324859.jpg|link=]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Fowl Twins by Eoin Colfer]]=== [[image:5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Confident Readers|Confident Readers]] Relax, everyone – our old friend Artemis may be off planet, but the baddies aren't getting away with skulduggery any time soon because they now have not one but two members of the Fowl family to contend with. Those cute little twins are now eleven (and, frankly, cute no longer) and in this, their first independent adventure, they meet a troll and without even trying manage to make two deadly enemies: a nobleman obsessed with immortality whatever the cost (to other people), and an unusual interrogator-nun. The boys are chased, kidnapped, arrested and even killed (though not for long), all with the help news of one trainee fairy. [[Fowl Twins by Eoin Colfer|Full Review]] |}{|class-"wikitable" cellpadding="15"=='''7 NOVEMBER'''==<!-- Keret -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1609809319.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Long-Haired Cat-Boy Cub by Etgar Keret, Aviel Basil and Sondra Silverston (translator)]]=== [[image:5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Confident Readers|Confident Readers]] One day a boy is in the zoo with his father, when the man gets called away on urgent business. The boy isn't hustled into a cab and taken home first, though, no – he's given hot dog money, and taxi money, and told to just stick around on his own and enjoy himself. Well, it's no surprise that the orphan-for-an-afternoon sensation the lad feels doesn't make him happy, and so he thinks of a species name for himself, and curls himself up into an empty cage, as if he were a new exhibit. And it's then As the drama begins… [[Long-Haired Cat-Boy Cub by Etgar Keret, Aviel Basil and Sondra Silverston (translator)|Full Review]] |} {|class-"wikitable" cellpadding="15"=='''12 NOVEMBER'''==<!-- Claire North -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:williamabbey.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[The Pursuit of William Abbey by Claire North]]=== [[image:3.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:General Fiction|General Fiction]], [[:Category:Paranormal|Paranormal]], [[:Category:Fantasy|Fantasy]]  When William Abbey fails to prevent British finally free the lynching of a young boy in 1880's South Africa, he finds himself cursed by the grieving mother. A naïve English Doctor, he slowly learns the weight of the curse upon him, as the shadow of the dead boy begins to follow him across Channel islands from the world. Never stoppingNazis, always growing – it crosses oceans and mountains in pursuit of William. As he finds himself unable to resist speaking the truths that he hears in otherswar is finally over, he also learns their hopes rise that the dark shadow is deadly – and seeks to kill the one he loves the most… [[The Pursuit of William Abbey by Claire North|Full Review]]|} {|class-"wikitable" cellpadding="15" =='''14 NOVEMBER '''== <!-- Gardner -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1786695227.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Invisible in a Bright Light by Sally Gardner]]=== [[image:4.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Confident Readers|Confident Readers]] The beginning of this excellent story they will leave the reader more than a little confused: who is the man in the green suit, finally learn what is the Reckoning, and why are rows became of people in a cave? him. But stick with it – Ms Gardner is very cleverly letting us experience will the same disorientation truth come as our heroine. We watch in dismay as the strange mana relief, who seems to have no eyes, does his best to persuade her to answer his or will it raise further questions. But for some reason Celeste, despite her bewilderment, remains wary and gives nothing away. [[Invisible in a Bright Light by Sally Gardner|Full Review]] <!-- Holliday -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1912374854.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Violet by S J I Holliday]]=== [[image:3.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Thrillers|Thrillers]] I've never been but understand that travelling is all about meeting new people and forming instantaneous bonds with people in often chance situations. Well that's exactly around what happens when the two main/only characters meet in a travel agency in Beijing - Carrie is unsuccessfully trying to get a refund on an extra ticket for the Trans-Siberian train and Violet is trying to unsuccessfully buy a ticket for the same sold-out journey. As else happened during the two team up, travelling through Mongolia, Serbia and into Russia, it could've been the start of a beautiful friendship but this a thriller after all so it quickly becomes a tale of obsession, manipulation and toxic friendships. [[Violet by S J I Holliday|Full Review]] <!-- Will Carver -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1912374838.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Nothing Important Happened Today by Will Carver]]=== [[image:4star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:General Fiction|General Fiction]] Nothing Important Happened Today is a dark, twisted, difficult read. Stories about cults often are, but this is different; it's written with a sense of style that is quite unlike anything I've read before. I can't remember ever having read a novel with such an odd, distinctive narrative voice. While a slim and relatively small book, the slow-moving nature of the plot makes it feel far larger than its 276 pages. [[Nothing Important Happened Today by Will Carver|Full Review]] |} {|class-"wikitable" cellpadding="15" =='''21 NOVEMBER'''=={|class-wikitable" cellpadding="15"<!-- Ariel Dorfman and Chris Riddell -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1609809378.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[The Rabbits' Rebellion by Ariel Dorfman and Chris Riddell]]=== [[image:4.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Confident Readers|Confident Readers]] We're in the realm of the rabbits, only the foxes and wolves have taken over. King Wolf, His Wolfiness, has declared Who was the rabbits don't exist, but the pesky birds have spread rumours from awing that the bunnies are in fact still around. Demanding a propaganda spree, King Wolf orders a humble monkey to be his official portrait photographer, but whatever the poor innocent monkey prints out in his darkroom there is a distinct leporine hint. Can King Wolf succeed in proving himself victorious, can the rabbits show their continued existence to all informer who need to know of it – and what can the poor monkey caught in between do? [[The Rabbits' Rebellion by Ariel Dorfman and Chris Riddell|Full Review]]|} {{Frontpage|author=Innosanto Nagara|title=M is for Movement|rating=4|genre=Emerging Readers|summary=Set in Indonesia, in told the not too distant past, this is a story Nazis about social change. Dealing with some difficult issues, such as political corruption and nepotism, the book is neither boring nor preachy. radio? It educates gently, with vibrant, challenging illustrations, and it portrays how social movements need people who will try, even when it seems that they will fail. The message is a positive one; that in an increasingly uncertain world, we do still And what other secrets have been kept throughout the power to instigate change.|isbn=1609809351}} |}{|class-"wikitable" cellpadding="15" =='''9 JANUARY 2020'''== <!-- Sarah Alderson -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1473681847.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[In Her Eyes by Sarah Alderson]]=== [[image:5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Thrillers|Thrillers]] Ava lives a charmed life, but those things sometimes rub other people up the wrong way. One evening she returns from a night out with a friend, and before she can finish her bedtime routine, her home, and her life, are under attack: masked men have broken in and are demanding money from her husband, while her young daughter cowers beside him. In the scuffle than ensues, Ava is hurt, badly. When she wakes up in hospital she can barely remember what happened, but she knows it was life-changing. With her daughter still fighting for her life in a room down the corridor, Ava has a lot to contend with as she tries to recover, wills her daughter to recover, and attempts to piece together what happened and why. [[In Her Eyes by Sarah Alderson|Full Review]] |} =='''23 JANUARY'''== {{Frontpage|isbn=0241985110|title=All the Rage (D I Fawley)|author=Cara Hunter|rating=4.5|genre=Crime|summary=A very beautiful, but extremely distressed teenage girl was picked up by a minicab driver on the outskirts of Oxford. She didn't want to go to the police station or the hospital: she just wanted to be taken home. The driver wasn't so certain though - and after dropping the girl at home he went to the police, which is why DI Adam Fawley found himself talking to Faith Appleford and her mother. Both were adamant that this was nothing more than an April Fool's joke which had gone wrong. No crime had been committed and Faith didn't want to take the matter any further. Fawley and his team weren't prepared to leave it at that and they began investigating. What they found strange was that Faith Appleford didn't seem to have much of a history.1846976537
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