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 =='''15 JANUARY4 JULY'''==
|author=Tanya LandmanMax Boucherat|title=Jane Eyre: a Retelling|rating=5|genre=Teens|summary=A young woman, fresh from living with horrid relatives who could care less about her, and years in a dreary school, moves into Thornfield Hall with only one intent – to have something like the life she wants – and with only one job, to tutor a young half-French girl, whose father is almost always absent. When he does turn up he seems to be dark, brooding and troubled – but that's nothing compared to the darker, more broody and even more troubled secret in the house. Yes, if you know Jane Eyre then you know the rest – but if you don't, for whatever reason, this is a wonderful book to turn to.|isbn=1781129126}}{{Frontpage|author=Penny Chrimes|title=Tiger HeartThe Last Life of Lori Mills
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=''Fly never meant to end up in We meet Lori on the cage with a man-eating tiger. She just saw her chance to skedaddle, and first evening she took it. And even when the cloud of soot cleared and she saw the golden eyes of a killer staring into hers, she still didn't turn round and climb back up the chimney straightaway. 'Cos there was worse waiting for her back on s got the roof.''What an opener! And there's plenty more house to come!|isbn=1510107045}}=='''16 JANUARY'''=={{Frontpage|isbn=1529400279|title=Six Wicked Reasons|author=Jo Spain|rating=4.5|genre=Crime|summary=It was early summer 2018 and Adam Latimer returned home herself – no neighbour to Spanish Cove after an absence of ten years. The family had thought him dead - pop in fact, that's what the private detective his babysitter poorly, mother had insisted upon had told them. He was cagey about exactly where he'd been but he seemed contentat work, if not happyjust an avidly rule-breaking eleven year old, to be hopeon her lonesome. What brought himcould possibly go wrong? Well, nine years ago his mother died and he'd seen the ''in memoriam'' Snuggled in the paper: this was the first he'd heard about what had happened. His three sisters and two brothers had mixed feelings about his return, but his father is delighted. In fact, he's determined to have a party. Onlyblanket fort, with Frazer Latimer, what happens she has to be about him. He has an announcement to make - it's nine years since Kathleen died and he's been lonely. He's met Ana, a Polish immigrantone main intention, and they're getting married.}} =='''23 JANUARY'''== {{Frontpage|isbn=0241985110|title=All the Rage (D I Fawley)|author=Cara Hunter|rating=4.5|genre=Crime|summary=A very beautiful, but extremely distressed teenage girl was picked up by a minicab driver that is to log on the outskirts of Oxford. She didn't want to go to Voxminer, the police station or the hospital: she just wanted to be taken home. The driver wasn't so certain though world- and after dropping the girl at home he went to the policebuilding, which critter-collecting game that is why DI Adam Fawley found himself talking to Faith Appleford and her mother. Both were adamant that this was nothing more than an April Fool's joke which had gone wrong. No crime had been committed and Faith didn't want to take the matter any further. Fawley and his team weren't prepared to leave it at that and they began investigating. What they found strange was that Faith Appleford didn't seem to have much of a history.}}{{Frontpage|author=Rory Clements|title=Hitlerhit in Lori's Secret|rating=3.5|genre=Thrillers|summary=So, Hitler had a secret? Two, if you include the reproductive detail mentioned in a certain sing-song aspersionworld. But this is first Lori has a secret tiny inkling that is counter to that, and in fact is a secret that Hitler himself this stormy night doesn't even know about. His neice, Geli Raubal, the attractive young woman he seemed to be very close to in the early 1930s, had had his daughter behind his back. Protected under a false identity ever since, the girl is completely ignorant of her past, and the truth is a very rare thing. Martin Bormann, the 'gatekeeper' to Hitler and his right hand man, knows – and is desperately intent find herself entirely on wiping the slate clean and removing all connected with her existence from the Reich. So it's down to Tom Wildeown, an American history professor at Oxbridge, to go in and extract her, in this most shadowy race against time.|isbn=1838770275}}{{Frontpage|isbn=1444776185|title=Haven't they Grown|author=Sophie Hannah|rating=4.5|genre=Thrillers|summary=It was when Beth Leeson was ferrying her son, Ben, to a football match that then she found herself on Wyddial Lane in Hemingford Abbotsfinds something even more spooky. Actually, It's a little disingenuous to say 'found herself' as Beth had made a deliberate detour on the grounds that she didn't find herself in this neck of For the woods very often and server she was curious to see where a family who'd come into money had lived before they'd all lost contact twelve years ago. And it might have gone no further than that had Beth not seen a car draw up and her friend Flora get out along with two children she called Thomas and Emily. Beth remembered the names well - but these children were about three bestie and five and Flora's children - Thomas and Emily - would now nobody else should be fifteen and seventeen.}}{{Frontpage|isbn=1529123763|title=Miss Austen|author=Gill Hornby|rating=5|genre=Historical Fiction|summary=It's long been known that Cassandra Austen burned most able to enter shows signs of the letters which she and other members of the extensive Austen family had exchanged with or about her sister Janetampering. What is not known is ''why'' she did this and at this stage - more than two hundred years after Jane's death - a definitive answer is unlikely to forthcoming. Gill Hornby has provided us with some possible answers in a book that proved to be far more emotionally complex than I was expecting.}}{{Frontpage|author=Chris Hauty|title=Deep State|rating=3|genre=Thrillers|summary= Hayley Chill is a fighter. She is every kind of fighterWhen malevolent eyes spark up on her phone screen, and well-trained her safe place in most of them. She's army infantry and she boxes for fun the game has been doctored and she wins. Always. She wins because she is focussed. She works hardwell, mentally and physically, and she knows how to deal with the pain. She where is not so much cold as controlled. This fight is against someone she is not expected a girl to beat. And she is being watched.turn?|isbn=14711856050008666482
|author=H G Parry Jenny Lecoat|title=The Unlikely Escape of Uriah HeepBeyond Summerland
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Brothers Rob and Charley have struggled to see eye to eye for years - Rob a sensible lawyer who exists in the "normal" world - and Charley a man who is blessed Jean lives on Jersey with an ability he can't fully control - one which allows him to bring literary characters into the real world. After years of protecting Charley, Rob wants to discharge his duties and leave Charley to his own devices - but circumstances soon take choices out of both their hands. As literary characters begin to appear everywhere, it soon becomes clear that someone out there shares Charley's powers and intends to use them for nefarious gains. Rob and Charley must team up to stop the madness - in a battle to win before her mother where they, the characters and the world reach The End…|isbn=0356513777}} =='''1 FEBRUARY'''== {{Frontpage|isbn=1250168546|author=Sarah Kozloff|title=A Queen In Hiding|rating=3|genre=Fantasy|summary= World-building is the backbone by which fantasy novels live and die. And what a pleasure, then, to get a novel with world-building you actually want to delve into. Sarah Kozloff's debut novel presents a startlingly rich and layered world, with a complex history of connecting nations that seems certain to have more to tap, and the characters are interesting – if a little underdeveloped. But it's a world I could – and did – eagerly buy into, and celebrating the struggle end of each Queen to discover and hone her magical talent felt very real and very apt.}} =='''2 FEBRUARY'''== {{Frontpage|author= B T Keaton|title= Transference|rating= 4|genre= Science Fiction|summary= Barrabus Madzimure is about to die, stranded on a mining planet millions of light-years from home, executed for high crimes against the Church, the ruling body of Earthoccupation. Except he's not Barrabus Madzimure, he's Thaniel Kilraven in Barrabus Madzimure's body. Such is During the magic of Transferencewar, the ability to transplant a personJean's soul or consciousness into a different body - and a power that the Church has exclusive control over. As if Thaniel doesn't have enough things to worry about, a Church employee named Corvus has arrived from Earth to interrogate him. All Thaniel wants is to see his family again, and he'll stop at nothing to accomplish this, but the Church isn't going to give in without a hell of a fight...|isbn=B082WPHTHH}} =='''6 FEBRUARY'''=={{Frontpage|isbn=183895015X|title=A Bit of a Stretch: The Diaries of a Prisoner|author=Chris Atkins|rating=5|genre=Politics and Society|summary=Documentary filmmakers don't usually get the run of establishments within the Mountbatten-Windsor Hotel Group, but after getting involved in an illegal tax scheme to fund his latest film, Chris Atkins father was invited arrested for a five-year stay. The first nine months were spent in HMP Wandsworth, which is probably the oldest, largest and most dysfunctional prison in Europe.}}{{Frontpage|author= Holly Rivers|title= Demelza and the Spectre Detectors|rating= 5|genre= Confident Readers|summary= Demelza Clock is a scientist, often staying up late to work on her various gadgets, much to her Grandma Maeve's irritation. However, she has also inherited a certain set of skills that are not especially scientific: Spectre Detecting, the ability listening to summon the ghosts of the recently deceased. Under the guidance of her Grandma Maeve, Demelza begins to master her newfound skills. However, there is a mysterious individual on the prowl, kidnapping young Spectre Detectors. It's up to Demelza banned radio and her best friend Percy to get to the bottom of this...|isbn=1912626039}}{{Frontpage|isbn=0008275246|title=Perfect Kill (D I Callanach)|author=Helen Fields|rating=4|genre=Crime|summary=When Maggie Campbell realised that her son, Bart, was missing he was already 200 miles soldiers took him away and just waking from a chemically-induced sleep. Maggie knew straight away that something was wrong. Bart might be twenty but he was considerate of his mother and wouldn't have stayed out all one night without letting her know. Besides, he didn't have his phone with him leaving Jean and he wouldn't have gone far without that. It's not long before Bart realises that he's alone, trapped in a shipping container and on his way to France, where his fate has already been decided.}} =='''11 FEBRUARY'''== {{Frontpage|author= A K Larkwood|title= The Unspoken Name|rating= 4|genre= Fantasy|summary= What does it mean to betray someone? What if that someone is a god? Csorwe has been raised knowing that she would be sacrificed to her god on her fourteenth birthday, yet when the opportunity arises, she chooses to abandon everything she knows and flee with her life. Who can blame her? Her god's reach is limited and Csorwe intends to stay far beyond it, yet fate is a funny thing and when circumstances bring her back within the reach mother waiting for years for news of her god Csorwe learns that her god remembers her, and blames her very much indeed.|isbn=1250238900}} =='''20 FEBRUARY'''=={{Frontpage|isbn=0008297169|title=The Guest List|author=Lucy Foley|rating=4.5|genre=Crime|summary=The boat trip out to Inis Amploir, off the Irish coast, might have been enough to put some guests off, but it was the wedding of the yearhim. Will Slater (television personality, if not yet a celebrity) was to marry Jules Keegan, online magazine publisher, in As the ruined chapel on British finally free the island. The bride's sister, Olivia, would be her only bridesmaid and Channel islands from the wedding planner and chef are Aoife and her husbandNazis, Freddy. They gave a huge discount to get the couple to the island, but surely it would be worth it for the publicity?}}{{Frontpage|author=Struan Murray and Manuel Sumberac (illustrator)|title=Orphans of the Tide|rating=5|genre=Confident Readers|summary= When a mysterious boy washes in with the tidewar is finally over, the citizens believe he's the Enemy - the god who drowned the world - come again to cause untold chaos. Only Ellie, a fearless young inventor living in a workshop crammed with curiosities, believes he's innocent. But the Enemy can take possession of any human body and the ruthless Inquisition are determined to destroy it forever. To save the boy, Ellie must prove who he really is - even if their hopes rise that means revealing her own dangerous secret....|isbn=0241384435}}{{Frontpage|isbn=0241985153|title=The House on the Lake|author=Nuala Ellwood|rating=3.5|genre=Thrillers|summary=We know that something has gone wrong - badly wrong - when the woman who was alone in the house is taken away by the police, but it's going to be a while before we they will finally learn exactly what has happened.}}{{Frontpage|isbn=1529009677|title=A Window Breaks|author=C M Ewan|rating=3.5|genre=Thrillers|summary=Tom Sullivan and his wife Rachel are having problems. It's not just the usual growing apart after more than a decade became of marriagehim. Their son, Michael, was killed in a car crash some months before: he was driving his father's Audi and at sixteen wasn't legally entitled to drive. Not only did he kill himself when But will the car rammed into truth come as a treerelief, but he also killed his girlfriend, fifteen-year-old Fiona Connor. Tom can't think about Michael without a sense of shame and guilt. Rachel is broken, but she wants to forgive Michael. To give some space, Tom's moved out of the family home, but stresses to his thirteen-year-old daughter, Holly, that or will it is only a trial separation.}}{{Frontpage|isbn=1529124395|title=When You See Me|author=Lisa Gardner|rating=4|genre=Crime|summary=For Janet and Chuck, it was a hiking break in raise further questions around what else happened during the Appalachians in Georgia and pure chance that Chuck went off the beaten track to find a stick. war? What he found Who was a human bone and SSA Kimberley Quincy was called in, along with Sergeant D D Warren. Both women were experienced in this type of rather gruesome work but they also called on the services of Keith Edgar, a computer analyst, and Flora Dane informer who brought something unique to told the table. Flora had been kidnapped and held for 472 days by Nazis about the notorious killer, Jacob Ness. radio? If Ness had anything to do with the current discoveries then And what Flora had to say could be invaluable.}}{{Frontpage|author=Gregg Hurwitz|title=Into The Fire|rating=5|genre=Thrillers|summary= Grant Merriweather is a forensic accountant. Or rather, was. He was brought into an ER room after an alleged car crash, his friend pleading with the medics to keep him alive. He was needed alive just long enough to give up a name. His cousin, Max.|isbn=0718185501}}=='''3 MARCH'''== {{Frontpage|author=Sara Holland|title=Havenfall|rating=4|genre=Teens|summary= Maddie Morrow is supposed to spending the summer with her Grandma Ellen. But after a visit to her mother in prison, Maddie wants nothing more than to go to Havenfall to see her uncle, Marcus. It's the only place she feels truly at home. Maddie's father, understandably, is not keen on Maddie spending time with her mother's family - because the crime Maddie's mum is languishing on death row for committing is the murder of Maddie's brother...|isbn=1547603798 }}{{Frontpage|author=Marie O'Regan and Paul Kane (editors)|title=Cursed: An Anthology of Dark Fairy Tales|rating=4.5|genre=Fantasy|summary=Curses. They're there other secrets have been kept throughout tales of faery and other fantastical folk – people being cursed to do this, or not to be able to do that. Children can be cursed, as can princesses on the verge of marrying, and older people too. It seems in a way there's no escaping it. Which is why the theme of this book of short stories is such a standout – we may well think we know all there is to know about this accursed character, that demonised place, and that other bewitched person. We'd be very wrong.|isbn=1789091500}}  {|class-"wikitable" cellpadding="15" =='''12 MARCH'''== {{Frontpage|author=Will Dean |title=Black River |rating=5|genre=Crime|summary=Tuva Moodyson returns - and this third book in the Tuva Moodyson mystery series delves deep into her personal life, returning her to the isolated town of Gavrik and into a desperate search for her missing best friend. With the Midsommar sun blocked out by the dark pines of the forest, Tuva fights to save her friend. But who’ll be there to save Tuvaoccupation?|isbn=1786077116}} =='''31 MARCH'''== {{Frontpage|author=Rob Harrell|title=Wink|rating=4.5|genre=Confident Readers|summary=When Ross is diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, aged 12, his desperate attempts at school to just be 'normal' become impossible. Suddenly he is the cancer kid, and everything he does, how he looks, and how he behaves falls under the scrutiny of the other kids in school. Ross is, understandably, angry. He is facing potential blindness, whilst dealing with an eye sealed in a permanent wink. He has gloopy eye medicine to try to help with the pain, plus the need to wear a hat at all times to protect his face due to the ongoing treatment. With the sudden ghosting by one of his best friends, and a series of horrible memes that someone at school creates about Ross, nothing about his life is normal any more, and he has to find new ways to deal with his feelings, and survive.|isbn=14714091471846976537
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