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[[Category:Politics and Society]]
|name=Erasmus Ndulue
|verb= said
The review of 'The Education of a British Protected Child' in Bookbag was intellectually stimulating.
The review was balanced, but one cannot completely rule out some sort of emotional attachments to Achebe by the reviewer.
The reviewer did point out the flaws in the autobiographical collections with unassuming candour.
Unlike a few uninformed reviewers of Nigerian extraction who used harsh words to condemn the obvious repetitions in the book, the bookbag reviewer
interrogated such flaws with a great presence of mind that would make even keen readers gloss over the structural weaknesses with ease.
Ofcourse, no work, literary or otherwise, is perfect.
I must, however confess, that I was astounded by the rave reviews of this latest offering by Chinua Achebe in almost all the major dailies and sites in the world.
Erasmus NDULUE
Lagos, Nigeria.