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|summary=Zara's stepfather died in front of her after seeing a man at the window - it spooked him so much that his heart failed. Her mother is concerned about her, Zara's not herself, she's hollow after the sudden loss of the closest thing to a father she's ever had. So, she's sent away to live with her Grandmother, Betty, in Maine. However, Maine isn't the safe haven that Zara's mother thought it would be. People are going missing, young boys to be precise, the same thing that happened just before Zara, her mother and stepfather moved away from Maine to start with.
|author=Sophie McKenzie
|title=The Medusa Project: Hunted
|summary=Many teens (and older people, too!) wish they had a super-power or two: life would surely be easier if you could read other people's minds or move objects without touching them. But if this fascinating series about a team of crime-fighting teenagers shows us one clear thing, it is that psychic powers can bring as many problems as solutions. Dylan, the central character in this particular volume, is an angry, bad-tempered girl whose bristly exterior echoes her gift of protection her from physical harm. She is not well-liked by the other three, and this becomes a real problem when she finds herself having to deal not only with terrible revelations about her father, but with the appearance in her life of a mysterious boy, Harry. Why does he know so much about her? And can she trust him? Lonely, vulnerable Dylan is in the ideal position to make poor judgements and get herself into serious trouble.
|author=Sally Prue
|title=Ice Maiden
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Franz isn't popular in the village. It's 1939, and the German boy is on an extended holiday in England. Unsurprisingly, the local boys don't appreciate an enemy in their midst. Franz isn't happy at home either - he mistrusts his Nazi parents and he remembers the rounding up of the disabled, the gypsies and the Jews, and the smashing glass at night. Lonely, Franz spends a lot of time on the common, observing the natural world and the wildlife, in all its beauty and cruelty.
|author=M T McGuire
|title=K'Barthan Trilogy: Few Are Chosen
|summary=The Pan of Hamgee is a relatively inconspicuous fellow living in the world of K'Barth, the setting of the battle between the overbearing, alien Grongolian settlers and the fanatic Resistance, described aptly by The Pan as being 'The lesser, but only very slightly lesser of two evils, possibly.' Naturally, The Pan wants nothing to do with this political conflict but due to a number of unfortunate cases of wrong place, wrong time and disastrous luck, he has somehow been drafted in as the getaway driver of a group of bank robbers, and somehow come into possession of a magical thimble with the power to allow teleportation, an object greatly desired by K'Barth's despot ruler Lord Vernon.
|author=Michele Jaffe
|summary=Firstly, I've got to say this book was incredibly hard to put down. The plot is so absorbing I found myself trying to read a page at every opportunity I got. I was late for work on a few occasions because I couldn't pull myself away. This is one of the best books I have read in the last few months.
|author=Laurie Halse Anderson
|summary=We left Curzon and Isabel at the end of Chains, just after they'd escaped slavery in New York at the beginning of the American Revolutionary War. We pick up again with Curzon - Isabel has run off to find her sister - stumbling slap bang into the middle of the Battle of Saratoga. Cornered into enlisting into the Patriot army, Curzon isn't blind to the ironies in his situation as a slave fighting for the freedom of white men.
|author=Phil Earle
|title=Being Billy
|summary=Billy is a 'lifer' - he's been in care for eight years. He's angry, defensive and folded up inside himself. He's prone to vandalism and violence and barely a week goes by without his careworkers needing to restrain him. He doesn't really go to school and even when he does, Billy is so far behind that there seems little point. The only joy in his life comes from the twins, his little brother and sister. Louie and Lizzie can't keep him out of trouble, but they can provide an anchor and Billy delights in caring for them. He reads them bedtime stories and sits by the door of their room until they fall asleep.
|author=Rachel Vincent
|title=Soul Screamers: My Soul to Take
|summary=After Kaylee and her friend Emma sneak into an over
18's club, Kaylee gets unnervingly distressed by the sight of a girl
dancing, feeling as if she needs to scream. As Emma, along with the
mysterious Nash, try to calm her and remove her from the club, she
tells them that she's convinced the girl is going to die. Waking up
the next day to turn on the news, she finds out she was right. And
then it happens again… Kaylee's convinced she's a freak and there's
something deeply wrong with her, but Nash seems surprisingly unfazed
by this, while her aunt and uncle are both acting strangely. What's
wrong with her? And why does she know less about herself than they
do about her?
|author=Keren David
|title=When I Was Joe
|summary=We meet 14 year old Tyler and his young mother Nicki at the police
station as he gives a statement about a stabbing he witnessed.
Unfortunately for them, some of the people involved would rather not
allow him to testify against them and he's forced to flee for his
life, moving into the Witness Protection scheme and starting afresh in
a new school. Despite the vicious thugs on his trail, there are
certain compensations to life at his new school. Formerly just a face
in the crowd at St Saviour's, the mysterious newcomer quickly becomes
popular, especially when he gets involved in athletics and is coached
by older teen Ellie. Not everyone's happy with the impact he makes,
though, and he needs to worry about rivals in school nearly as much as
he does about the gangsters who are still trying to silence him. And
then he meets a girl with a dark secret of her own…
|author=Rebecca Stead
|title=When You Reach Me
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Miranda has quite a bit going on in her life. Since her best friend Sal was punched on the street for no reason, he's been distant, shutting Miranda out of his life. This loss leaves Miranda somewhat adrift, as she and Sal have been inseparable since they were at day care together. So she strikes up a friendship with Annemarie, but that involves coming between Annemarie and the stuck-up Julia. And then Colin joins the group, which adds yet more complications - Miranda likes Colin, but she's worried he might like Annemarie.
|author=Lee Monroe
|title=Dark Heart Forever
|summary=Jane Jonas has been troubled by dreams lately. Dreams so vivid, it's almost like they're real. In them is a green eyed boy who believes they are each other's destiny. But in the real world, Jane has met Evan. Charming, charismatic, damaged Evan – intoxicating, incredibly attractive and just a little frightening. Jane has never been the sort to have friends, let alone boyfriends. And Evan is perfect, isn't he?
|author=Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu
|title=The Shadow Speaker
|summary=Set in Western Africa in 2070, in a world which has been forever changed by Peace Bombs, released years ago by an environmental group to counteract the effects of a US nuclear bomb, teenage heroine Eiji grows up knowing she is different. The Peace Bomb has given many people superpowers, hers being to communicate with shadows. But five years ago, the warrior queen Jaa beheaded Eiji's tyrannical father, and Jaa has returned seeking Eiji's help. While her mother forbids her from leaving her town, the shadows tell Eiji that if she doesn't go with Jaa war is inevitable. What can she do?
|author=B R Collins
|title=Tyme's End
|summary=Bibi feels like a fish out of water. She's right in the middle of the most difficult of teenage years, the ones in which you don't feel as though you belong anywhere. Bibi's feelings are exacerbated because she is adopted. Friends of the family took her in after her parents died and they have done their best by her. They love her and, despite everything, Bibi loves them. But she doesn't feel as though she belongs to this family and she thinks constantly of her real parents and her real home in the Middle East.
|author=Anna Godbersen
|title=Bright Young Things
|summary=Right from the fantastic prologue, which tells us this is the story of ''the girls with their short skirts and bright eyes and big-city dreams'', this is a book which had me completely and utterly hooked straight away. Cordelia Gray and her friend Letty Haubstadt run away from their small hometown in Ohio just after Cordelia's wedding, Letty determined to become a star in New York while Cordelia seeks the infamous bootlegger Darius Grey, convinced he's her father. Meanwhile, in the Big Apple itself, flapper Astrid Donal wants to get her boyfriend Charlie to commit to her but isn't sure if she can trust him. This first book in the Bright Young Things series follows the three girls over a few weeks which will change all of their lives.
|author=Sonya Hartnett
|title=The Midnight Zoo
|summary=It's Eastern Europe during World War II and orphaned Roma brothers Andrej and Tomas are journeying through war-ravaged countryside carrying a precious and secret bundle. It's an odd kind of journey because they really don't have anywhere to go. They have a great deal to avoid, however, such as soldiers with rifles, bombs, and villagers who would decry them on sight. As Andrej trudges on, worrying about Tomas, he is thinking it's just another night, just another village in ruins. But he's wrong. The boys stumble across a zoo. The cages are still standing, intact and locked. And the animals have no food and water. But they are alive. And they can talk.
|author=Carrie Jones
|summary=When I got this book I didn't realise it was the third book in a series, and to start with this put me off; I thought I'd be the one stood outside the window watching everyone else at the party and not understand what was going on. However, as I started to read I started to feel more included than I thought I would (there is a nice little reminder paragraph at the start that filled me on what I had missed). So, although I recommend you start with the first book in the series, Entice does have its own legs and is very capable of standing on them.
|author=Nina Grunfeld
|title=How To Get What You Want
|summary=How To Get What You Want is a self help book aimed at young people 'at a crossroads in their life', who are unsure what to do next. The author is a Life Coach who recognises that simply knowing what you want to do is half the battle towards achieving it, and sets out to help the reader identify who they are and what they really want using self awareness type exercises like the 'Balance Chart'. Later on the book deals with how to achieve those goals by giving advice on how to focus and think positively.
|author=Charlie Higson
|title=The Dead
|summary=Ok. I'm writing for two sets of readers here: those who have read the first book in the series, and those who have not.
The Dead is a prequel to The Enemy but both books are set in the same post-apocalyptic world in which the adult population has been decimated by a killer disease. Those that survive roam the streets as zombies, looking for untainted human flesh to eat. The only untainted flesh belongs to children who were fourteen or under when the disease struck, and were somehow immune. The Enemy is set two years after the epidemic, when it's getting more and more difficult for children to find food and shelter by scavenging and they are beginning to realise that they need to band together to start forming the prototype for a new society.
|author=Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
|title=Beautiful Creatures: Beautiful Darkness
|summary=Growing up there, Ethan Wate always thought Gatlin was a normal enough Southern town, if you could forgive the inhabitants' obsessions with the War of Northern Aggression. That was until he met Lena Duchannes and got plunged into her family's own civil war, as her family fought to get the young Caster to choose
either Light or Dark. If you've haven't read [[Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl|Beautiful Creatures]], the first novel in this sequence, break off from this review and go out and grab it now! If you have, you'll remember that Lena's 16th birthday left her with a choice to make that would kill half of her family. This book follows Ethan as he tries to support her through that choice but watches her get pulled towards her Dark cousin Ridley and a new boy in town, the mysterious John Breed. While the first novel was more of a romance, this is an adventure story which sees Ethan, his friend Link, new girl in town Liv, and a variety of others embark on a journey to save the day.
|author=Savita Kalhan
|title=The Long Weekend
|summary=Sam's just moved to a new school yet again, but this time he's made a good friend really quickly. He and Lloyd get on so well together that they're spending time with each other after school a lot - until they make one horrible mistake and end up trapped in a car speeding far away from their hometown, with a strange and creepy driver. Once they reach a big house, Sam is quickly separated from Lloyd - can he figure out a way to escape alive?
|author=David Gatward
|title=The Dark (The Dead 2)
|summary=We pick up exactly where we left off in this second book in David Gatward's The Dead series. Lazarus Stone has been killed (twice), resurrected (twice), been to the world of the Dead (don't ask), become a Keeper (dangerous job), got himself a personal guardian angel (Arielle, alcoholic), a Dead guide (Red, whose skin's fallen off), and has gone some way to locating his father (prisoner of the Dark and seriously not having a good time of it). Along with best mate Craig and ex-possessed nurse Clair, Lazarus has a mission.
|author=Ally Condie
|summary=When the Society Matches Cassia to her best friend Xander, she couldn't be more thrilled. Unlike the other girls, she knows her Match – doesn't need to read his details, go through the motions of dating as dictated by the Society, doesn't need to worry they won't get along.
|author=Jessica Verday
|title=The Hollow: The Haunted
|summary=In [[The Hollow by Jessica Verday|The Hollow]], Abbey tried to cope with the
disappearance of her best friend and her feelings for new boyfriend Caspian - only to find herself losing her grip on sanity when she discovered Caspian was dead, a Shade, rather than another real person. After a summer away from Sleepy Hollow, she returns, trying to concentrate on making perfumes and getting science tuition from nice cute Ben - but then Caspian reappears. Will the two find true love? Why are there so many other weird strangers around Sleepy Hollow who Abbey keeps meeting? What exactly DID happen to Kristen? Where do Katrina Van Tassel and Nikolas, the famous Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow, fit into all this? And does anyone who missed the first book have any hope of following what's going on?
|author=Simone Elkeles
|title=Rules of Attraction
Carlos Fuentes isn't interested in living in America with his over-protective brother Alex, but his mother sends him there for his senior year of high school to try and keep him out of trouble. Kiara Westford is happy to help a new guy settle in - at least until the shy stutterer actually meets the bad boy. Despite their initial dislike of each other, they're thrown together when Carlos has drugs
planted on him and her well respected father takes him in to stop him being sent back to Mexico. Will these two headstrong youngsters find love?
|author=Sarah Silverwood
|title=The Nowhere Chronicles: The Double-Edged Sword
|summary=When Fin's guardian, Judge Harlequin Brown is murdered, life as he knows it becomes a whole lot more exciting and dangerous. In the course of one life-changing day, he learns that there is a pathway between his London in 'Somewhere', and an alternate London of a parallel world called 'Nowhere', and that the fates of both worlds are now under threat from a group of rogue Knights, who have the ability to travel between these worlds using their double edged swords.
|author=Elizabeth Chandler
|title=Dark Secrets 3: The Back Door of Midnight
|summary=Like the first four novellas in the Dark Secrets series - previously released in two 'bind-up' editions - this story features a teenage girl returning to Wisteria, Maryland and trying to find closure on past events. In this case, Anna is summoned there by a letter from her uncle asking her to return to the place where her mother died so that he can tell her something important about their family, but by the time she returns her uncle is dead, his body found in the boot of a burnt out car. Her aunt seems crazy, and her first instinct is to get out as quickly as possible, but instead she's drawn into the mystery along with her cute neighbour Zack. The O'Neill women have always been said to be psychic, and Anna starts getting her own flashes which may draw her towards a solution - but also further into danger.


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