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|author=Mick Inkpen
|title=Rollo and Ruff and the Little Fluffy Bird
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Somebody has been chewing Rollo's mat...and somebody has taken Rollo's little red ball...and somebody has been leaving wet footprints all over the floor. But who could it be? Mick Inkpen's latest book introduces us to three new characters: Rollo the cat, LFB (as she's referred to in the book, standing for little fluffy bird) and Ruff the rat.
|author=Robert Dinsdale
|summary=Sabina Kane is on a mission. Her evil grandmother Lavinia, Alpha Domina of the whole vampire race, has kidnapped her twin sister from beneath Sabina's nose, and Sabina isn't about to let her get away with it. Not this time. Sabina knows time is short if she's to rescue Maisie alive and put an end to Lavinia once and for all, but before she can storm in and kick ass, she has to find her. And that's no easy task.
|author=Helen Bailey
|title=Running in Heels
|summary=You'd like Daisy Davenport. Her father might be rich but she's a lot nicer than most fourteen year old girls. She's perhaps a little too attached to the good things in life, such as her mother's Louboutins and her own cracked silver Mulberry bag, but as she's always had that sort of lifestyle it's easy to understand why she sees nothing wrong in them. And besides everyone else at her private school has the same sort of lifestyle: some girls don't even look the side you're on unless you have a swimming pool at home.
|author=Kieran McMullen
|title=Watson's Afghan Adventure
|genre=Historical Fiction
|summary=In truth, I could write this review in two words = (oh dear) and be done with it. But I'd better be fair and put some meat on those bones. Where to start... With its dark, almost apocalyptic front cover this book looks very much like a 'man's' book. That's fine but is this what McMullen wants? Is he happy to discard some or even perhaps most of the female reading population in one fell swoop? It appears so. Now I know that this is a historical yarn but even so, given the current situation in Afghanistan with British and American Troops, the word 'adventure' in the title doesn't sit easily with me. If I saw this book on a bookstore shelf, I would feel a little uncomfortable. Not a good start ... and it's generally downhill from here, I'm afraid.
|author=Lisa Moore
|genre=Literary Fiction
|summary=When the phone rings in the middle of the night, Helen thinks it must be bad news again. Nearly 27 years ago her oil rig worker husband died at sea on 14 February 1982 (Valentine's Day), leaving her with three children and a fourth on the way. This time, no one has died – her son John is travelling round the world but a woman he had a brief fling with is pregnant with his baby. He was phoning from Singapore. What should he do?
|author=Garth Nix and Sean Williams
|summary=Jack and Jaide Shield, twins, are living perfectly normal lives until a brief visit from their elusive father sparks an unexplainable, chaotic, reality-bending storm that destroys their home and introduces them to the mysterious world of the Wardens, a group gifted with diverse powers, and their perpetual struggle against a force known only as The Evil. As young Wardens, or Troubletwisters, just growing into their Gifts, the pair struggle to make sense of the chaos that surrounds them and discover the true nature of their heritage.
|author=John Trevillian
|title=The A-Men
|genre=Science Fiction
|summary=In this future, man has developed the technology to live in space. With the Earth's resources all but depleted and swathes of civil unrest, space stations become desirable real estate. If you've got enough money, you live offworld. Most of the civil institutions have decamped, too, including all the people with influence and power. This leaves Earth a lawless pace, full of poverty and dominated by violent gangs. Turf wars abound and life on the planet is nasty, brutish, and often very short.
|author=M J Trow
|title=Maxwell's Island
|summary=Maxwell had never been intending to go to the Isle of Wight but when his colleague went sick at the last moment he volunteered to take her place on the school trip. His wife, Jacquie wasn't entirely convinced that this lived up to the family holiday they'd been planning, but she went along too. There were quite a few adults, as there have to be nowadays, including Medlicott, the new head of art, and his wife. Jacquie feels that it's even less of a holiday for her when Medlicott's wife goes missing and she's forced to be the policewoman she'd hoped to leave at home.
|author=Adam Blade
|title=The Chronicles of Avantia: Call to War
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Our three heroes and their magical giant beasts are still trying to snatch the quarters of an ancient, power-giving mask from the clutches of their realm's enemy. They're not doing too well in the chase, for he has two of the bits, and even his assistant they thought dead at the end of [[First Hero (The Chronicles Of Avantia) by Adam Blade|book one]] is still around. Can they have any luck this third time of asking, even when their country is being ravaged, turning once-helpful villagers against their quest, and their enemies are getting stronger by the battle?
|author=John Ashdown-Hill
|title=The Last Days of Richard III
|summary=The controversy surrounding King Richard III has meant that there have been far more biographies about him than on any other pre-Tudor monarch, some extremely partisan in exonerating him of the crimes laid at his door, some (a minority, it seems) more than keen to endorse the Shakespearean portrait of a fiend in human shape, and others steering a middle course.
|author=Helen Rappaport
|title=Ekaterinburg: The Last Days of the Romanovs
|summary=The city of Ekaterinburg was once regarded as imperial Russia's gateway to the east. In 1918 it became symbolic with one of the most savage executions, or might one say liquidations, ever recorded in history – the cold-blooded annihilation of the former Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra, their children, the last remaining servants who had stayed with them in captivity, and their pet dogs.
|author=Tim Weaver
|title=The Dead Tracks
|summary=At over 500 pages this book covers a lot of ground. I immediately took to Weaver's style. Plain, not showy or over-flowery, just sensible words telling a story. Conversational almost, as if he were telling it over the breakfast table, so that even as early as page one, I knew that I was in for a decent read. PI David Raker has a troubled past and a rather sad personal life so he puts 110% into his work - and then some, in order to try and dull his own pain. But does this strategy work? He's not unattractive to women but you can just tell he's not all that interested. A microwaved dinner for one is the order of the day and anyway, the unsocial hours that his job warrant don't make for an active social life. I liked him straight away and no, I didn't feel the need to feel sorry for him.