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|summary=Meet Modesty Blaise. You've had countless opportunities to meet her before, mind - she was daily in the London Evening Standard from 1963 to 2001, and this is the eighteenth collection of her comic strip. She's a feisty, unfettered femme fatale with a bottomless fortune and a great supply of both friends and enemies. We see these combine here in four stories, when an enterprising gang of murderous blackmailers force Modesty to become their enemy, an old friend's name is used to dupe her into letting go her criminal secrets from her past, and when a new-found friend, fresh from saving her life in a gliding accident, comes up against some hoodlums.
|author=Joshua Dysart, Cliff Chiang and Dave Stewart
|title=Neil Young's Greendale
|genre=Graphic Novels
|summary=It's 2003. Alaska is about to get raped, and Iraqis killed, for the sake of providing power for the USA. Which is ironic, as only before this is Sun Green a powerless young woman, and after it - well, she might have a very different kind of power. A mystical sort of girl, with a great affinity to nature, the teenaged Sun has to first solve many blank spaces in her family tree, and work out her nightmares - which might include the strange man new to town.
|author=Garen Ewing
|title=The Rainbow Orchid: Adventures of Julius Chancer 2
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Oh to be popular - and the rainbow orchid certainly is. If, in fact, it exists at all. A collecting challenge for rare plants might hinge on its recovery, imperial British explorers would like to know the truth about it - and its presence on some mysterious ancient carved tablets hints at some mystical part it may once have played in a superweapon. Hence, where this book starts, everyone - from a film starlet, to a dashing explorer's assistant, to a plucky aviator, to an evil henchwoman of an overweight industrialist - is after it.
|author=Jane Austen, Seth Grahame-Smith and Tony Lee
|title=Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: The Graphic Novel
|genre=Graphic Novels
|summary=It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie story of any renown will not remain simply a zombie story. Before you can say ''the risen undead'' it will become a series of books, inspiring others, and/or lead to the same story being published in many different guises. Here, then, on its way to Hollywood, is Jane Austen’s story of Lizzie Bennet, the feisty young woman trying to ignore Mr Darcy while fighting off the ''manky unmentionables'' – at least she is until the hidden truths open up to her, just as the soft soils of Hertfordshire do to yield their once-human remains. And this time it’s in graphic novel form.
|author=Mark Millar and John Romita Jr
|genre=Graphic Novels
|summary=Meet Dave. The average Joe personified, he sits at home with his internet connection, his comics collection, his dad, and very little contact with anyone else. He is a typical loner teenager, nearly friendless, wears glasses at school - especially around the hot, mature biology teacher who for some reason seems to have maths sums on her blackboard... Until one day he decides to emulate the comics in his collection. The only superheroes in his world are those whose colourful adventures he follows on the page - why not get his own costume mucked up, and go and fight crime?
|author=Phoebe Reeves Murray
|title=Ghost: Blood and Fire
|summary=Young Jennifer Rhys has been orphaned by the evil
Dark Angels. They can possess people and bite off their hands, and
there's something about living tattoos which you can take out of boxes
and paste into your skin. After growing up in an adolescent
psychiatric ward, she will grow up to go on and confront them and
fulfil her destiny. Or something like that. Between the huge amount of
poorly drawn characters, the leaden prose, and the disappointing
pictures of computerized 3-D models, I got lost a few times and
couldn't summon the interest to work out what was going on.
|author=Will Eisner
|title=Life on Another Planet
|genre=Graphic Novels
|summary=There are some people who don't even need their name on their books, for the contents are so obviously and uniquely theirs. Will Eisner is one such person, for the esteem and renown his artwork and pioneering work in the graphic novel form is held under is rightfully his and his alone. I'm quite sure I could recognise a page of his black and white inkwork, and his easily drawn but realistic characters, more easily than any other sequential artist. That trademark signature on the cover, surely the most well-known in 'comic strips' outside Mr Disney's empire, is hardly necessary.
|author= Ian Rankin and Werther Dell'Edera
|title=Dark Entries
|genre=Graphic Novels
|summary=The producers of Dark Entries, the latest hit reality TV show, are worried. Yes the six housemates are there, present and correct, and are ready to be scared witless en route to the one way out, and the brilliant prize that might await them somewhere in the merry-go-round of horror that is their new home. They are already being scared witless, by phantoms - but that's nothing to do with the TV producers.
|author=Dean Hale, Shannon Hale and Nathan Hale
|title=Calamity Jack
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=''I was born to scheme'', declares our hero Jack. With flashbacks we see the young lad and a pixie friend, larking about for revenge or small profit. But when his mother's bakery gets more and more into the red, the size of the profit has to increase. And when you add in revenge against the local crime lord - a giant of a man - so does the size of the target of the jape.
|author=Robert Crumb
|title=Robert Crumb's Book of Genesis: All 50 Chapters
|genre=Graphic Novels
|summary=In the beginning was the picture. Just think of all the countless religious images, both inside and outside religious establishments, designed to convey the message to those who could not read. Art and religion have always been linked, which is probably one of the main reasons I stayed an atheist - I hated art at school, and drawing a man on a donkey, something way beyond my skills, was not a task I appreciated, hence my dislike of both subjects.
|author=Guy Delisle
|title=Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea
|genre=Graphic Novels
|summary=Meet Guy. He's a French-Canadian animator, leaving home for a short stay in the capital of one of the world's most intriguing, unknown and alien cultures - Pyongyang, North Korea - so he can work on a TV cartoon co-production. Forced to stay in one of the three official hotels designed for foreigners, so that the locals and people such as he do not have to mix, he see glimpses of the unique socialist dictatorship, stunning views of the buildings forced through the poverty, and thousands of unreadable faces.

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