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The illustrations are funny and cartoon-ish, as is Melling's usual style. I find Douglas to be very charming, and the sheep he is friends with are very sweet too. I thought that rabbit lacked a little expression on his face, but then he has a fabulous carroty umbrella to make up for it. We liked looking at what the sheep are getting up to on each page, and the scene towards the end of Mum and Dad bear having tea always makes us hungry.
The best page, in my four -year -old's opinion, is after the story has ended, and it shows the sheep all wearing a variety of different hats - everything from a banana hat, a wig hat through to the giggle-inducing potty hat and the I don't like peas hat! We've spent a lot of time looking at that last page! The whole book works very well, being both funny and silly and yet, also, charming and relevant to small children. Definitely recommended.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to The Bookbag.
Further reading suggestion: If you enjoy this you also might like to read about Douglas' [[Hugless Douglas by David Melling|quest to find a hug]], or you could have some fun with [[D is for Duck by David Melling|Duck]].