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The themes of the novel, guilt and family, secrets and love, are handled really well. I don't want to spoil the book for anyone, but the familial relationships in the story I found were incredibly moving towards the end. It's a story about loss and saying goodbye, but it's also a story about finding the truth and finding love. I was surprised by how emotionally uplifting the story ultimately was and it certainly redeemed Dawn French as a writer for me. I didn't laugh out loud, but I did snigger a few times and there are some funny moments but really, don't read this expecting a comedy sketch, it's a great story just as it is and next time I won't hesitate in picking up one of her books.
If you're interested in finding out more about Dawn herself then try [[Dear Fatty by Dawn French|Dear Fatty]]. If you're looking for more fiction then you might enjoy [[To The Edge of Shadows by Joanne Graham]]. We can also recommend [[The Last Thing I Remember by Deborah Bee]].