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This is the list of review copies which are currently available to reviewers from The Bookbag. If you click on the image you will get full details of the book from Amazon. Books should be read and reviewed within a fortnight, but in practice we allow three weeks from the date the book is posted. Please don't ask for a book unless you are reasonably certain that you can send a review within that time scale. If you are in any doubt outline the circumstances in an email and we'll decide whether or not there is time available to send the book.

If you're looking for the review submission form, please email me and I'll send it as an attachment.

Please let me have details of the books (including the title and the author's name) which you feel you would enjoy and would like to review, in order of preference. The quicker the response, the more likely you are to get your first choice!

Books are sorted alphabetically by author

If you're looking for children's picture books for review, you'll find them HERE.

If the links to Amazon are loading slowly you'll find a list of the books we have available above each shelf - with a link to Amazon, where you can find more details.

Non Fiction Shelf

The Man Who Ate the Zoo by Richard Girling
Berlin in the Cold War by Allan Hailstone
Spitfire Stories by Jacky Hyams
Home and Away by Karl Ove Knausgaard
The who's Who of British Crime by Jim Morris
A Chill in the Air by Iris Origo
Birth of a Dream Weaver by Ngugi wa Thiong'o

Fiction Shelf

Malice of Crows by Lila Bowen
Places in the Darness by Chris Brookmyre
The Fall of Dragons by Miles Cameron
Water and Glass by Abi Curtis
Shadowborn by David Dalglish
Christmas at Mistletoe Cottage by Lucy Daniels
Dark Pines by Will Dean
The Start of Something by Stuart Dybek
Foreign Bodies edited by Martin Edwards
Finding Maria by Dawn Farnham
Auntie Poldi and the Fruits of the Lord by Mario Giodano
When Time Runs Out by Elina Hirvonen
The silent Girl by Hjorth & Rosenfeldt
Fair of Face by Christina James
Coming Home to Island House by Erica James
Forever After by David Jester
The soldier's Curse by Meg and Tom Keneally
The Hanged Man by Simon Kernick
Jade City by Fonda Lee
Rocco and Nightingale by Adrian Magson
Kintu by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi
Line of Fire by Andy McNab
Fire on the Mountain by Jean McNeil
Name of the Dog by Elmer Mendoza The People vs Alex Cross by James Patterson
Somebody at the Door by Raymond Postgate
The Missing Girl by Jenny Quintana
White Bodies by Jane Robins
Edge of Darkness by Karen Rose
Winds of the Night by Joan Sales
Infinite Stars by Bryan Thomas Schmidt
The Invisible Crowd by Ellen Wiles
Consequence by Eli Yance

Children and Young Adult's Shelf

If you're looking for children's picture book for review, you'll find them HERE. New books added on 17 October

If you want early readers, please feel free to ask for several.

Zenith by Alsberg and Cummings
Rising Stars by Awolola et al
Diego and the Rangers of the Vastlantic by Armand Baltazar
Out of the Blue by Sophie Cameron
Discovering Dinosaurs by Charlene Carpenter
The Hippo at the End of the Hall by Helen Cooper
Night Zookeeper: The Giraffes of Whispering Wood by Joshua Davidson
The Greatest Magician in the World by Matt Edmondson
The Thunderbolt Pony by Stacy Gregg
Into the White by Joanna Grochowicz
I am Thunder Muhammad Khan
Begone the Raggedy Witches by Celine Kiernan
The Poo that Animals Do by Mason and de Saulles
Flying Tips for Flightless Birds by Kelly McCaughrain
Renegades by Marissa Meyer
Christmas Dinner of Souls by Montgomery and Litchfield
Mike by Andrew Norris
Moone Boy: The Notion Potion by O'Dowd and Murphy
Teddy Robinson Meets Father Christmas by Joan G Robinson
The Elephant in the Room by Moone Boy: The Notion Potion
Bee Boy: Clash of the Killer Queens by Tony de Saulles
Ballad for a Mad Girl by Vikki Wakefield
Star by Star by Sheena Wilkinson