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The Bookbag

Hello from The Bookbag, a book review site, featuring books from all the many walks of literary life - fiction, biography, crime, cookery and anything else that takes our fancy. At Bookbag Towers the bookbag sits at the side of the desk. It's the bag we take to the library and the bookshop. Sometimes it holds the latest releases, but at other times there'll be old favourites, books for the children, books for the home. They're sometimes our own books or books from the local library. They're often books sent to us by publishers and we promise to tell you exactly what we think about them. You might not want to read through a full review, so we'll give you a quick review which summarises what we felt about the book and tells you whether or not we think you should buy or borrow it. There are also lots of author interviews, and all sorts of top tens - all of which you can find on our features page. If you're stuck for something to read, check out the recommendations page. We can even direct you to help for custom book reviews!

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The A-Z of Victorian Crime by Neil R A Bell, Trevor N Bond, Kate Clarke and M W Oldridge

  True Crime

Victorian crime has never ceased to cast its spell. Is it because such terrible goings-on took place sufficiently long ago that they do not disgust us in the same way as equally dreadful events from, say, the last few days of which we read from today's papers or online coverage? Whatever the reason, there is an endless fascination with murders and other major transgressions of the law from the era of gas lamps and swirling fog – true Victorian melodrama, misbehaviour and horror from real life writ large. It is amply catered for in this title, the joint work of four authors. Full review...

The Return by Dulce Maria Cardoso

  Historical Fiction

I often claim to know most of my history from reading story books (a.k.a. novels). Sometimes, however, you need to know the history before you have a context in which to sit the story. Portugal is one of those countries about which I know quite literally nothing, and in 1975 I was about twelve years old – old enough to register that there was a war going on in somewhere called Angola, but back then, there were wars going on all over the place. Western European empires around the world were in their death throes. Some went more peacefully than others, albeit none of them trailing much glory in their wake. Full review...

Holy Sh*t: A brief history of swearing by Melissa Mohr


Holy Sh*t as the name suggests looks at both swearing, in Biblical terms, to swearing, also usually in Biblical terms but with rather more emphasis on the act, rather than the deity. This book takes the reader on a journey from the Old Testament, when swearing your allegiance to the one true God was a prerequisite for staying alive, to the Middle Ages where swearing on the same God was punishable by rather grisly death. That takes care of the Holy, now onto the part you are really interested in, the Sh*t. Full review...

The Beauty of Her Age: A Tale of Sex, Scandal and Money in Victorian England by Jenifer Roberts


The name of Yolande Stephens (nee Duvernay) is not that well-known in the annals of Victorian England, but behind it lies an enthralling rags-to-riches saga. How did a young girl born into poverty in Paris become one of the most celebrated ballerinas of her time in England, and after that one of the richest women in the country, with a fortune on her death which rivalled that of Queen Victoria? Full review...

Owl Song at Dawn by Emma Claire Sweeney

  General Fiction

Maeve Maloney runs the Sea View Lodge guest house that her parents ran before her. The house has harboured many memories for Maeve over the past 80-years-plus, most of which she's managed to keep at bay. However, her suppression is endangered when Vincent comes to call. Far from being an ordinary guest, Vincent is a link to that past Maeve thought she'd outrun but now has to relive. Add that to trying to teach Steph and Len to fib effectively and life becomes very difficult indeed. Full review...

Sing to Silent Stones: Violet's War (Sing to Silent Stones 1) by David Snell

  Historical Fiction

Although born to Victorian parents, Violet is a modern Edwardian young woman. She believes in women's suffrage and the right to fall in love with whomever she chooses. Her choice is Frank Balfour, one of her father's employees which is not without its problems. Encouragingly for some people around Violet, as war darkens the nation's mood, Frank goes to do his bit. This leaves Violet with more than memories of their fond farewell; Frank leaves her a son. What follows feels like the end of her life to Violet but it's just the beginning of adventures that will take her to war too; behind enemy lines to witness dark days and amazing bravery. Full review...

REMADE (Remade 1) by Alex Scarrow


It started as one of those news stories no one really paid too much attention to, just another virus infection in a faraway country. But as knowledge of the pathogen and its capabilities spreads, the medics, biologists, epidemiologists are the first to realise that the world is staring at an extinction level event. With no species barrier and seemingly limitless transmission capability, the virus is utterly unstoppable, mercilessly liquidizing its victims, leaving just bare bones and tufts of hair as a reminder of what once was. Leon was never cut out to be a hero, but fortuitous circumstances find him somehow among a small group who manage to escape the initial purge. However, as Leon tries desperately to look after his injured younger sister, Grace, he soon comes to realise that the ever-looming threat of the virus is far from the only danger in this post-apocalyptic world. Full review...

50 Things You Should Know About Space by Raman Prinja

  Children's Non-Fiction

Space is a cold and desolate place, but learning about it does not need to be. Nothing else quite captures the immensity that is Space – all the stars and planets out there that could contain alien life. How can you capture this majesty and put it onto a page so that you inspire the youth of today to be the astronauts and astronomers of tomorrow? A series of dry fact is perhaps not the best option, unless they happen to be a very specific type of child. Full review...

The Death of Robin Hood by Angus Donald

  Historical Fiction

War rages across the land. In the wake of Magna Carta, King John's treachery is revealed and the barons rise against him once more. Fighting with them is the Earl of Locksley - the former outlaw Robin Hood, and his right hand man Sir Alan Dale. When the French enter the fray, Robin and Alan must decide where their loyalties lie - with the king or their land. Death may wait for us all, but can Robin Hood pull off his greatest ever trick and cheat the Grim Reaper one last time just as England needs him most? Full review...

Eden Summer by Liz Flanagan


Best friends for longer than they can remember, Jess and Eden have always been there for each other, through the good and the bad, though there's been a lot more of the latter over the last year. They've needed each other for support more than ever. But now, Eden is missing. The police are on the case, but Jess is wracked with worry. Overwhelmed by grief, Eden hasn't been herself all summer, her behaviour erratic and often veering towards the dangerous. Desperate to find Eden, Jess takes the search into her own hands. As she makes her way through the West Yorkshire countryside, she finds herself retracing the summer she and Eden spent together, digging up buried memories and secrets in the hope that they might yield some insight into where her friend might be. Full review...

Rose in the Blitz by Rebecca Stevens


Rose's father died a while back. She still misses him, even though life goes on and her mother is remarrying tomorrow. Rose knows deep down that Sal is a nice guy but, but, but... a wedding? It's sent her into a spin. Sal doesn't smell right. His woolly jumpers are embarrassing. His beard is weird. Rose isn't looking forward to the wedding. Full review...

Captain Firebeard's School for Pirates by Chas Strathie and Anna Chernyshova

  Confident Readers

How do you become a pirate? I'm guessing you just fall into the job – after all, with only so many waterways and so much treasure to go round, you'd never have one pirate teaching another all he knows, would you? Well, in the world of this book you would – for the most peculiar-looking pirate ship is the Rusty Barnacle, and it is, as you'd guess, where Captain Firebeard teaches his pupils in the language and history of pirates. But have innocent Tommy, nervous Milton and gung-ho tomboy Jo bitten off more than they can chew? Or can their plans to surprise their teachers actually bring home the loot? Full review...

This is Not a Science Book: A Smart Art Activity Book by Clive Gifford

  Children's Non-Fiction

This is Not a Science Book explores the often-overlooked link between science and creativity. This interactive book encourages readers to get cutting, glueing, twisting, colouring and shading in order to create a variety of at-home experiments that are as entertaining as they are educational. The activities are also perfect for a rainy day; making this book a welcome resource during the long (and often wet) school holidays. Full review...

Animal Babies by Laura Barwick

  Confident Readers

Let's face it: with a fluffy lion cub on the cover, inviting readers to take a peek inside, only the most hard-hearted of individuals could resist the temptation to pick up Animal Babies to explore the further delights within its pages. Once hooked, the reader is rewarded with a visual feast of adorable baby creatures, each page seemingly cuter than the last. Full review...

Dear Charlie by N D Gomes


I can't fathom a bigger emotional mess for someone to have left behind. I wonder if you know that this would happen. I wonder if you thought about anything at all before you walked into that assembly hall at 8:22 am on the last day of school. N.D Gomes has written an exceptional novel on a controversial and relevant subject today with gun laws in question across the world. Dear Charlie is set in England in 1996, the same year in which Scotland was devastated by the Dunblame school massacre, and analyses life after an 18-year-old Charlie, student at Pembrook Academy, shoots and kills 14 people before turning the gun on himself. The novel is narrated by Sam, Charlie's younger brother, who at 16 has to pick up the pieces after the shocking event. The novel depicts how Charlie's family come to terms with his loss, how they're treated by the community, as well as the constant pressure on their lives by the media. Forced to move to a new school, Sam tries to make a new start and leave the past behind, but Charlie is never far from his thoughts. Full review...

Let's Sing and Play by Emily Bolam

  Children's Rhymes and Verse

Monkeys are vocal animals and if you walk through the jungle you may hear them scream. Perhaps they have just slid down an elephant's trunk or maybe they are just attempting to sing? Having a child means that you will start to hear the same rhymes over and over again, so if it takes a few cheeky monkeys to teach us a few new ones, I am happy with that. Just don't let them jump on top of my car at the Safari Park. Full review...

Driving Mad: Maniacs, Morons and the Advanced Motorist's Club by Graham Fulbright


I passed my driving test when John F Kennedy was in the White House and I've recently had to reapply for my driving licence having achieved a venerable age. When I started driving the roads were kinder, more forgiving places - or put another way, the idiots were fewer and further between. I don't know how long Graham Fulbright has been driving, but he certainly knows his motoring morons and in Driving Mad he brings us a fictional sample of their eccentricities. Well, I'm pretty certain that they're fictional - but these days you never know... Full review...

To the Bright Edge of the World by Eowyn Ivey

  General Fiction

If you're going to go pioneering across unexplored lands, at least be prepared to accept what you seek – namely, what you've never seen before. That lesson seems quite obvious, but back in the time of 1885 Allen Forrester is a little too naïve to heed it. A career soldier, he is tasked with scouring the potential of the Wolverine River that threads south to the shores of Alaska, even though the Russians (who of course used to own the Territory) have had all manner of lethal encounters with those already living there, and even though a major stretch of the river has to be traversed in winter when entirely frozen over, as the cliffs either side are too impenetrable. Allen leaves a much younger, new bride behind – and right from the get-go his journals force him to pen words about strange happenings, strange encounters and things of legend coming to life. Like I say, what he's never seen before… Full review...

Animal Magic by Phil Allcock and Gina Maldonado

  Children's Rhymes and Verse

Having read many children's books in recent years I have come to know the concept of nonsense rhymes. I don't mean silly adventures that happen to be written in rhyming couplets; I mean bad rhymes. The best books for sharing should have fluidity to them, the story simply rolls off the tongue as you turn the pages. Too many times I have read a book in which the rhymes just don't scan and you end up tripping over your words. So as this book is part of the Nonsense Animal Rhymes series, does the nonsense come from the story being daft, or because the rhymes are nonsensical? Full review...

The Arty Book by Nikalas Catlow and David Sinden

  Children's Non-Fiction

Arty is your creative friend. He is the star of this art activity book from Nikalas Catlow and David Sinden. He's a bit brusque on the first page. This is Arty announces a big, black arrow. And Arty commands, Colour me in. Who could resist? Because Arty is a winsome little figure with nutty, curly hair and great big red glasses. On the cover, those red glasses spell book and they look unruly and exciting, don't you think? Full review...

The First First Gentleman by Gerald Weaver

  General Fiction

Anyone picking up The First First Gentleman might be forgiven for snorting with laughter and making a sarcastic comment about how timely and potentially satirical it sounds. In a way they’d be right – but probably for different reasons. Full review...

Bicycling to the Moon by Timo Parvela

  For Sharing

Bicycling to the Moon is a series of short stories which all centre around two main characters: Purdy the cat and Dexter the dog who live together in a sky-blue house on the top of a hill. Purdy is a somewhat selfish cat who demonstrates rather impulsive behaviour and is always rushing around, whereas Baxter is much more refined, thoughtful and is careful to make the right choices. Each story works as an individual tale which could be read out of order; however there is a seasonal progression to the order of the book. Full review...

Boris Babysits by Sam Lloyd

  For Sharing

Leaving your child with someone for the first time is a daunting task for any new parent. You want to pick someone for this task that you can trust; a sensible person who has some experience looking after a baby. Perhaps a parent, sibling or a good friend? The person that you are unlikely to pick is Boris. Not only is he irresponsible, he also happens to be a monster. Full review...

The Originals: The Secret History of the Birth of the SAS by Gordon Stevens


The SAS is a regiment shrouded in secrecy. Since its spectacular rise to fame during the Iranian Embassy siege in 1978, it has become a part of myth and folklore. The paradox is that more words have probably been written about this organisation than any other military unit in the world. Some are well researched, and have a genuine historical perspective on the regiments operations and activities. Others are pure fantasy, which add little, other than further the mystique of a regiment that lives in the shadows. The Originals provides a fresh perspective. It tells the story of the birth of the SAS, by the people who were there. In a series of long forgotten interviews, the regiment is brought to life with fresh insight and wonderful anecdotes. Full review...

Dogs on Instagram by @dogsofinstagram


I'm a sucker for dogs: I can't walk past one in the street without stopping and having a conversation, sometimes without bothering to speak to the owners, so a book of pictures of dogs was going to be right up my street. The wildly popular @dogs_of_instagram, run by Ahmed El Shourbagy and his wife Ashley and launched just four years ago gives us this book of over four hundred photographs of dogs. Originally I had no intention of reviewing it: in fact I wasn't even intending to read the book, just to have a quick flick through, but within five minutes I was showing other people in the office the picture of the Weimaraner riding a bicycle. Full review...

Wild Life by Liam Brown

  General Fiction

Adam Britman goes from a man with it all to homeless in the sniff of a line. While looking for somewhere to sleep Adam comes across an alternative community in the local park. They've come together and created structure (including an unofficial allotment) out of the disorder that's normally equated with living on the streets. It seems perfect so Adam joins them, but perfection can sometimes be an illusion. As for walking away… that's not going to be easy. Full review...