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Special Precautions for Girls Intending to Travel to Africa this Summer

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Travelling is a privilege that not many are privy to, especially when it comes to women. Although travelling is a magical experience, the reality is that women face challenges no matter where they go. All kinds of obstacles await women regardless of their age, race, sexual orientation or religion. But, do these obstacles mean that women should never take ‘risks’ and have adventures? No! However, what women can do to overcome any type of obstacle is by taking special precautions.

So, once you have set your heart to travelling to Africa, make sure that the most common obstacle is already taken care of: your menstrual cycle. You can easily avoid this problem with the help of period delay tablets.

When it comes to regions in Africa, each has a distinctive quality and experience to offer. The flourishing continent has a lot to offer – from beautiful sights, cultures, delicious foods, and more. Following are just some of the precautions you need to keep in mind:

Travelling to Africa: Special Precautions for Women & Girls

1. Walking Alone at Night

The most basic precaution that girls are taught at a very young age; is to not walk alone at night. This rule is applied regardless of which country or town you are in. However, it is not recommended to walk alone at night as a female traveller in Africa. Better be safe than sorry. It is better to utilise ride-hailing apps (if the option is available). Otherwise, you can ask the hostel staff to call you a taxi.

However, do not confuse this with ‘do not go outside at night.’ You can continue to socialise, dine out, party and stay out during the evening, but just make sure you are not alone and have your journey back to the hotel planned. Furthermore, keep your belongings close to you.

2. Researching Before Visiting

Every city in the world has bad and good areas. But, when you are simply a visitor, it can be tough to differentiate between the two, especially when you do not have enough information concerning the sites you want to visit. Although it is very unlikely that you will walk into a dangerous area, it is still better to be aware of the places you should avoid.

Moreover, you can ask the hotel management or staff regarding the area. Take their advice since they know the region better than anyone.

3. Halting Menstrual Cycle

While the course of nature is destined to occur, you can take a simple precaution to halt it till you are back home. Having your period in a foreign country is a horrible experience. You have to hunt down essentials, and the adventure requires to be toned down due to it. However, taking period delay tablets can solve this problem quickly and with ease.

4. Keeping Your Belongings Safe

An essential item you need to pack while travelling to Africa is a cross-body bag or a fanny pack for your cash and cell phone. It is unwise to keep your belongings out in public for anyone to see. Statistically, travelling women become victims to mugging and pick-pocketing far more than men. So, keep your items on your person and try not to flash your valuables.

Furthermore, make sure you have a backup for everything you consider essential. This is more of a ‘what if’ scenario, but it is always better to be prepared. Get a few backup cards and do not carry a ton of cash.

5. Getting Travel Insurance

This is a rule you should follow regardless of where you are going. In fact, getting travel insurance as a female traveller is an essential step of the journey. This can save you a lot of time, money and stress.

6. Packing Appropriately

It is obvious that it is necessary to pack essentials when you are travelling to Africa. However, there are a few things you need to include to ensure your trip goes smoothly. Such items include appropriate footwear, clothing suitable for cool and warm weather, and rainy weather attire. Of course, at the end of the day, what you need to pack depends on what region you will be staying in.

7. Shopping Locally

When travelling to different countries, it is wise to shop locally. Not only is that the more ethical option, but it supports the livelihood of the residents there. So, check out local bazaars and stalls instead of dropping money at big corporation stores with the same generic items as every other one. This way, you will see and purchase unique pieces and things that hold cultural and ethical significance.

This applies to eateries, too. Try to eat at local diners instead of high-end restaurants. Also, shopping locally saves you a lot of money, too. You can also opt to shop and eat at women-owned businesses.

7. Activities Concerning Animals

Do not take part in activities or experiences that concern animals. This is because most of them are highly unethical and feed into decades of animal abuse that stems from wanting to have an ‘exotic’ experience in a foreign country. Unfortunately, animal abuse is quite prevalent in Africa, but this does not mean you need to partake in the activities.

The Bottom Line

Africa is a stunning continent that has so many different sides to it. Therefore, it is quite ignorant to generalise the continent as one big stereotype. Just follow these precautions, be respectful of the people, and you will not regret travelling to Africa this summer!