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Category:David Canning

Revision as of 14:01, 31 August 2013 by Sue (talk | contribs)
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David Canning.JPG

After I left school I had a number of mind-numbing day jobs, while I foolishly put my energy into starting a career in music, playing trumpet and flugelhorn, and arranging music. But a lot of guys I regularly played alongside were more talented than me and even they couldn’t make a decent living at playing music.

So, resisting the temptation to become bitter and twisted before my time, I moved to Norwich and studied for a joint honours degree in Literature and Philosophy as an allegedly mature student at the University of East Anglia.

After leaving university I had a successful career in systems audit and project management in financial services, which remains mildly puzzling as I never have liked that industry very much. However, my bizarre sense of humour and a penchant for deploying deep sarcasm eventually caught up with me and I left the industry a few years ago. As well as writing, I now also teach Maths, English and Philosophy.

My wife and I still live in Norwich, with our children and our dogs, much preferring the pace of life in East Anglia and not looking forward very much to the improvements to the A11 which will mean people will be able to get here much too quickly.

I have many interests including cooking, history and walking. I also take great delight in watching my daughter play football, or riding (horses, that is), although these two things rarely seem to happen at the same time.

You might also like to have a look at my website.

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