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The Bookbag

Hello from The Bookbag, a book review site, featuring books from all the many walks of literary life - fiction, biography, crime, cookery and anything else that takes our fancy. At Bookbag Towers the bookbag sits at the side of the desk. It's the bag we take to the library and the bookshop. Sometimes it holds the latest releases, but at other times there'll be old favourites, books for the children, books for the home. They're sometimes our own books or books from the local library. They're often books sent to us by publishers and we promise to tell you exactly what we think about them. You might not want to read through a full review, so we'll give you a quick review which summarises what we felt about the book and tells you whether or not we think you should buy or borrow it. There are also lots of author interviews, and all sorts of top tens - all of which you can find on our features page. If you're stuck for something to read, check out the recommendations page.

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The Apple Tart of Hope by Sarah Moore Fitzgerald


Meg's parents think six months away in New Zealand is a great idea. Meg isn't convinced. A big part of the reason she doesn't want to go is Oscar. Oscar Dunleavey is Meg's best friend, the boy next door who makes perfect apple tarts. Full review...

Travelling Sprinkler by Nicholson Baker

  General Fiction

Meet Nicholson Baker. Now, I know I normally introduce a book with such a phrase, and every time before now I've used the name of the main character. But I feel such is the nature of Baker's books that he is the greatest character therein, and the one most important for the potential reader to understand, however close he may or may not be to his fictional creations. Baker is a very stylised author, intricately bound up in providing amusing evidence of the value of all the small things in our world. If anybody can rustle up thousands of words about those baby nubbins that are left when you split a sheet of paper across a ready-made perforation – you know the tiny scads that are left dangling outwards – it's Baker. His early books practically were a day spent in real-time, and by rights you'd think this book should not exist – surely he's covered the world already. But no – here is love, poetry, drone warfare, Debussy, and a view of dance music production as seen from the prospect of a 55-year old American male. Full review...

Jim's Lion by Russell Hoban and Alexis Deacon

  Confident Readers

You must find your finder for yourself. So says a nurse to Jim, who is lying in hospital, plagued by some unnamed disease and bad dreams. The finder in question will be an animal totem, a frequenter of a nice, safe and loved place in Jim's mind, that will be able to keep him optimistic, hopeful and perhaps even alive throughout the procedures to come. The title gives the name away as to what the lad sees approach him in his fantasies, but there is no clue there as to what we see approach us in the fantastic that follows. Full review...

Someday We'll Tell Each Other Everything by Daniela Krien

  General Fiction

Eastern Germany, and the country is in the limbo-land of time that lay between the end of the Communist state of the DDR and reunification. Teenager Maria is also in a limbo-land of a kind herself, living on a farm with the Brendels family, but not one of them. The matriarch still speaks to her in the third person for one, and while she does some of the house- and farm-work, and is in a relationship with the wannabe photographer son of the family, she knows she's not quite settled within those walls. Especially, as she is to learn, when there is a neighbour who can stir passionate emotions inside her… Full review...

The Murder of Harriet Krohn by Karin Fossum


It was early November and Charlo Torp, an obsessive gambler who was so deep in debt to the people he should not owe money to that he feared for his life, set out to solve his problems. An expensive bunch of flowers which needed a signature on delivery would get him into the house of Harriet Krohn - and a spot of burglary would net him enough to pay off his debts. All goes according to plan up to a point - but then it all goes wrong when Harriet Krohn fights back and Torp uses the butt of the revolver he brought to frighten her to bludgeon her about the head and she's found dead the following morning. The only clue for Inspector Konrad Sejer is the abandoned bunch of flowers. Full review...

Smart by Kim Slater


Kieran sees the world in a different way from most 14-year-old boys. He’s an artist, inspired by Lowry, and a boy with a strong sense of right and wrong. So when a homeless man called Colin is killed, and the police don’t seem interested, Kieran decides to investigate himself. Can he solve the mystery? Perhaps even more importantly, can he survive his home life with horrible stepfather Tony and stepbrother Ryan bullying him? Full review...

The Sword of Kuromori by Jason Rohan

  Confident Readers

Greek legends seems to have been done to death in YA and MG recently, there’s been a fair amount influenced by Norse mythology over the years, and Rick Riordan’s Kane Chronicles are probably the most popular of several books and series which have brought us stories based on that of Egypt. Japanese culture doesn’t seem to have played as big a part (although we’re huge fans of Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff and Kinslayer at The Bookbag) so it’s refreshing to see an adventure here featuring kappas, nure-onnas, and oni, amongst other fearsome creatures. Full review...

I Predict a Riot by Catherine Bruton


Aspiring film-maker Maggie lives on Coronation Road with her mum, a politician, but without her dad, who's left them. Tokes is another teen living without a father - new to the neighbourhood, he and his mother are trying not to be found by his dad. The pair meet and become friends, but fury is brewing in their town, and a young boy called Little Pea is about to unwittingly set things in motion that will lead to terrible events. Will Maggie and Tokes survive as the streets turn to violence? Full review...

Seven Second Delay by Tom Easton


In the future, the difference between West and East are greater than ever. Europe has evolved into the (British) Isles and the (E)U, linked by a bridge, and immigrants risk everything to pass from the third world of the latter to the first world of the former. Mila has made it across, but the danger is not over, and as she falls into the hands of the Agents, she realises the real price of freedom. Full review...

To Rise Again At A Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris

  General Fiction

An identity thief is wreaking havoc in the oddest of ways and forcing a dentist to confront his online presence. This is a book like no other you’ll know. Full review...

Never Any End to Paris by Enrique Vila-Matas

  Literary Fiction

There is never any end to Paris. The sentence pops up, hypnotic, through most of the book. At times ironic, thoughtful or questioning, it is a quote from Hemingway’s novel, A Moveable Feast, in which the American author looked back at his days in Paris, where he was ‘very poor and very happy.’ The narrator of Never Any End to Paris tells us that when he lived in Paris, he was ‘very poor and very unhappy.’ Full review...

Last Days of the Bus Club by Chris Stewart


I could well have been a near-neighbour of Chris Stewart. Not, of course, near his current primary occupancy, an ecological farmstead just beyond the turning off from the back end of nowhere in the most rural of corners of southern Spain, but back when he lived in the south-east of England, being Genesis' first ever drummer, and building bridges in the North Downs. The fact I learnt the latter from this book shows up several of the features of this warm-hearted 'travelogue' – the fact that Stewart is never shy about portraying family details and history – given a good map and a prevailing wind one could find where he lives and descend on the farm, if one wished; and that while this might be on the travel shelves, the narrative is so fragmented it actually moves a lot more than any of the characters do. Full review...

Code Red Lipstick by Sarah Sky


Jessica Cole is a schoolgirl model with an ex-spy for a father. When he mysteriously vanishes and MI6 are less than helpful, she's forced to use her talents for both modelling and spying to try and mount her own rescue mission. But the bad guys here have some really evil plans, and if Jessica's not able to stop them, she could find that she's not only lost her father, but she's missed the chance to save many more people. With danger seeming to lurk around every corner, she'll need not only all her resourcefulness but also help from her allies. If she can only work out who she can trust... Full review...

OMG! Is This Actually My Life? Hattie Moore's Unbelievable Year! by Rae Earl


Hattie Moore has got a nightmare family with an evil brother, a gran who’s a ‘total mental’, and a father who she knows nothing about. As well, she wants to be a total hotness goddess and take down rival Miss Gorgeous Knickers but there’s no boy interested in her (or is there?) Hattie’s diary tells the story of a year that could just change her life. As long as her stepfather doesn’t hate her too much for throwing up in his fish tank, that is… Full review...

Bob and Rob by Sue Pickford

  For Sharing

Rob is a burglar who is very, very bad. Bob is his dog, who is very, very good. Well, as good as a dog whose owner is a burglar can be... Full review...

Horrid Henry's Krazy Ketchup by Francesca Simon and Tony Ross

  Confident Readers

Horrid Henry’s Krazy Ketchup is the 23rd book in the ever popular series and has been released to coincide with the Horrid Henry 20 year anniversary celebrations. The book contains four stories: Horrid Henry’s Ketchup, Horrid Henry’s Chicken, the Revenge of the Bogey Babysitter and Horrid Henry Tells it Like it is. Full review...

The Remaining by D J Molles


When reading ‘The Remaining’ by I had a warm feeling inside, not due to the psychological terror in the book, but because it seems that I am not the only person who is prepared for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. No more an illustrious group than the US Army itself is prepared. In each of the mainland States of America a trained soldier is moved underground whenever a potential disaster is on the horizon. Captain Lee Harden has found himself in his bunker several times, but has always climbed out again a few days later, until now. Full review...

Horrid Henry by Francesca Simon and Tony Ross

  Confident Readers

I was talking to my son’s teacher recently and she was telling me about a class trip to the library. Apparently, as soon as the children got through the door, they all rushed, en-masse, to the Horrid Henry and Captain Underpants books. Squabbles ensued when there were not enough Horrid Henry books to meet demand. Full review...

The Flower Book by Catherine Law

  Historical Fiction

Violet’s flower book is her secret treasure; a way to glimpse inside her soul. So much more than a mere diary, Violet uses the secret language of flowers to convey her innermost thoughts and feelings. She takes inspiration from nature and uses it to tell a story across the pages of her private journal. A simple pressed gorse flower brings back warm memories of a carefree day at the cove with her best friend, a bold peony is a bitter reminder of an unwelcome suitor and a handful of poisonous tansy is the key to her biggest secret of all... Full review...

Shadow Girl by Sally Nicholls

  Dyslexia Friendly

One of the disadvantages of the foster care system is that some children get moved around rather a lot and usually it's not down to them. But because of this it's easy to see making friends as being a wasted effort and this was certainly Clare's opinion. By the age of fourteen she was at her third secondary school - and after being there for two months she hated it. Everyone else had been there for years and they all had friends: Clare had no one. A very bad day saw her being evicted from the school bus and then getting lost as she tried to find her way home. The good thing was that she met Maddy. Full review...

Fools' Gold by Philippa Gregory


Sent to Venice, the world's biggest marketplace, Luca Vero and his friends are given strange instructions - to make money for the church by trading and even gambling. It's the only way to expose a possible coin counterfeiting scheme, but it also opens them up to participating in Venice's famous Carnival, where romance and excitement are at a high. While Brother Peter is distressed by the thought of committing usury, Luca has other things on his mind - both his growing feelings for Isolde and the possibility of finally finding his father, who he'd given up for dead. But with dark forces at work, the five friends will need all of their willpower and ingenuity to survive in Venice. Full review...

Cantankerous King Colin by Phil Allcock and Steve Stone

  For Sharing

King Colin definitely got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. He’s being very crotchety and rude, but whenever anyone tells him off he ignores them. After all, a king can do what he wants. Full review...

Wanna Cook? The Complete, Unofficial Companion to Breaking Bad by Ensley F Guffey and K Dale Koontz


Cancer. Chemistry. Drugs. The DEA. Heisenberg. Mexico. Fried Chicken. Blood baths (and baths full of blood). Cartels. Criminal lawyers. Bacon birthday breakfasts. This is Breaking Bad, and the only question that remains is… Wanna Cook? Full review...

Hocus Pocus Diplodocus by Steve Howson and Kate Daubney

  For Sharing

Magic is a lot of fun, but did you ever think about how it started? Pre-David Blaine? Pre-Dynamo? Pre-Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee? You need to look much further back than the 80s to find the answer, you know, because the first magician was in the days of the dinosaurs. Meet Hocus Pocus Diplodocus. Full review...

Nine Words Max by Dan Bar-El and David Huyck

  For Sharing

Some children talk lots and some talk quite little. Some jabber away incessantly, while others prefer contemplative reflection. It’s the same the world over, and it’s true whoever you are, from an average Joe to a member of the Royal Family. Prince Max is a talker, full of fun, interesting facts and observations he’s keen to share with everyone around him. His brothers, on the other hand, are boys of fewer words, and don’t have much time for Max’s waffling on. Full review...

To Have and to Hold by Helen Chandler

  Women's Fiction

We're looking at a few months in the lives of three women. On the face of it Ella has it all. She's got a happy marriage and two gorgeous children along with a home in the village-y part of Walthamstow. But she wants something more - and her husband doesn't agree that another child is the answer. Her friend Imogen and partner Pete used to have a fun relationship but after the birth of Indigo things changed, with Imogen needing to focus on the baby and Pete becoming more distant and less involved. Then there's Phoebe. She's just fifteen years old and bullied at school: she's that unfortunate girl in the class who is overweight and under cool. She and her mother simply don't get on - Liz is a model and a size eight - but she's close to her father, but round about the time of her GCSEs her parents split up and that closeness was lost. Full review...

Diary Of Dorkius Maximus In Pompeii by Tim Collins

  Confident Readers

Dorkius has moved to Pompeii for the summer. Yes, the heady highlights of Rome are far behind as he and his family have gone south, to what looks and smells like a guffy little backwater, while dad is involved in some tax negotiations. Oh, and the sacred chickens are now sleeping with Dorkius in his room, making his time in the town full of idiots even less welcome. But still – surely foolish people left, right and centre are not a problem, when you consider the angry mountain demon up yonder on Vesuvius… Full review...

My Heart is Laughing by Rose Lagercrantz and Eva Eriksson

  Confident Readers

Meet Dani. On the whole she's happy, and when she's not she tries to be. She would be happier if her best friend hadn't moved to another town, leaving her empty seat on their joint desk at primary school, but you can’t have everything. But Dani also has smaller-scale, shorter-lasting times of unhappiness, such as the story in these pages, when a boy decides to ignore two girls and ask Dani out instead. Their jealousy causes unhappiness – can Dani, or her dad, or just plain chance, turn the tables and make her happy again? Full review...

Shoutykid (1) - How Harry Riddles Made a Mega-Amazing Zombie Movie by Simon Mayle

  Confident Readers

Meet Harry Riddles – 10.3 years old, constant gamer, and more or less one of life's major losers. He's stuck in Cornwall with a sister he hates, a sister's boyfriend who shares his room with his smelly teenager feet, and a dad who's nothing more than a failed writer of movie screenplays. Perhaps Harry, the Shoutykid of the title, can call the shots himself, with his ideas of TV shows featuring a kid adopting a vegetarian baby zombie. Er – perhaps not. But he might get somewhere when he learns a lesson from his transatlantic cousin – to ask for help when it's needed. And so he does ask – he asks Sam Mendes, Harry Styles, the Queen… What could possibly go wrong? Full review...

No-one Ever Has Sex on a Tuesday by Tracy Bloom

  Women's Fiction

Matthew and Katy were together as teenagers but now years later both are with other significant others, and both Katy and Matthew’s wife, Alison are pregnant. Oh, and they’re in the same antenatal class. And, oh yes, Katy’s not 100% sure who the father of her baby is, current boyfriend Ben or, you’ve guessed it, long lost flame Matthew. Cue a comedy of errors, misunderstandings, fisticuffs and emotional outbursts, not all triggered by swarming hormones. Full review...

The Night Raid by Caroline Lawrence

  Dyslexia Friendly

The Trojan War is over and the few survivors have to find somewhere else to live. Rye and Nisus - barely more than children at the end of the war and both with their own burden of guilt and horror - are obsessed by the need to seek vengeance and protect the land on which they have now settled. Full review...