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3,213 bytes added ,  10:05, 3 February 2017
Created page with "{{infobox |title=Edie |author=Sophy Henn |reviewer=Sue Magee |genre=For Sharing |summary=A delightful story about Edie, who is helpful to the point of, well, bossiness, but pl..."
|author=Sophy Henn
|reviewer=Sue Magee
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=A delightful story about Edie, who is helpful to the point of, well, bossiness, but please don't tell her I said so. Highly recommended.
|date=February 2017

Edie is a gorgeous little girl and with the sort of nature which we all hope that our children will have in abundance. She's just so ''helpful''. For instance, she's gets up extra early herself just so that she can make certain that everybody else in the house gets up in good time. The cymbals work well on her brother, but if not, dragging him out of bed usually achieves the desired result. As for her parents, playing her guitar and serenading them usually does the trick. She's an independent young lady and likes to dress herself. It's not ''exactly'' school uniform and her mother might well be wondering where some of her clothes have got to - but what's a girl to do?

After that she makes breakfast. Now, she doesn't believe in the current fad of 'clean eating' either in terms of what she serves or where some of it ends up - but the dog usually takes care of what lands on the floor. Shoes on (wrong feet, but does that really matter?) and off she and her brother and Daddy go the shops where she finds everything they need. Well, it might be more accurate to say that it's everything Edie ''wants''. After the shops it's trip to the park, where Edie is utterly ''selfless'' in making certain that everyone is having as much fun as possible - whether they like it or not.

Now, I'm not going to call Edie 'bossy' - for one thing, I wouldn't dare. I saw what she did to her grandparents whilst they were asleep. But we've all met little girls (and - be honest - little boys) just like her and they're not always easy to live with. Sophy Henn displays her massive talent in having faith in her little readers: she doesn't go down the usual picture book route of having a happy ending where the child suddenly realises what they've been doing wrong and completely reforms. There is a point when Edie's helpfulness oversteps the mark - perhaps redecorating the wall wasn't her best idea and she's sitting at the bottom of the stairs looking as though she's been told off and her parents look far from pleased - but it doesn't deter Edie. She still knows that her parents couldn't manage without her. What Henn provides is an opportunity for discussion and for a child to come to their own conclusion about the best way to behave - and that's by far the best way to learn something.

The pictures are gorgeous and there's lots to spot on subsequent readings which you might have missed first time around. It's quite simply a gorgeous book and I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to the Bookbag.

We think that Edie has excellent taste though: on her trip round the supermarket she picks up a book and we think it's about [[Pom Pom Gets the Grumps by Sophy Henn|Pom Pom]].

