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|title=Allotted Time: Two Blokes, One Shed, No Idea
|author=Robin Shelton
|date=2 Mar March 2007
Robin and Steve got talking one night and thought how good it would be to get an allotment and grow some of their own vegetables. Each thinks that it was originally the other's idea. Neither of them was all that keen on vegetables and didn't even know a great deal about gardening, but they took on the allotment, got it into a reasonable shape and grew a decent crop or two in their first year. When you say it quickly like that it sounds like a relatively simple task, but it cost blood, sweat, minor injuries, bad language and quite a few tears.
You might like to read Ellen MacArthur's [[Taking on the World]] for another story of achievement against the odds.
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|comment= Poles are or used to be obsessed with these things - I always found them really rather claustrophobic with all these people tending to theirs around (they were 300sq m under communism as a standard, I think it's similar to UK allotments but not sure); but then the second thing I would do if I was rich is to hire somebody to work my garden. I think this book would make me shudder too much (in fact the spring is coming and I have been already shuddering about having to do something in the garden if it's to even approach reasonable). 
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