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|author=Neal Shusterman
|publisher=Simon & Schuster
|date=August 2008
It's the perfect book for family and classroom debate - it's gripping, it's thought-provoking and it's intelligently written. There is one scene in which the unwinding process is described in detail and it will shock. It perhaps puts the book out of reach of the sensitive reader and perhaps even sophisticated primary school readers - even I am not sure that I would want to read it again. This aside, I can't recommend ''Unwind'' highly enough. Read it and weep. Then think on.
My thanks to the nice people at Simon & Schuster for sending the book. We do have a review of the [[Unwholly by Neal Shusterman|sequel]].
If they enjoyed ''Unwind'', they might also enjoy [[Generation Dead by Daniel Waters]]. We can also recommend [[Timedance 1: Neptune's Tears by Susan Waggoner]].
{{toptentext|list=Top Ten Dystopian Books For Children}}
|name= Nigethan Sathiyalingam
|verb= said
|comment= I remember reading the blurb for Unwind, but then dismissing it because the concept just seemed so outlandish.
Then I read Neal Shusterman's remarkable Skinjacker Trilogy, and realised that I should give Unwind a chance.
It was definitely worth it! The future dystopia is brought to life by the author's creativity, and once I got into the book, it didn't seem outlandish at all. Rather, it had me thinking hard about some very thought-provoking concepts.
I was surprised to learn, today, that a sequel to Unwind is being released at the end of the month. The story was concluded so well, that it didn't really cross my mind that it would have a sequel! I can't wait to see what Shusterman comes up with – he has yet to disappoint me.
Looking forward to hearing your opinion on the sequel once you've read it.
|comment=OOH! I didn't know there was going to be another one! That is truly a brilliant book.
[[Category:Dystopian Fiction]]