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|title=The Great Dog Disaster
|sort=Great Dog Disaster
|publisher=Simon and Schuster
|date=June 2012
|summary=An inferior choice in what is normally a bouquet of riches from this author, as a family and friendship are hit by the least-successfully canine dog imaginable.
Suzanne's dad is shouting again, loud enough to be heard through the kitchen walls into the house next door, where Anna lives. He must think he sounds like a stuck record, saying for the umpteenth time they can't and won't have a dog as a pet. But what if it's left Suzanne in a will? Unfortunately, what gets delivered is nothing like the dreamt-of Cheetah or Bullet, but the most lumpen, lazy, poo-smelly attempt at a dog ever. And unfortunately, the attempts to train and exercise it involves Anna in lots of poo-smelly-bit shoving, and so much time and effort it could even break their friendship...