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|title=In This House: A Collection of Altered Art Imagery and Collage Techniques
|author=Angela Cartwright and Sarah Fishburn
|reviewer=Sarah Cooper
|summary=A book comprising of 12 altered art projects that are thought provoking and a visual treat.
|publisher=Rockport Publishers Inc
|date=1 Jul 2007
This is such a fascinating book! ''In This House'' is a book showcasing altered artwork from many artists in the form of a house - a paper house that opens like a book or stands accordion style. This is such a unique way of expressing thoughts, feelings, desires and dreams. There are 12 houses featured in the book which make up the 'neighbourhood.' Each house is based on a different theme and each is very thought provoking, you really feel as if you are getting a glimpse inside the artist's thoughts and dreams. This is more than a craft book, in the way that it really makes you explore what 'home' means to you. As well as being very soul-searching this book is a visual treat, it incorporates many medias such as paints, stamps, pastels, fabrics, even pieces of ripped up lino. The book shows you how to make photo mosaics, how to use multifaceted gesso and how to create mystery with layering and glazing. It makes you think 'wow, why didn't I think of that?'

To me this just takes one of my favourite childhood crafts that one step further, or should I say a hundred steps further. As a child I would get a blank cardboard box and then get hold of loads of unwanted catalogues and cut out beds, kitchens, toys, carpets etc until I had made a whole cardboard box house. A bit of glue and a pair of scissors and I was in heaven. This is what this book is all about only each artist has presented their homes in their own unique way.

The tagline of the book is ''open the door and address the possibilities... '' And once you have read the rest of the introduction you will become truly intrigued. The idea for the book first came about when the two authors of the book began brainstorming. They decided that they would make a blank template of a house and give 12 artists the template. The idea was that the different rooms could then be fastened together in a creative way and produce a house. And each of those 12 houses could form a neighbourhood. They wanted each artist to create a house from his/her imagination. This is where the book gets interesting because they found artists from all walks of life to take part in this project. The authors urge us to take a look at each of the houses featured in the book and see how the elements of the artist's lives produced such a wondrous creative display.

Featured alongside each of the astounding projects are heart-warming little quotes about the home that prove to be very uplifting and inspiring. And if all this isn't enough to persuade you to get hold of this book then I should mention the humorous little articles featured in the book, my favourite being 'confessions of a naughty scrapbooker,' I could really relate to this article. Actually a huge section of the book will make you think 'oh, that's just like me.'

I could give you a rundown of each and every house but I will leave the excitement of that for when you read the book yourself. I will just briefly mention one of my favourite houses, which was simply named 'The Olde English House.' This house was just brimming with novel ideas to trigger creativity and emotion. Some ideas included in this house were a vintage photograph scaled down and hanged from a button and old prints of Bath, England placed behind the windows to create dramatic effect.

Now I have devoured the entire book I am itching to get started on my own house. So I will be making full use of the blank house template and the home themed imagery at the back of the book. Actually, as it's the summer holidays I will probably embark on a project with my little boy, as I am sure he will enjoy cutting and pasting. This book will remain a highly treasured possession to me.


