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Based on the blurb on the back, Sophie might not be the most likable likeable heroine. She's a quote-unquote 'perfect woman', with the house, the husband, the children and the dog. Careers may be a little unnecessary in this scenario (the husband is successful, but her own achievements seem more linked to having bagged herself a catch), though there's a sort of part -time hobby running her own shop, because, well, yes. So Sophie is the sort of woman, one imagines, who might rub other people up the wrong way, especially those who find their own lives lacking.
As we meet her, however, she seems ok, likeable enough, not too smug. She goes to great lengths, for example, to draft round robin Christmas letters that update the world on the family's accomplishments for the year, but with a dash of humour to accompany these, poking fun at herself and the situations. It's a nice tradition that pre-dates the social media world where you can crow about your triumphs in real time, and there's something reflective about putting pen to paper and recollecting the past year.