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William was very much a man of his time. A pious character and conventionally 'a good Christian' yet a cruel one, he believed that God was on his side and was probably conscious of the fact that his mastery of England owed a certain amount to good fortune. He was a harsh unlovable man, responsible for the devastation of northern England, a man whose most lasting achievements – the conquest of England his his resulting subjugation of the kingdom – meant much loss of life. He was feared but also respected. As a fairly short, succinct account of his life and times, this makes an admirable volume for general reader and student alike.
For a life of King William's consort, [[Matilda: Wife of the Conqueror, first Queen of England by Tracy Borman]] is recommended, as is a historical overview of his reign and the years that followed, [[The Norman Conquest by Marc Morris]]. You might also enjoy [[The Warrior Queen: The Life and Legend of Aethelflaed, Daughter of Alfred the Great by Joanna Arman]].