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''So please come back with me, to where we had time to be children and life moved at a different pace.''
This kind of statement is repeated several times and I found these efforts to evoke nostalgia for the past a bit clichéd and irritating. Perhaps this book is not aimed at cynics like me. That said, I did enjoy reading it and would probably pick up another volume of Alice Taylor’s memoirs or one of her three novels if I saw them in the library. Thank you to the publishers for sending a copy to the Bookbag. We also have a review of [[The Village by Alice Taylor|The Village]]and [[The Parish by Alice Taylor|The Parish]], both by Alice Taylor.
Another gentle look at rural life (in England) is [[Christmas at Thrush Green by Miss Read]]. [[Struggle or Starve by Carole White and Sian Williams|Struggle or Starve]] is an anthology of autobiographical writing about life in the South Wales mining community between the wars. [[I'll Tell Me Ma: A Childhood Memoir by Brian Keenan|I’ll Tell Me Ma]] by Brian Keenan is about a more urban childhood in 1950s Belfast. Another enjoyable though very different memoir is Lynn Barber’s [[An Education by Lynn Barber|An Education]]. It's literary fiction, but we think that you might also enjoy [[Ghost Moth by Michele Forbes]].