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Created page with "Naidoo, Mayuri Siegal, Caroline Mayuri has always loved writing and reading and publishing a book of her own has long been a dream...."
[[Category:Authors|Naidoo, Mayuri]] [[Category:Authors|Siegal, Caroline]]

Mayuri has always loved writing and reading and publishing a book of her own has long been a dream. This passion of writing provided her a creative release during the pandemic lockdown, the latter which provided the solitude and space to accomplish it.

Mayuri is inspired to help others by sharing knowledge from her own journey of learning about self-mastery, leadership, and self-improvement. She hopes that her books teach her young readers that when you are facing challenges, the answer lies within you. Mayuri believes a great story is one that connects with you emotionally and something that you can relate to, either through the character or the story itself.

When she is not writing positive and uplifting stories for children, Mayuri is a lawyer by profession and loves to cook vegan foods, practice yoga, meditate, read, garden, listen to music, and spend time with her loved ones. Mayuri lives in Johannesburg, South Africa. ''Remy: A Book About Believing in Yourself'' is her debut children’s book.