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==General fiction==
|author=Anne Rice
|title=Angel Time
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Toby O'Dare is an extremely efficient hit man with a passion for music, history and playing his beloved lute. He's also something of a lost soul having turned his back on God many years ago. One day while on a 'job' he is visited by an Angel who offers him a chance at redemption. Toby agrees to become the Angel's human instrument and help save lives rather than take them. He is sent on an assignment to help a Jewish couple accused of murder in 13th Century England.
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=''As Western Europeans settled Alaska, they brought with them diseases against which the indigenous people had no natural immunity. At the beginning of the twentieth century, fully two thirds of all Alaska natives perished from a pandemic of measles, smallpox, and influenza. No community was spared. In most cases, half of a village's population died within a week. In some cases, there were no survivors. It was the end of an ancient way of life. Natives still refer to the dreadful period as the Great Death.''
It's 1960, and on the morning when Nathan McCann sets off on a pre-dawn duck hunting trip, he hasn't the faintest inkling that the day will turn out to be anything other than ordinary. He just wants to enjoy being out in the crisp autumn air with Sadie, his loyal retriever, and maybe bring home a few birds for dinner. But this is no normal day, and before he even gets to the lake, Nathan's life changes forever with the discovery of a newborn baby, barely alive having been abandoned in the woods. A few days later as he reluctantly relinquishes control of the boy to its maternal grandmother, he asks the woman to promise him one thing: that at some point in the future, when she feels the time is right, she will facilitate a meeting between the two, finder and the found. Time passes and life moves on, but years later the two do cross paths again, with rather unexpected consequences.
|author=Mary Smith
|title=No More Mulberries
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Miriam was not been her name at birth – she was Margaret then – and she hadn't always lived in Afghanistan. The streets of Edinburgh were more familiar to her, but as we meet Miriam in the outlying village of Sang-i-Sia in July 1995 you could be forgiven for thinking that she had always lived there, as she coped with what western eyes would see as primitive conditions to feed and care for her family and act as midwife to the village women. Miriam abides by the Muslim way of life and seems content with her life, until you peel away a layer. Dr Iqbal was not her first husband and nor was he the love of her life. When Miriam was given the opportunity to attend a teaching camp as a translator she decides to go, despite knowing that it is against her husband's wishes.
|author=John Banville
|title=The Infinities
|genre=Literary Fiction
|summary=Adam is being watched over by a god. No, not that Adam - this one is a young man, in his twenties, staring out the window at the midsummer's dawn breaking, in his old family home, where his father - Adam senior - lies comatose, dying from a stroke. And not that god, either - this is Hermes, who will be our narrator as the family (Adam's wife, mother, younger sister) wake up to the new day, and have cause to remember other times. We'll see also that Zeus, too, is one of the household gods - and is still doing his old, randy, visitation tricks.
|author=Rachel Cusk
|title=The Bradshaw Variations
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=This book is both very odd and very interesting in equal measure, because it manages to fill thirty two chapters without much of a plot and yet is still an engaging read. Admittedly, there are various little snippets of information that pad it out, and small events that are written up, but for the most part there is nothing you'd call an actual storyline per se.
|author=Selcuk Altun
|title=Many and Many a Year Ago
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Kemal is going places, and quickly - he has powered through a career in the airforce, with the help of an F-16. He also thinks his love of western classical music had something to do with it. But an accident leaves him with a juddery hand, depressive thoughts, and a major set-back in his life. Just by chance, at this time, an acquaintance decides he should give Kemal a nice large flat, and a healthy pension, should he retire. So he does.
|author=Brett Battles
|title=The Unwanted
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Jonathan Quinn is 'The Cleaner' – not someone you employ at minimum wage and hope they'll turn up again next week, but a man who takes charge of the problems which other people leave behind. This usually means bodies. In this third book in ''The Cleaner'' series Quinn is on a mission to Ireland – and he never should have believed that he was going there purely as an observer, because we have four bodies before we're many pages into the book. Before long he's on his way to Africa in search of a UN aide worker who has disappeared, along with the child she's protecting.
|author=Clara Salaman
|title=Shame on You
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Thirteen-year-old Caroline Stern loves hanging out with her friends, has a reputation as the class clown, and is in love with Mr. Steinberg, her Greek teacher. Sounds like an average London teenager, right? Not quite.
|author=George Dawes Green
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Shaw and Romeo are two friends, moving across country for a new life, when they stumble upon Nowheresville, GA, and find that one family has just had the only winning lottery ticket for a $318million jackpot. The family involved is very average - slightly ineffectual father, mother who gets geared up for the weekly lottery and descends into a gin fug as a result, girl stuck on Facebook, boy glued to a PSP or something. There are enough gaps within the family for the pair of guys to break in between them, and have them under threat for half the winnings.
|author=Andrew Grant
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Sibling rivalry can be either a wonderful or a horrible thing. It can cause massive arguments, or it can inspire a sibling to stretch themselves and achieve more than they might usually have done. With this debut novel from Andrew Grant, who is the brother of Lee Child, author of the successful Jack Reacher series.
|author=Nick Brownlee
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Inspector Daniel Jouma was hoping that calm had returned to Mombasa the problems start mounting up again. A nun has gone missing in mysterious circumstances and the local priest doesn't seem all that worried. After a meal with his friend Jake Moore a respected member of the local community falls to his death almost at their feet – but how he had got into the fort ion the first place? Jake hasn't got it any easier either. Kenya's most ruthless and dangerous developer wants to sweep away the local village and build a five-star hotel in its place. To top it all a paid assassin has accepted some local contracts and the FBI are in pursuit.
|author=Jessica Duchen
|title=Songs of Triumphant Love
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Glaswegian opera star Terri Ivory spends her life travelling the world when she's not at home in her ivory tower in London. Recovering from a potentially life-changing surgery as the book begins, Terri draws on those around her to see her through. Though divorced a long time now, she is surrounded by enough good people that she doesn't feel lonely. There's daughter Julie, about to start at university though she should possibly be choosing a life more choral than Cambridge. There's her intriguing man-friend Teo, wounded by war but perhaps damaged more by an unrequited love. Sue, Julie's boyfriend's mother, comes from a background that could not be more different, but still finds a place in Terri's life and in her heart.