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{{infobox infobox1
|title= Traitors' Gate (Crossroads)
|author= Kate Elliott
|buy= Maybe
|borrow= Maybe
|format= Paperback
|publisher= Orbit
|date= September 2009
|amazonukcover=<amazonuk>1841498351</amazonuk> 184149836X|amazonusaznuk=<amazonus>1841498351</amazonus> 184149836X|aznus=0765310570
As good as the whole book was, I particularly enjoyed the ending. There were some lovely twists that made it interesting, although one did feel a touch far-fetched even for a fantasy novel. The ending read a little like an ending, but with openings that you could see may lead somewhere if there are to be further books in the series which, apparently, there are. With the earlier books, I've not always felt inclined to continue thanks to the books leaving me slightly drained, but this time I feel invigorated and ready to read on.
''Traitors' Gate'' is still a large and imposing book, but it recovers well from a slightly shaky start and becomes a gripping read, which I wasn't expecting after the previous parts. The series as a whole suffers from over-elaboration at times, but as it proceeds it's getting better and I'm now able to look back with a greater understanding on the earlier parts. You do have to struggle with those earlier parts to get the most from this one, but this is a very good book in its own right, even if it can't be fully appreciated in isolation.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to The Bookbag.
Fans of character -driven fantasy should keep an eye out for Fiona McIntosh's [[Odalisque (Percheron) by Fiona McIntosh|Percheron]] trilogy.
[[Kate Elliott's Crossroads series in Chronological Order]] {{amazontext|amazon=1841498351184149836X}} {{waterstonestextamazonUStext|waterstonesamazon=66070730765310570}}