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Hello, hello, hello! How are you? Less snowy than when we last spoke? Good, so are we. It's fun for a day or so, that white stuff, isn't it? After that though, it just becomes a slog. We at Bookbag are clinging to the hope that the fabled barbeque summer comes a year late, and 2010 will be a scorcher. A little bit of snow and a lot of sunshine, that's what we like.
We've been busy around the site again this month, with more than a hundred reviews posted since our last newsletter. We've also been doing some more prettifying, and hopefully the things we've added will be helpful to you. Our information boxes on each review now carry links to Amazon for each format the book is published in - hardback, paperback, audiobook, and ebooks too, if they ever appear properly in the UK. We've also added a website link, so if a book or author has a website we know about, you'll know about it too. We 've also cracked open - well, boiled the kettle for - a lemon tea to celebrate 1,500 followers at [[File:Twitter.gif|link=]] [ Twitter] - so thank you if you are one of those kind people who is interested in the things we say.