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|author=Joanna Davies
|publisher=Honno Welsh Women's Press
|date=March 2010
Jo Davies originally wrote and published the novel in Welsh, and I did wonder at times if it had perhaps lost a little something in translation, even though it's her own translation and she added more to the English version of the book. I just felt that in places it was a little stilted, although I did think the characters were well formed and certainly interesting, although not terribly likeable. It's an easy read, and if you fancy a wander through the dark and dismal world of students going off the rails then this definitely one to try.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to The Bookbag. We also have a review of [[Mr Perfect by Joanna Davies]].
If this book appeals then we think that you might also enjoy [[Psalm 119 by Heather McRobie]].
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