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|author=Andrew Taylor
|title=The Anatomy of Ghosts
|summary=A grieving London bookseller and writer is offered a commission by Lady Anne Oldershaw. She hires him to go to Cambridge University, to help her son, who has been driven mad and claims he can see the ghost of a dead woman. Following tragedy in his own family, when his son Georgie drowned in the Thames, Holdsworth has written a successful pamphlet, The Anatomy of Ghosts, exposing the trickery and lies behind ideas about ghosts and haunting. The pamphlet was inspired by his anger at his wife Maria, whose response to Georgie’s death was to give money to a dodgy medium, and who ended up in the river at the same spot as her son.
|author=Andrew McConnell Stott
|summary=What do Peter Pan, werecats, vampires, teenage zombies, and unicorn hunters have in common? Possibly very little... but they all appear as central characters in stories in this often enchanting anthology of stories of supernatural romance.
|author=Jenny Nimmo
|title=The Witch's Tears
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Theo and Dodie's cat is missing, it's snowing, their clock-mender dad is away, and Mr Oak from the village has warned Theo all about witches. It's almost impossible to detect a witch, y'know, but if by some small miracle you can get them to cry, their tears turn to crystal. When Mrs Scarum turns up at Theo and Dodie's house, Theo is incredibly wary...
|author=Sheryl Webster and Jan Fearnley
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Tinysaurus is fed-up of being little. He's tried all sorts of things to get as big as Mummysaurus, Daddysaurus and Bigsissysaurus, but jumping, stretching and strapping tree trunks to his feet have done nothing to help. He's not allowed to go to places and do things on his own, and he's certainly not allowed to look after Mummysaurus' eggs. Then, one day the ground shakes and a Nastysaurus appears...
|author=Jenny Valentine
|title=The Double Life of Cassiel Roadnight
|summary=Runaway Chap walks into a hostel off the street. He's in need of a meal and a bed for the night. As the workers question him, trying to get a history, they notice his resemblance to a poster of a boy who's been missing for two years. Chap isn't Cassiel Roadnight. Chap isn't anyone. But the temptation is there: become Cassiel. Get a family. Live in a home. Become ''someone''. And so he takes the chance and the new identity.
|author=Becca Fitzpatrick
|summary=We last saw Nora and Patch at the end of ''Hush, Hush'' - lovely title, that! - battered after a Nephilim conflict, but very much together. Patch is no longer fallen, has been given back guardian angel status and the threat to Nora is no more. You'd think everything would go swimmingly after that, wouldn't you? But you know and I know that falling in love with any kind of angel, fallen or otherwise, isn't conducive to a normal life.
|author=Garrett Carr
|title=Lost Dogs
|summary=Some extraordinary children are to be found in the Northern Irish port-town of Hardglass. One, Akeem, has in fact just arrived - a stowaway on a cargo ship. Elsewhere, friends Andrew and Ewan are waiting to see the result of Ewan's father's trial for being a weapons dealer. While their friend May is newly residing at a most unusual school, one whose pupils have talents to match her singular one of sensing and empathising with the thoughts of animals. It's a gang of people brought together in a natural, realistic way, with some fantastic factors to their lives that are only going to get heightened. For said weapons, allegedly going on their way to be decommissioned, will soon be on the same cargo boat Akeem has just left - and they're weapons from the darker side of horror...
|author=Jenny Valentine
|title=Iggy and Me On Holiday
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=We've already met Iggy and Flo [[Iggy and Me by Jenny Valentine|twice]] [[Iggy and Me and the Happy Birthday by Jenny Valentine|before]]. They're back again, with their tales of daily life, and this time the short stories cover their summer holidays. We've been massive fans of the ''Iggy and Me'' books from day one, and will continue to be so. They're super!
|author=Marcelo Figueras
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Initially I was very excited and interested when The Bookbag was given this novel to review. Set at a time in which I lived in Buenos Aires, I was looking forward to a fictionalised account of these traumatic years - made all the more appealing, as the narrator purported to be the eldest of the family's two sons - 10 year old 'Haroldo' as he comes to be known, having by necessity left his former identity behind. In this respect, I was to be sadly disappointed. The majority of the novel comprises recollections from an adult Haroldo - not quite what the Amazon blurb, nor the précis on the cover, leads the reader to believe! In fairness, the author can't be blamed for this - but I felt mislead by the dust jacket - which may have coloured my enjoyment, and which lead, in part, to the relatively low star rating which I gave the book.
|author=Christos Tsiolkas
|title=The Slap
|genre=Literary Fiction
|summary=Slapping your own child is bad. Slapping someone else's child is worse. This is the event at the heart of Christos Tsiolkas' Man Booker-nominated novel, set in Melbourne, Australia, when at a barbeque for friends and family, the host's cousin slaps the child of the best friend of the host's wife.
|author=Aatish Taseer
|title=Stranger to History: A Son's Journey Through Islamic Lands
|summary=Aatish Taseer was born of out of a short week of passion between a Sikh Indian mother and a Pakistani Muslim father. The mother was a journalist; the father a politician.
That week of passion was to be all it was, despite subsequent attempts at hushing up the pregnancy, then pretending a marriage until finally a clean break was made when the boy was about 18 months old. Ah, but such breaks never are clean are they? There's always a certain amount of meddling from the side-lines, and then there's a child's longing to know who he is, where he is really from.
|author=Jacqueline Yallop
|title=Kissing Alice
|genre=Literary Fiction
|summary=Arthur Claythorne, a decorator by trade finds himself out of work and back home in Plymouth as the First World War begins, along with a stolen copy of William Blake's ''Songs of Innocence and Experience'', a book full of powerful imagery. After being injured in the war Arthur returns home to his wife Queenie May and two daughters, Florrie and Alice, a changed man, deeply affected by his experiences in the trenches and desperate to find religion. Despite Florrie's interest in following her father into Catholicism, it is Alice who suddenly finds herself the object of her father's unusual and inappropriate attention.