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==For sharing==
|author=David McKee
|title=Elmer and Papa Red
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Elmer and Papa Red is a lovely picture story book that features some very excitable elephants. It is only two days before the visit of Papa Red and all the young elephants are so excited that they can hardly contain themselves. Elmer takes them for a walk to fetch the big tree whilst the older elephants make the preparations. They have a great time especially as they see snow for the first time and that leads to a great deal of fun and frolicking. Once the tree is brought home it is decorated and surrounded by lots of presents and the young elephants hide so that they might catch a glimpse of Papa Red. He duly arrives out of the sky on a sleigh pulled by six moose. Surprisingly though, rather than the sleigh being laden it is empty until Papa Red loads it up with all the presents under the tree. The elephants have all seen him taking the presents but instead of being upset, they are excited as they know that he is taking them to those who need them most! As they fall asleep exhausted though, Elmer delivers one small gift to each elephant – especially left by Papa Red.
|author=Tony Ross
|summary=Molly is in bed, but then she hears a creak on the stair. Could it be an elephant or a rhino coming to get her? Might it even be a night monster? Luckily, Molly is well-armed with her monster catcher, so should be alright, as the door sloooowly inches open...
|author=Daisy Dawes
|title=Get Ahead Fred
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Fred loves wearing hats. He's got a fez, a bonnet, a stetson, and a glittery fedora. When the Queen announces she's coming to town, he decides to get the finest hat he's ever had. There's no possible way that anything could go wrong, is there? ...Is there?
|author=Anne Fine and Ruth Brown
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Every dog owner has known a dog like Ruggles: they're so good at escaping from where ever they are that they're generally known as Houdini. Ruggles had it all worked out, from the opportunist hop over the fence aided by a pile of newspapers, a bucket and the rabbit hutch to who would snitch on him if he met them (unaccompanied) in the park. The dog lady knows him well and whilst you wouldn't quite call them friends it's obvious that Ruggles knows when he's met his match and hops in the van without complaint.
|author=Jan Fearnley
|title=Arthur and the Meanies
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Arthur the elephant is desperate to play, but the monkeys, Tiger, Peacock and Cheetah all say no. The big meanies. Oh sure, they're happy to be his friend when they want something from him, but as soon as they don't need him any more, they just scamper off and leave him sad. Go on, Arthur, give 'em a soaking! Teach 'em a lesson!
|author=John Yeoman and Quentin Blake
|title=The Bear's Water Picnic
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=It's a gorgeous summer's day, so the pig, hen, squirrel, hedgehog and bear all head out on a raft for a picnic in the middle of the lake. They're disturbed by the ''awrk awrk'' of the frogs, so paddle off to a different part of the lake, but when they get stuck, they discover the benefits of working together and making new friends.
|author=Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross
|title=Old Dog
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=The Young Pups don't want to go and see Grandpa - all he does is talk about the past, his breath stinks, his false teeth fall out all the time, and he doesn't know how to play all their new games. Their mother reminds them that he's really kind and they visit him after all. When there, they discover that Grandpa wasn't always an old fuddy duddy, and actually there's plenty of excitement lurking under the surface if they just take the trouble to get to know him.
|author=David McKee
|title=Elmer and Grandpa Eldo
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Elmer the patchwork elephant is back, and this time he's visiting Grandpa Eldo. Elmer reminds Eldo of all the things they did together when Elmer was really little, but Eldo can't remember them (or so he says) so Elmer keeps reminding him and reminding him, as they revisit old haunts. Grandpa and grandson, sorry, grandelephant, spend a lovely day together, enjoying one another's company.
|author=Michael Foreman
|title=Dinosaur Time
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Tom's mum has just bought a new timer for the kitchen. It's not a toy, so she tells Tom not to touch it. However, there's a little blue light winking at him, so he can't really help himself. He reaches out and... finds himself whisked back in time.
|author=Jessica Meserve
|title=Bedtime Without Arthur
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Arthur is a very special bear. Using bravery, strength and karate, he keeps Bella safe from monsters when she sleeps. One day, Arthur goes missing, and Bella has to face the monsters on her own. Will Arthur turn up? Will Bella ever get a good night's sleep again?
|author=John Fardell
|title=Jeremiah Jellyfish Flies High!
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Jeremiah Jellyfish is drifting aimlessly through life. He's bored of doing nothing in the great big jellyfish shoal. With a bit of geeing up from his granddad, he strikes out on his own, meets a high-powered businessman, swaps jobs, and becomes an executive in a rocket plane company. As jellyfish do, obviously.
|author=Camilla Reid and Michael Foreman
|title=The Littlest Dinosaur and the Naughty Rock
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=After the littlest dinosaur's [[The Littlest Dinosaur by Michael Foreman|earlier]] [[The Littlest Dinosaur's Big Adventure by Michael Foreman|adventures]], Camilla Reid takes hold of the writing reins, whilst Michael Foreman offers up his beautiful illustrations as always. This time, the dinosaur is in a bit of a bad mood, being rude to his dad, shouting at his siblings, and ruining his meal. His mum sends him to sit on the naughty rock, but he's in for quite a surprise when he gets there...
|author=Jean Reidy and Genevieve Leloup
|title=Too Pickly!
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=It's [[Too Purply! by Jean Reidy and Genevieve Leloup|Too Purply!]] with food. That about sums it up, but for those of you who haven't already fallen in love with Jean Reidy's tale of getting dressed, ''Too Pickly!'' looks at a little boy (and his hamster) deciding what to eat. Dish by dish, he rejects them for being too pickly, too wrinkly, too burpy, too stringy, and so on, until he finds the one that's just right.