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|author=Sophie Jordan
|summary=Jacinda was singled out as special by her Pride when she manifested with the ability to breath fire. A fire-breather hasn't been born to the Draki for generations, and there are those in the Pride who would use her for their own ends. Craving freedom, Jacinda takes a risk that nearly costs her life. Now Jacinda's mother has dragged her and twin sister Tamra from their mountain home, sneaking away in the middle of the night, leaving everything they knew behind.
|author=Emily Franklin and Brendan Halpin
|summary=Meghan Chase has always found her life slightly odd. She's never fitted in at school, where bullies relentlessly target her, nor at home, where her family always seem slightly surprised to find her there – except her little brother, Ethan, they barely remember her as soon as she leaves the room. Her only friend in the world is Robbie, her happy-go-lucky next door neighbour, who can always make her laugh. Meghan thinks turning sixteen will signal a change in their fortunes – she'll be able to drive, get them out of hickville once in a while.
|author=Linda Press Wulf
|summary=The Children's Crusade is one of those extraordinary stories of the Middle Ages which have caught the imagination of historians and preachers. A young shepherd, who believed he was called by God to save the city of Jerusalem, managed to collect together an enormous horde of children and lead them all the way to the southern coast of France. There, he assured them, the seas would part; they would march straight to the Holy Land and take back the city where Jesus had died. It is hard to say how much or how little of this story is true as records are sketchy — after all, the children concerned were mostly illiterate — but the spectacle, hardship and faith of the enterprise make for a dramatic tale.
|author=Simon Scarrow
|title=Gladiator: Fight for Freedom
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Marcus's father was a centurion in the Roman legions. After the slave revolt led by Spartacus was finally put down, he retired from the army and bought a farm on a small Greek island. Marcus has spent most of his boyhood on the farm, learning to train dogs, shoot his sling accurately and dreaming of one day becoming a fighter like his father. But the farm is in debt and Marcus's life is about to crumble...
|author=Keren David
|title=Almost True
|summary=My usual warning when reviewing sequels, there's no way on earth I can avoid some spoilers for the breathtaking [[When I Was Joe by Keren David|When I Was Joe]] so bear that in mind when reading.
|author=Lauren Kate
|title=The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove
|summary=Natalie Hargrove is one half of the It couple of Palmetto High, destined to become Palmetto Princess. Her boyfriend Mike King should be a shoo-in for Prince alongside her - except Mike doesn't seem too bothered, in contrast to the loathsome - but hunky - Justin Balmer. So when she's given a chance to knock JB out of the running for the crown, who can blame Natalie for pulling a harmless prank? Except when the prank turns out to be much less harmless than she'd have expected, the It couple are left frantically trying to cover their tracks before they lose everything.
|author=Maria V Snyder
|title=Inside Out
|summary=Through the narrative of the brilliantly gutsy, yet bitter Trella, ''Inside Out'' describes the unlikely revolution provoked by the mission undertaken by our protagonists to discover the legendary Gateway – a rumoured pathway between the self-contained Inside and a utopia known only as Outside. Originally reluctant to be drawn into what she considers to be a hoax, Trella, due to her particular proficiency when it comes to travelling through the piping and ventilation system that separates the various levels of Inside, somehow becomes the figurehead of the rebellion of the Lowers against the Uppers. However, there are some people who don't approve of this newfound hope, and are keen to stifle the revolution before it even begins.
|author=Mike Lancaster
|summary=Kyle Straker's taped testimony begins with an editor's note:
''The peculiar format that you are holding - a book - was still the dominant form of information storage at the time the tapes were made. There is a reason why I insisted on this archaic format which will, I hope, become apparent as the narrative progresses.''
Kyle lives in the early 21st century in a quiet village full of ordinary people.
|author=Ally Kennen
|summary=Scrappy's life is going absolutely nowhere. His mother has left his father. His sister is saving like mad for the deposit on a flat so that she can move out too. His grandfather is descending into senility. His school is about to be demolished. His best friend Silva gets all the girls and he's worried about the school villain, Judge, picking on him. His father, paranoid about a visit from tax inspectors, slaves over the scrapyard's books all night and so his temper is unpredictable. Very unpredictable.
|author=Carrie Jones
|summary=Zara, her werewolf boyfriend, Nick, and their friends Issie and Devyn think their pixie problems are over. They've trapped Zara's dad, a pixie king, and his followers in a house surrounded by iron to stop them getting out and killing more teenage boys. But, Zara's dad is growing weak in his iron prison, and his territory is ready for the taking. That's when Astley turns up, a pixie king himself, when he's around Zara's skin turns blue, the true colour of a pixie. Only being half pixie, and having not been turned, why is Zara reacting like this? But Astley isn't the only pixie king that's made his way to Maine to claim the territory, and he's certainly not the most evil.
|author=Andrea Cremer
|title=Witches War: Nightshade
|summary=Calla Tor has always known where her life is heading. Grow up, become mated to Ren, lead the new pack formed of her packmates and his, serve the Keeper who they are assigned to serve. That's the way things are for alphas, and servitude is the sacred calling of the Guardians. Then Calla breaks one of the fundamental rules of her society – she saves the life of a human boy, Shay. She hopes to never see him again, but when it becomes clear that he's somehow important to the Keepers, and Calla is charged to look after him, she finds herself spending a lot of time with him.
|author=Carrie Jones
|summary=Zara's stepfather died in front of her after seeing a man at the window - it spooked him so much that his heart failed. Her mother is concerned about her, Zara's not herself, she's hollow after the sudden loss of the closest thing to a father she's ever had. So, she's sent away to live with her Grandmother, Betty, in Maine. However, Maine isn't the safe haven that Zara's mother thought it would be. People are going missing, young boys to be precise, the same thing that happened just before Zara, her mother and stepfather moved away from Maine to start with.