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Check out the full lists of [[:Category: Interviews|interviews]], [[:Category: Lists|top tens]] and [[:Category: Comments|articles]].__NOTOC__<!-- Remove -->{{newfeature|category=lists|title=Top Ten Self-Published Books 2023|summary= We've seen some really good self-published books this year: they're up there with the best of traditional publishing. Here's our top ten, in alphabetical order, by author.}}{{newfeature|category=interviews|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Jeffrey Dunn|summary=Jill enjoyed [[Radio Free Olympia by Jeffrey Dunn|Radio Free Olympia]], a story blending prose and poetry with themes of ecology, folklore, love and loss. She didn't think it was the easiest read, but a rewarding one.}}{{newfeature|category=comments|title=How To Write a Fantasy Novel: The Full Guide|summary=Fantasy has always been our way out of the real world's limitations. It's a space where magic is real, mythical creatures roam, and heroes go on epic quests. This genre is loved by people of all ages and backgrounds. It allows us to explore new worlds and face unimaginable challenges, all without leaving our homes.
Check out But what if you could do more than just visit these magical lands? What if you could create your own? This is the full lists magic of [[:Category: Interviews|interviews]], [[:Category: Lists|top tens]] writing a fantasy novel. You have the power to build worlds with your words. You can turn simple ink and [[:Category: Comments|articles]]paper into landscapes that readers can explore.
So, get ready for an adventure. This journey is not just about castles and wizards. It's also about the craft of writing. You'll learn to use language and imagination to make a rich, varied story. And who knows what unexplored realms you'll discover along the way?
|title=How Can Reading Improve Your Vocabulary: Best Practices
|summary=Reading is one of the most effective ways to improve your vocabulary. Not only does it expose you to new words and their meanings, but it also allows you to see them used in context, which is essential for understanding and using them correctly. With the rise of language learning apps, such as Promova, many people have turned to technology to improve their vocabulary. However, reading remains a tried-and-true method that has been used for centuries.
|title=It Takes A Library... by Michael Brooks3 Things You Didn't Know About Ghostwriters|summary=We loved [[Free Radicals by Michael Brooks]]How much do you know about ghostwriters? These professionals lurk in the shadows of the publishing industry (both self- and traditional publishing), and were delighted to hear about with most members of the public having only ever heard of them because of the Pierce Brosnan film. Given the research processawkwardness a lot of people feel toward ghostwriters, including Michaelit's love no surprise that there are a number of libraries and admiration of JBS Haldanemisconceptions about what they do, so I'm hoping to clarify three important things in this post.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Charlotte FrostConrad Delacroix|summary=An upSue really enjoyed [[The Lensky Connection by Conrad Delacroix|The Lensky Connection]], a thriller set primarily in Russia. She had quite a few questions for author Conrad Delacroix when he popped into Bookbag Towers.}}{{newfeature|category=lists|title=Top Ten Self-to-date biography Published Books 2022|summary=We're constantly amazed at the quality of Sir William Knighton has been longthe self-overdue published books which come our way and we've seen some real gems in 2022. Here they are, in alphabetical order, by author:}}{{newfeature|category=comments|title=3 Things You Should Know About Literary Agents|summary=If you're delighted all set to have publish your novel, it might be time to [ get yourself a literary agent]. Since you're essentially picking the person responsible for presenting and marketing your book to the world, this is no easy task. When you've sent your [ query letters] and started getting responses, these tips will help you choose the right person for you.}}{{newfeature|category=comments|title=Lolita Book Review: Most Important Things to Know|summary=Lolita, a highly controversial book, is not subject to bans in American schools. Here are the most important things you need to know about it.}}{{newfeature|category=comments|title=Stylish Restaging of The Crucible is All Show and No Substance, According to Reviews|summary=The Crucible is a tragedy that’s been debated and discussed for many years. Its current running in theaters has received a rather intriguing review. Keep reading to find out more.}}{{newfeature|category=comments|title=How Bar Modeling Makes Word Problems Easy in Singapore Math|summary=Singapore Mathematics is a unique way of presenting this science. Parents and teachers will be able to chat understand and explain to Charlotte Frost about children the work simplest mathematical processes using images. }}{{newfeature|category=comments|title=Finding More Time For Reading|summary=If there is one thing that went into writing her a lot of people could benefit from having more of in their lives, it's [[Sir William KnightonA Bookbagger's View: The Strange Career of What it's like to be a Regency Physician by Charlotte Frostreviewer|bookliterature]]. Plenty of us have gone through this experience of suddenly finding that we are not reading as much as we used to. There are a lot of possible reasons for this, and it's something that you might be able to approach in a number of ways if you want to make sure that you are getting back into reading again. But one of the most important parts of this is probably that you are able to find enough time for reading, and that can be harder than you might initially think.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Richard ByrneGerry Brown and Randall S Peterson about Disaster in the Boardroom: Six Dysfunctions Everyone Should Understand|summary=Sue was absolutely riveted to [[This Book Belongs To Aye-Aye Disaster in the Boardroom: Six Dysfunctions Everyone Should Understand by Richard ByrneGerry Brown and Randall S Peterson]] is quirky and amusing tale of Miss Deer. It's Academy For Aspiring Picture-Book Animals. With its smart plot, intriguing mystery, useful lessons and zingy illustrations, therebrilliantly readable but rather frightening: people's plenty to enjoylives and livelihoods could be in the hands of company boards which are dysfunctional. We leapt at the chance Sue wanted to interview Richard Byrneknow more.
|category=interviewslists|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To John DickieTop Ten Self-Published Books 2021|summary=Here at Bookbag We thought that 2020 was a strange year but 2021 has been equally so. Once again we were impressed 've been amazed by Professor John Dickiethe quality of self-published books which have come our way. Last year's [[Blood Brotherhoods: The Rise top ten consisted of the Italian Mafias by John Dickie|latest book about the Italian mafias]] - eleven books (maths never was our strong point...) but this time looking at their history. The chance year we're going to chat have to him was an offer make it a baker's dozen as we really couldn't refusesplit them apart. Here they are, in alphabetical order, by author...
|title=How to Write a Standout Book Review in a Saturated Market
|summary=Book reviews are a crucial tool for the reading community — it’s via these that opinions are exchanged, ideas discussed, and recommendations found. But though the growth of book review sites is promising for readers, a saturated market also means that it’s getting increasingly difficult to make your mark as a book reviewer.
If you’re looking for ways to freshen your voice and make a stronger impression, I’ve got a few tips that might help. As an avid reader of book reviews, I’ve noticed that the ones that stay with me usually follow these three guidelines.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Anna BurleyGerry Brown, Andrew Kakabadse and Filipe Morais about The Independent Director in Society|summary=In Sue was an enthusiastic reader of [[Bipolar Parent The Independent Director in Society: Our current crisis of governance and what to do by Anna BurleyGerry Brown, Andrew Kakabadse and Filipe Morais|Bipolar ParentThe Independent Director in Society: Our current crisis of governance and what to do]] Anna Burley bravely told us about her childhood. We were delighted when and she had several points she agreed wanted to tell us a little more about discuss with the background to the bookauthors when they popped into Bookbag Towers.
|title=The Bedtime Picture Book I've Been Trying To Write for Years by David BedfordComic Books Where the Bad Guys Won|summary=We loved [[Bouncy Bouncy Bedtime by David Bedford Comic books and Julian Russell|Bouncy Bouncy Bedtime]] movies, in general, have been given the portrayal of good; always winning and saving the day. however, thanks to the creativity of writers, we have a few writers of comics who have managed to alter this unsaid rule, 'evil wins at the end of the day'. While it was may not be a great thought to bear in mind, it is still something a bit fascinating to hear dwell on. And, we believe that there was it is a bit breath of a story behind fresh air to discover that we have something different from the cliché where the hero always emerges as the bookvictor.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Elizabeth SpellerGerry Brown About Making a Difference: Leadership, Change and Giving Back the Independent Director Way|summary=WeGerry Brown is so keen to see people geting involved that there've been impressed by Elizabeth Speller as s a writer free digital [ download] of fiction and non-fiction so the opportunity to ask her a few questions was really too good to missthis £42 book.
|category=newsletterslists|title=June 2011 NewsletterTop Ten Self-Published Books 2020|summary=Well, summer is coming and your thoughts are probably turning to holidays In this strangest of years we've been delighted by the self- and published books to take with you. We're busily reviewing away and we think you'll have plenty to choose from over your 2011 sojourn, wherever you're going. Make sure you have a super ve read and relaxing time whatever you read, but if youthey're looking for some inspiration, you can check out our reviews of all books which compare well with traditionally-published books in the books on [[Richard and Judy's Summer Reading List 2011|Richard and Judy's Summer Reading List]]same genres[[Guardian ChildrenWe really couldn's Fiction Prize 2011|The Guardian Childrent narrow the choice down any further - so this year's Fiction Prize]] longlist has been published top ten consists of eleven books and there here they are some corkers on there, in alphabetical order by author.. We've a sneaky feeling [[My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece by Annabel Pitcher]] will win, but each book on the list is wonderful and has a good shot. Which one would you vote for if you were on the panel? Leave a prediction on our [[Guardian Children's Fiction Prize 2011|list]]!
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Ian A GriffithsOlga Kokshagina and Allen Alexander|summary=Sue was so impressed by [[DMD Life Art and Me The Radical Innovation Playbook: A Practical Guide for Harnessing New, Novel or Game-Changing Breakthroughs by Ian A Griffiths|DMD Life Art Olga Kokshagina and MeAllen Alexander]] is one that she wished that she had a good business idea of her own so that she could use the most moving autobiographies we've read in a whilebook. Ian Perhaps that was what she was happy talking about when Olga and Allen popped into Bookbag Towers to talk chat to us and it was just too good an opportunity to miss.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Alison MurrayAndrew Hampshire|summary=Technology can seem frightening to people who don't have the background. In [[One Two That's My Shoe Creating Value Through Technology: Discover the Tech that Can Transform Your Business by Alison MurrayAndrew Hampshire|Creating Value Through Technology: Discover the Tech that Can Transform Your Business]] Andrew Hampshire discusses the tech that can add quantifiable value to your business and how to get the most out of it. He and Sue had a lot to chat about when he dropped into Bookbag Towers.}}{{newfeature|category=comments|title=Stand Up to Bullying With a Pulitzer Prize Winner|summary=In every generation, there are kids who become bullies. They bully their siblings, neighbor kids, and their classmates. They seem to believe that other kids look up to them and respect them. That is self-delusion, as most adults are aware, but kids don't have the experience to properly judge what is respect and what is merely fear.}}{{newfeature|category=comments|title=From Sci Fi to Reality: How Dreams Turn Into Innovations|summary=The gap between sci-fi and reality is a wonderful counting booknot so big anymore. You don’t have to go that far back in time to see huge developments in technology. For example, the smartphone has been around for over 10 years now, but if you don’t have one in today’s society, you’d either be seen as crazy or just out of touch.}}{{newfeature|category=comments|title=5 Great AI books to read in 2020|summary=Artificial intelligence (AI) has expanded into one of the most important technologies in human history. It comes with so many benefits, continuing from improving the adventures efficiency of Grace and her scampish dog Georgiesimple, basic tasks to helping to solve advanced problems by quickly analyzing large data sets. }}{{newfeature|category=lists|title=A Baker's Dozen of Books to Keep the Kids Occupied When They Can'One Two Thatt Go Out|summary= Are you running out of inspiration for what to do with the kids when they can's My Shoet go out? We've come up with a baker' tweaks the familiar rhyme and tells a fresh story through its outstanding illustrations. We were delighted s dozen of books to interview Alison Murraygive you some brilliant ideas.
|title=Richard and Judy's Summer Reading List 2011Top Ten Self-Published Books 2019|summary=Eight We've seen some cracking self-published books to take to the beach or settle down this year and they're all books which compare well with traditionally-published books in a shady spot in the garden same genres. We really couldn't narrow the choice down any further - so this year's top ten consists of eleven books and all recommended here they are, in alphabetical order by Richard and Judy author...
|category=interviewscomments|title=The Interview: Bookbag Desiree Villena Talks To Glenn DakinBookbag About 5 Key Tips for Writing a Critical-Yet-Fair Book Review|summary=[[Candle Man: Society of Dread by Glenn Dakin|The Candle Man]] returns in Writing a second volume about a British - yesbook review isn't difficult, British! - teen superhero. Pacy and packed with rather marvellous villainsyou know, this steampunk and comic book-inspired series will be but there are a big hit with tween readersfew things you need to keep us in mind. We asked Glenn Dakin all about it Desiree Villena gives us five tips.
|category=listsinterviews|title=Guardian Children's Fiction Prize 2011The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Melanie Martin|summary=Following hot on the footsteps of |summary=In [[Guardian ChildrenWar and Love: A family's Fiction Prize 2010testament of anguish, endurance and devotion in occupied Amsterdam by Melanie Martin|last yearWar and Love: A family's]] winnertestament of anguish, [[Ghost Hunter by Michelle Paverendurance and devotion in occupied Amsterdam]], comes another wonderful selection of childrenMelanie Martin reconstructs what happened to her family in occupied Amsterdam in WWII. It's books in a highly compelling if occasionally shocking read. Days after she finished the book Sue could not stop thinking about what she had read and was delighted when the 2011 Guardian Children's Fiction Prizeauthor agreed to chat with her.
|title=Caroline Lawrence's top 5 Western films for kids (Framing the Brexit narrative: immigration, myths and adults!)public perception|summary=It Loobna Joomun looks at how Brexit is always a little worrying when an author finishes a popular and well-loved series likely to start something new. Will affect the new characters be as interesting as the old, familiar ones? Will publishing industry - and the books just be a pale retelling of the plots in a new context? But fans of Caroline Lawrence's Roman Mysteries need not worry. She's gone Western! To introduce us to the genre, and her new series, Caroline called into Bookbag Towers to tell us all about her favourite Western movieswider country.
|title=Should we popularise mathematics? If so8 ways to motivate yourself to write, how? right NOW by Ian StewartJessica Jarlvi|summary=In support of his book [[Mathematics of Life by Ian Stewart|Mathematics of Life]], Ian Stewart looks at the pros and cons popularising mathematics, through books and other meansEver felt that you've hit a brick wall with your writing? Jessica Jarlvi has eight tips yo get you writing again.
|category=interviewscomments|title=The Interview: Bookbag Greg Hickey Talks To Bali RaiBookbag About The Old Guard of Dystopian Fiction|summary=[[Killing Honour by Bali Rai|Killing Honour]] is an honest Where do you go when you move beyond classics like ''1984'' and hard-hitting look at a controversial issue by one of Bookbag's most trusted teen authors. We were delighted to interview Bali Rai.'Brave New World''?
|category=interviewslists|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Stephanie PainTop Ten Self-Published Books 2018|summary=[[Farmer Buckley's Exploding Trousers by Stephanie Pain|Farmer BuckleyChoosing the top ten self-published books we read in 2018 was difficult as we's Exploding Trousers]] is another fantastic book from New Scientist, this time looking re constantly surprised at odd events on the way to scientific discoveryjust how good some self-published books are. It Here's brilliantly written and compiled, and endlessly fascinatingour final top ten in alphabetical order by author.. We leapt at the chance to interview editor Stephanie Pain.
|category=newsletterscomments|title=May 2011 NewsletterJames Donald Talks To Bookbag About The Death Of Norman Breyfogle|summary=We keep thinking that we really must update our [[Most Read Reviews on Bookbag|list]] One of most-read reviews on the site. We are good at thinking. But thinking isnfinest storytellers you't doing and since we are are also good at forgettingve never heard of, we haven't done it yet. It's on the to-do list, though. Last time we did this exercise the redoubtable Delia Smith was who died in pole position, with her [[Delia Smith's Complete Cookery Course by Delia Smith|Delia Smith's Complete Cookery Course]]. Some might laugh September 2018 at the sucking/scrambling eggs episode, but an awful lot more type her name into Google, it's clearage of 58.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Hilary FreemanMelissa Leet|summary=We really loved the way that Hilary Freeman's Sue was impressed when she read [[Piccadilly Love Stories: Don't Ask Landslide by Hilary FreemanMelissa Leet|Don't AskLandslide]] looks at the way by Melissa Leet and was surprised to find that it was a lie can spiral and deals with some tough questionsdebut novel. We couldn't wait to ask her She had quite a few questionsfor Melissa when she popped into Bookbag Towers.
|category=interviewscomments|title=The Interview: Faiz Kermani talks to Bookbag Talks To Paul Bressabout how a blue frog is helping Malawi's vulnerable children to live safe, healthy and happy lives|summary=We were intriqued by [[The Dysfunctional Family by Paul Bress]] written as a diary kept by four members of the titular dysfunctional family and we couldn't resist the temptation of asking him Every child has a few questions.right to medical care
|title=Work At Home or Work Away From Home? Helen Black helps us to decide.Abi Silver Talks To The Bookbag About A Few Of Her Favourite Things|summary=It's very tempting to think 'We could definitely make a flying car – but that someone else's grass not the hard part. The hard part is greener than your own, but in the matter of working at home or commuting to your job Helen Black has experienced both how do you make a flying car that's super safe and wants us to know that there are a few things you need to consider, not least the fluff in the tumble drier.quiet?'': Elon Musk
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To The Anonymous EditorDaniel Peltz|summary=Sue wasn't expecting to enjoy a novel about a ''building'', but was surprised by just how compelling she found [[Clients From Hell The Indomitable Chiesa di Santa Maria by ClientsFromHell.netDaniel Peltz|Clients From HellThe Indomitable Chiesa di Santa Maria]] offers . There was a hilarious collection of user-submitted stories from designers dealing with rude, clueless and demanding clients. We were delighted lot to interview its Anonymous Editorchat about when author Daniel Peltz popped into Bookbag Towers.
|category=interviewslists|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Jenn AshworthTop Ten Self-Published Books 2017|summary=Sue loved Jenn's latest book, [[Cold Light by Jenn Ashworth|Cold Light]]. She met Jenn a few months ago Choosing the top ten self-published books we read in 2017 was one of the toughest jobs we did all year and really wanted to know how a nice girl like Jenn could think up involved a plot like thatgreat deal of discussion. Thankfully, Jenn was ready to talk to usHere's our final top ten in alphabetical order by author...
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Peter GillChit Dubey|summary=We enjoyed Peter Gill's riff on the number 42 - Sue was quietly impressed when she read [[42 - Douglas Adams' Amazingly Accurate Answer 21 Doors to Happiness: Life, the Universe Through Travel Experiences and Everything Meditation by Peter Gill|42 - Douglas Adams' Amazingly Accurate Answer to Life, the Universe and EverythingChit Dubey]] and the chance as it chimed with her personal view of life. She was delighted when Chit Dubey popped into Bookbag Towers to ask him some questions was too good chat to missus.
|category=newsletterscomments|title=April 2011 NewsletterMelita Thomas Talks To Bookbag About The King's Pearl: Henry VIII and his Daughter Mary|summary=Do you buy books from Tesco? Is your favourite author to be found on the best-selling lists or do you like to search out a wider range of reading matter? In Selling Well Is The Best Revenge, Linda Gillard tells Bookbag why being dropped by her publisher two years ago has turned out to be a positive event. How so? you ask. Well, she published her fourth novel on Amazon for Kindle all by herself - and at Melita Thomas tell us that Mary was a selling price of £1.90 per copy, she is making more than she did from her previous dead tree books. And her book is selling well.true Renaissance Princess
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Ali McNamaraElizabeth Fox and Martin le Comte|summary=It takes real skill to write a book like Peter thought that [[From Notting Hill with Love... Actually The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership by Ali McNamaraElizabeth Fox and Martin le Comte|From Notting Hill with Love... ActuallyThe Ten Golden Rules of Leadership]] thatwas the best book on leadership he'd ever read and he couldn's packed with fun t resist asking authors Elizabeth Fox and provides comfortable, easy reading, so the opportunity to ask Ali McNamara Martin le Comte quite a few qestions was too good questions when they came to Bookbag Towers to chat to missus.
|category=commentsinterviews|title=Why is it important to have good and challenging fiction for teens? by Gillian PhilipThe Interview: Bookbag Talks To Gabe Riggs|summary=Gillian Philip is one of Bookbag's favourite authors for teens. She can write in any genre and even blends them together sometimes. And she's always real, even when she's writing fantasy. Her latest book, Luke thought that [[The Opposite of Amber Punk Love Foucault by Gillian Philip|The Opposite of AmberGabe Riggs]] is a chilling thriller was an intense, emotional and visceral read that blends illuminates and educates with a realistic story of relationship breakdown strong voice and social issuesclear, capable prose. If anyone can tell us why teens need books There was a lot to talk about when Gabe popped into Bookbag Towers to challenge them, it's Gillian. So we thank her for passing by chat to give us her view - and promise you she is ''nothing'' like as gnarled as Charlie Sheen!.
|category=commentsinterviews|title=Selling Well Is The Best Revenge by Linda GillardInterview: Bookbag Talks To Sandra Aragona|summary=We fell in love with Linda Gillard when we read [[Star Gazing by Linda Gillard|Star Gazing]]. Sue described it as intelligent womenloved Sandra Aragona's fiction and since then we've searched out and read her back catalogue, but we were getting worried that there wasn't another book for us to read! Then Linda told us that she was publishing lightly-fictionalised [[House of Silence Sorting the Priorities: Ambassadress and Beagle Survive Diplomacy by Linda GillardSandra Aragona|House of Silenceautobiography]] of life as an ebook and she was publishing it herselfa diplomatic spouse. And There was a lot that she's agreed wanted to explain whyask about when Sandra popped into Bookbag Towers.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Anne O'BrienK J Lawrence|summary=We've really enjoyed both Sue was delighted when she read [[Virgin Widow The Cossack by Anne O'BrienK J Lawrence|Virgin WidowThe Cossack]] and [[Devil's Consort by Anne O'Brien|Devil's Consort]] so as it restored her faith in the thriller genre. When the opportunity author, K J Lawrence, popped into Bookbag Towers to chat to ask Anne O'Brien us, Sue had quite a few qestions was too good to miss.questions ready!
|category=commentsinterviews|title=Celia Rees tells us about the inspiration for The Fool's GirlInterview: Bookbag Talks To Stuart Burrell|summary=Sue found Start Burrell's book [[Twelve Times To The FoolMax: One Man's Girl Journey to, and Recollections of, Setting Twelve Verified World Records by Celia ReesStuart Burrell|Twelve Times To The FoolMax: One Man's GirlJourney to, and Recollections of, Setting Twelve Verified World Records]] is a truly enjoyable mix of Shakespearean characters and historical people and a novel for teens and adults an inspiring, feel-good read. She wanted to know more when Stuart popped into Bookbag Towers to chat to savour. Here, Celia Rees tells us all about how she came to write it.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Natasha SolomonsWes Stuart|summary=We were really impressed by Luke enjoyed the combination of compellingly-written science fiction which blends themes of innocence and growth with some well depicted moments of horror in [[The Novel in the Viola My Name is Sam by Natasha SolomonsWes Stuart|The Novel in the ViolaMy Name is Sam]], published in May 2011, which took us back to Dorset in the war years and we couldn't pass the opportunity to ask author Natasha Solomons he had quite a few questionsfor author Wes Stuart when he popped into Bookbag Towers to chat to us.
|category=commentsinterviews|title=Research? But it's Only a Romantic Novel! by Sophie PageThe Interview: Bookbag Talks To B C R Fegan|summary=When we finished reading Sue giggled like a child when she read [[To Marry A Prince Henry and the Hidden Treasure by Sophie Page|To Marry A PrinceB C R Fegan and Lenny Wen]] we started wondering exactly how you did the research for : it's a book like thatgood story with some valuable lessons. I mean - you can't just tag along for a couple of week's work experience, can you? The book gives It was a real feel for what the life is like so we asked Sophie pleasure to chat to tell us how she did itwriter B C R Fegan when he popped into Bookbag Towers.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Stephen Mark NormanAnnie Ingram|summary=[[:Category:Stephen Mark Norman|Stephen Mark Norman]] is the Very few people believe that dogs can talk so it was something of a relief when Sue met author of , Annie Ingram. She has lengthy conversations with her cocker spaniel Kammie and has shared them with us in her [[Meklyan and the Fourth Piece of the Artefact Conversations with Kammie by Stephen Mark NormanAnnie Ingram|Meklyan and the Fourth Piece of the Artefactbook]]. We realised that there There was more a lot to talk about when she popped into Bookbag Towers to the book than met the eye and we couldn't refuse the opportunity chat to ask him a few questionsus.
|title=The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Annette HartStephan Santiago|summary=Ani was quietly moved by [[:Category:Annette HartReturning Home by Stephan Santiago|Annette HartReturning Home]] is a teacher, mother of four children and the there were several points she wanted to discuss with author of [[Blood and Allegiance by Annette Hart|Blood and Allegiance]], the first of a series of books. We couldn't resist asking her how she managed Stephan Santiago when he popped into Bookbag Towers to pack so much in chat to her busy lifeus.
See Move to [[Features page 2|older featuresRecommended Resources]]. 