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==Home and family==
|author=Patrick Cockburn and Henry Cockburn
|title=Henry's Demons: Living with Schizophrenia. a Father and Son's Story
|summary=In February 2002 Patrick Cockburn was in Kabul, reporting to The Independent on the fall of the Taliban. While he was there he called his wife Jan at home in England, and was shocked to learn that their 20-year-old elder son Henry had been rescued by fishermen after coming close to death while swimming, fully clothed, in the icy waters of the Newhaven estuary. The police had decided that he was a danger to himself, and he was now in a mental hospital.
|author=Kate Brian
|summary=Although never having had an eating disorder myself, I have been interested in them since I was young. I was a competitive gymnast and that is a world where eating disorders do creep in. Now I'm a mother of three teenage daughters, I worry about the subject from a whole new angle, especially as one of them is a size 6-8 and idolises those super-skinny celebrities.
|author=Anna Paterson
|summary=It might seem strange and somewhat ironic that an obese woman is reviewing a book on anorexia. But it is a topic I have always found interesting. Despite my being at the opposite end of the weight scale to Anna Paterson, I could empathise with some of the things she felt.
|author=Loose Women
|title=Girls' Night In
|genre=Home and Family
|summary=I love watching ''Loose Women'' on TV and feel it's like sitting down for a good gossip with a load of girlfriends. Every time it's on, I get involved in the debates and they spark discussions at home with whoever is around. My teenage daughters are fans of the show too.
So when I heard a book was coming out, I definitely wanted to read it! But would the fun and camaraderie so obvious on the telly really be able to translate to the written word?
|author=Jeffrey Dean
|title=The Fight of Your Life
|genre=Home and Family
|summary=This book is a wake-up call. Jeffrey Dean wrote it so that parents can understand the difficult world that their teens may have to face everyday, and through this understanding, they will be motivated to help their teens to survive.
|author=Mark Diacono
|title=Veg Patch: River Cottage Handbook No 4
|genre=Home and Family
|summary=At a time when the climate is changing and the economy appears to be heading south the thought of being able to produce your own vegetables is very tempting. Forget about food miles and consider instead how few minutes there can be between harvesting your vegetables and the cooking process. Don't worry about pesticides and residues as you'll know exactly what's been fed to your food. Mark Diacono, head gardener on the hallowed ground of River Cottage HQ, run by the sainted Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, tells you exactly how to go about it in this, the fourth of the River Cottage Handbooks.
|author=John Kay
|title=The Long and the Short of it: A Guide to Finance and Investment for Normally Intelligent People Who Aren't in the Industry
|genre=Politics and Society
|summary=Sometimes I wonder if authors set out to stop people reading their books, strange as this might seem. John Kay is an excellent example. He tells us that he expects his readers to be erudite and to be readers of popular science. They'll never knowingly have dealt with Goldman Sachs and will pay tax at the 40% rate. At the other end of the scale they'll not be bad credit risks and just to cut out anyone hoping for a quick buck, they'll not be tempted to make a living from Stock Market speculation. If you don't qualify on all points there's not even a hint of a pass mark which might allow you to sneak into the checkout queue.
|author=Glenn Harrold
|title=Look Young, Live Longer: The Secret to Changing Your Life and Slowing the Ageing Process
|genre=Home and Family
|summary=I was really intrigued by the title of therapist Glenn Harrold's book ''Look Young and Live Longer''. Could it be possible that a book could deliver on such a huge promise? Having been feeling more than a little jaded lately, I was willing to give it a try.
|author=Adam Phillips and Barbara Taylor
|title=On Kindness
|genre=Politics and Society
|summary=As a title, ''On Kindness'' doesn't pack quite the same punch as Adam Phillip's earlier: 'On Kissing, Tickling and Being Bored'. It put me in mind of an eighteenth century treatise, and, give or take a couple of centuries, that is exactly what the book provides: a thought-provoking exposition on a currently unfashionable virtue.
|author=Olive Hickmott and Andrew Bendefy
|title=Seeing Spells Achieving
|genre=Home and Family
|summary=I felt an immediate empathy with Olive Hickmott when I read this book. We're obviously of a similar age and were taught reading and spelling in a time before you were ''dyslexic''. I found that the terms more commonly used were 'not trying hard enough' and 'lazy'. I did master reading although I was late by today's standards but I've always struggled with spelling: certain words and letter combinations still have terrors hidden within them half a century later and until we changed the format of Bookbag I used to warn reviewers that they should check whatever I uploaded onto the site as I was unreliable when it came to spelling. Olive and I have both been saved by the spellchecker. I settled happily into reading, Olive less so, but we both made careers where numbers were important. I could read a set of accounts like a story; she found a home in engineering. We worked in areas where intuition was important.
|author=Kate Brian
|title=The Complete Guide to Female Fertility
|genre=Home and Family
|summary=It's tempting to say that every woman over the age of puberty should have access to Kate Brian's 'The Complete Guide to Female Fertility'. The truth is that they should all have their own copies and they should read the book until it's dog-eared and falling apart, because I really can't think of a better way to understand why some women are more fertile than others or some women have difficulty in conceiving.
|author=India Knight
|title=The Thrift Book: Live Well and Spend Less
|genre=Home and Family
|summary=A soon as I read the introduction I wondered if this was really going to be the book for me. Despite having two books in the top ten best seller list India Knight knew the bailiffs well and was facing bankruptcy. It wasn't that she wasn't earning money – it was simply that she had no ability to handle it. Hmm – I have a horror of debt and I can handle money. Was India Knight ''really'' going to be able to teach the person who grew up with the austerity of post-war Britain chomping at her heels anything about thrift? Plans were already forming to move the book on, when slowly and inexorably I was won over.