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Have you read [[Snakes' Elbows by Dierdre Deirdre Madden|Snakes' Elbows]] yet? If not, you really should. And although you can follow this story without having read the first one it's much nicer to know all about everyone really, isn't it? So, let's carry on as if you have read ''Snakes' Elbows'' so you know all about the little town of Woodford and a certain millionaire who lives there called Jasper Jellit. He's a rather nasty piece of work, and it was with great relief at the end of the first book that we saw him get locked up in prison. However, he's served his time and he's just been released back into the community, which can only mean more trouble for Woodford...
Jasper has grown himself a large black beard whilst in prison, so he manages to come back to Woodford without revealing who he actually is. He's accompanied by two little friends he made on the inside - Rags and Bags the rats! In need of money, and a place to live, he blags a job at Haverford-Snuffley Hall working as a gardener but his real reason for working there is because of the rumour that lost somewhere within the hall there's an amazing emerald necklace that's worth a fortune and Jasper is determined to find it somehow.