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So, you're down-sizing, cutting back or just what to make the most of what you've got? We sort out the books that will make it easier and give you a better life.
|author=Judy Heminsley
|title=Work From Home
|summary=Sick of the time and expense of trailing into work every day? ''Work From Home'' is a clear, useful guide with plenty of practical tips and further resources for all those considering or starting to work from home, whether as employees or working for themselves. Most of it is fairly straightforward and/or commonsensical, but even the more experienced will find some useful ideas here.
|author=India Knight
|title=The Thrift Book: Live Well and Spend Less
|summary=Written by someone who's been at the wrong end of a bailiff's visit this is a superb starting point for anyone concerned about the way that they spend money or if you'd just like to make certain that you don't waste more than you have to. Highly recommended.
|author=Andy Hamilton and Dave Hamilton
|title=The Self-sufficientish Bible
|summary=If you're thinking about being self-sufficient but don't know if you want to go the whole hog then this might be the book you need. It draws together information on all aspects of a modern eco-life, such as travel, the eco-friendly home, renewable energy, clothing, growing fruit and vegetables, ethical shopping and recycling. It is a well-written interesting, entertaining and encouraging read, as well as being a source of guidance and information.
|author=Ruth Binney
|title=The Allotment Experience
|summary= You haven't enough land to grow as much food as you'd like? This book is for those thinking about having an allotment as well as those who have already taken the plunge. It covers what to consider before signing up, preparing and planning the plot, and advice on gardening, all interspersed with advice from allotment gardeners.
|author=Mark Diacono
|title=Veg Patch: River Cottage Handbook No 4
|summary=An invaluable book for those setting out to create or maintain a vegetable garden on a reasonably-sized piece of land. There's everything from the planning, growing, and harvesting to finally cooking the crop. If you are container gardening you will find the book interesting but less useful.
|author=Paul Peacock
|title=Patio Produce
|summary=You don't want an allotment, haven't got a big garden and you'd still like to grow some of your own food? If you've ever wondered whether it was possible to grow food in a relatively small space then this is the book for you. Good basic instructions and a reasonable coverage of the plants it's possible to grow. Recommended.
|author=Pam Corbin
|title=Preserves: River Cottage Handbook No 2
|summary=When you grow your own it's either feast or famine and nothing in between? Learn how to preserve some of the food you grow. This is the best book about preserving that I have seen - it should be essential reading for every person who wants good, seasonal food all year round.
|author=Kate Colquhoun
|title=The Thrifty Cookbook
|summary=Make certain that you don't waste any of the food that comes into the house: 476 ways to eat well with leftovers - and you'll be eating tasty food without compromising on quality. Highly recommended.
|author=Gill Holcombe
|title=How to Feed Your Whole Family a Healthy Balanced Diet, with Very Little Money and Hardly Any Time, Even If You Have a Tiny Kitchen, Only Three Saucepans ... - Unless You Count the Garlic Crusher...
|summary=The basics of how to feed your family decent food without breaking the Bank. The tone is hectoring in places but the food tastes good. It's for the beginner rather than the experienced cook and invaluable if you've got a houseful of hungry children.
|author=Delia Smith
|title=Delia's Frugal Food
|summary=An updating and reissue of the nineteen seventies best seller provides nutritious, tasty and economical food for the family. Recommended.