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If you'd like to sign up for our monthly newsletter, just drop us [ an email]. We won't bother you more than once a month, but we'll tell you about what we've been reading at Bookbag and any news from the site. We promise never to pass your details on to anyone else. In fact... we won't even tell each other.
What do you think to the Random House-Penguin merger that has had everyone chattering over the past few weeks? Game-changer? Or a last gasp of the big publisher in a world where ''50 Shades of Grey'' can be self-published yet still top the best-seller lists? What with the advent of both ebooks and self-publishing, it's an interesting time in the book world. Bookbag is watching this space with interest.
And in less important, but actually ''fun'' news, we trust you didn't miss the delightful Google Doodle celebrating Bram Stoker's 165th birthday. In case you did, you can see it [ here]. Enjoy! And we're having December off (turkeys to cook, dontchaknow) - so we'll see you in January. Happy festive season!
'''Golden Hour'''
We were also impressed by [[The Long Weekend by Savita Kalhan|The Long Weekend]] and Savita had an interesting story for us when she [[Savita Kalhan Talks To Bookbag About The Long Weekend – The Unused Quote|called into]] Bookbag Towers. It's all about the title of her book and a film starring Robert Mitchum!
We've also been busy with our reporter's pads, interviewing kindly authors who were prepared to give us their time. First up was the lovely Stefan Bachmann. Three years ago a young man emailed to ask if he could review for us. Normally we wouldn't have considered him - he was fifteen and we don't like putting commercial pressures on people who are still at school. He lived in Zurich and we don't post books outside the UK. There was just one thing that we couldn't pass. He wrote like an angel and over the course of a year Stefan gave us some [[:Category:Reviewed by Stefan Bachmann|wonderful reviews]]. We're not surprised that he has a deal with a major publisher but we are delighted and we certainly were not going to pass the chance to ask Stefan [[The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Stefan Bachmanna Bachmann|a few questions]].
[[Battalion by Adam Hamdy|Battalion]] is an action-packed adventure set some twenty yeas into the future. It's a thriller in the true sense of the word and we'd only just caught our breaths after finishing the book when author Adam Hamdy [[The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Adam Hamdy|popped in]] to see us.
And that's about it for this month. If you're passing Bookbag Towers do pop in and see us – we're at [[The Bookbag|]].
What were we reading [[November 2011 Newsletter|last year]]?
'''''All at Bookbag Towers'''''
(PS – if you don't want to receive further copies of our newsletter please [ email us] and we'll see that you're deleted from the mailing list.)
|name=Robin Leggett
|verb= said
|comment= In answer to your newsletter question about Random House / Penguin - I'd have felt much happier about it if they had called the merged group Randy Penguin. I'm also very impressed that neither you nor Zoe referred to "Boobadoodle" as featuring on the Sunday Times breastseller list! I wouldn't have been able to resist... (Zoe's review did make me chuckle though ... or perhaps that should be titter)
[[Category:Newsletters|* 2012 11]]