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|summary=Kel Gilligan is a daredevil. He... wait for it... eats BROCCOLI! He even does his poos on the potty. What a brave soul! What a hero! Kel faces all the traumas of childhood, with aplomb.
|author=Mark Griffiths
|title=Geek Inc: Technoslime Terror
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=A boy wakes up in a grassy field and discovers that his trousers are on fire, though fortunately it doesn't hurt a bit. A lonely girl wonders why a fully functioning grandfather clock is standing on a patch of wasteland (she also wonders why it seems to move a few metres each day. Grandfather clocks aren't in the habit of wandering round the landscape). Even if you hadn't read the blurb you'd know already that this book is going to be full to the brim with fun, mysteries and oddities. Add to that a large, welcoming typescript and some very funny illustrations, and you have a book that both boys and girls will want to settle down and read.
|author=Amy McNamara
|title=Lovely, Dark and Deep
|summary=After the death of her boyfriend in a car accident which she survives, Wren Wells retreats to live with her artist father in his studio in the woods of Maine. While she wants to be alone, she doesn't bargain for meeting Cal Owen, also damaged, and falling for him.
|author=Artemis Cooper
|title=Patrick Leigh Fermor: An Adventure
|summary=The sub-title of this biography is highly appropriate, for the ninety-six years of Patrick Leigh Fermor were packed with adventure. Born in 1915, he was something of a maverick at school, intellectually gifted but perpetually naughty, and his punishments for various refractions included suspensions and even expulsions.
|author=Sir Compton Mackenzie
|title=Whisky Galore
|summary=The inhabitants of Great Todday and neighbouring Little Todday enjoy embrocation provided by a tot or two of whisky. Unfortunately this is war time. To date the sacrifices in the Hebrides have included their young men and a token black-out (the harbour lights remain on so there seems little point) but more follows. The water of life itself is becoming scarcer and they're approaching Lent. The timing is unfortunate as they don't exactly give it up for Lent, but drink extra as Shrove Tuesday approaches in the spirit of the season. So, as supplies dwindle to extinction, imagine their surprise when a ship containing practically a million bottles of it en route to America founders off the coast. The community launch a covert army-like operation to liberate the alcohol fighting, planning to outwit not the Germans but the islands' Home Guard, HM Customs and Excise and an inept British Intelligence officer. Easy then? Well, an easier task than that which local headmaster George Campbell has. He wants to get married but his mum won't let him.
|author=Hanna Jameson
|title=Something You Are
|summary=The title of ''Something You Are'' has been taken from a line of Brett Easton Ellis’s ''American Psycho'' that asks: ‘Evil. Is it something you are? Or something you do?’ At first, Hanna Jameson’s answer to Ellis’s question seems obvious. She’s created a hyper-violent, supercharged London underworld that’s filthy with sin and death and peopled with junkies, psychopaths and dealers, a place where waking up in the morning doesn’t guarantee you’ll go to sleep again at night, especially not with the same compliment of arms, legs and eyes.
|author=Selina Guinness
|title=The Crocodile by the Door: The Story of a House, a Farm and a Family
|summary=Selina Guinness lived at Tibradden as a child and in 2002 she and her husband-to-be, Colin Graham, moved back to the house when her elderly uncle Charles became frail. The surname might lead you to suspect that there were brewery millions in the background but this wasn't the case. The couple were young academics and doing what needed to be done at Tibradden would need to be done in addition to full-time jobs. The house was on the outskirts of Dublin - 'derelict fields' if you were a property developer or the last defence against the encroaching city if you were not.
|author=Kimberley Freeman
|title=Wildflower Hill
|genre=General Fiction
|summary='tis the season to be…thoroughly depressed if you're anything like me – can't bear the cold, the grey, the forced jollity. Whatever book I pick up at this time of year needs to be a highly effective escapist tonic, otherwise there's a good chance I won't even finish it. So I'd like to thank Kimberley Freeman for the most all-encompassing, escapist and enjoyable novel I can remember reading in winter; something tells me I'll revisit this one a few times.
|author=Cassandra Clare and HyeKyung Baek
|title=The Infernal Devices: Clockwork Angel, Volume 1: The Manga (Manga Edition)
|genre=Graphic Novels
|summary=Meet Tessa Gray. Summonsed to London to be with her brother after living in America, she has no idea what she is going to be in for. A kidnap and training at the hands of two witches is only the start of it as she is forced to find the truth about the world about her – about the two different kinds of supernatural beings, and of how they constantly fight against each other, and about her own unique origin, character and destiny that makes her more than a pawn in this battle. You might have met Tessa before, but not like this – for this is the manga adaptation of the series.
|author=Harriet Lane
|title=Alys, Always
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Harriet Lane's debut novel, ''Alys, Always'' garnered a raft of favourable coverage from the professional reviewers when it was first published in hardback. Concerning, as it does, a young woman who works as a sub-editor in a publishing company and a Booker winning novelist, there is always the chance that this was due to the reviewers merely recognizing the world that is portrayed. This view is unfounded though - it is a superbly drawn, frequently very funny, and often psychologically chilling story of ambition and class differences. It thoroughly deserves all the praise that has been heaped upon it.
|author=Tony Ross
|title=I Want a Boyfriend!
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=When the Little Princess sees the Maid picking a flower and handing it to the General, she demands to know why. It turns out that the General is the Maid’s boyfriend and he looks after her. Well, on hearing this, the Little Princess declares at the top of her voice: