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To add to her problems, girls in her hometown are dying, beaten brutally then arranged in a ritualistic sort of way. Soon Hannah's being haunted by more than just Lillian, each vision more ghastly than the last.
|author=Philippe Claudel
|title=The Investigation
|genre=Literary Fiction
|summary=And you think you had it bad. Our hero gets off a train at the right station, but doesn't get collected by those he's working on behalf of, can't have his order at the bar fulfilled, cannot get to the place of work on time, then cannot find the hotel almost opposite without a major trek through a snowy, unsavoury but completely empty city. And when he gets to the hotel - well that and the other people he meets there are a whole new category of odd. Is this how things are supposed to be - is this limbo, a nightmare or just a novel our hero is trapped in?
|author=A G Howard
|summary=Alyssa Gardner has secrets. She can't tell anyone that bugs and flowers talk to her, or she'll end up in a mental hospital like her mother. All of the women in her family have struggled with mental health problems, ever since her ancestor Alice Liddell inspired Lewis Carroll to write 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'. When she's dragged into Wonderland herself, can she break the family curse?
|author=Lou Kuenzler
|title=Shrinking Violet Definitely Needs a Dog
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Ten year old Violet Potts wants a dog. Her favourite uncle, Max, adopted a Siberian wolf cub for her, but that wasn’t the same as having a real pet dog to cuddle and care for. Her parents think she is too irresponsible to handle a pet, but Violet is determined to prove them wrong by volunteering at the local pet shelter. The only complication is that Violet has a secret; she shrinks to the size of a dog biscuit whenever she gets excited. Will she be able to keep a lid on her emotions and prove to her parents that she can handle a dog of her own?
|author=Sharon Penman
|genre=Historical Fiction
|summary=''Lionheart'' is the latest book in the ''Devil’s Brood'' series, which focuses on the dysfunctional Angevin branch of the Plantaganets. As the title suggests, the story is a richly detailed account of the life of Richard I, covering the period from his coronation up to the end of the third crusade.
|author=Jean Christophe Castelli
|title=Making of Life of Pi - A Film, A Journey
|summary=Before I'd seen the film of Yann Martel's novel Life of Pi I knew the end result would leave me either wondering 'how did they make that?!' or 'WHY did they make that?!'. The fact I ended up watching it twice before the general public had their chance, and lapped up a repeat viewing within a fortnight, says it all. There's no plot spoiler in the fact that the creators left us with a visually dazzling, splendidly luxurious-looking piece of cinema, one that left me scrabbling for tiny faults to nitpick with and just acknowledging how brilliant the FX and acting were. And, as the resulting question was the right one, I am still interested very much in the answer - luckily for me this book provides it.
|author=Henriette Gyland
|title=Up Close
|summary=Dr Lia Thompson is an E.R. specialist. She patches people up for a living. Her fiancé is some hot-shot lawyer (specialism unspecified) with an all-American-apple-pie family and a mom pressing for a wedding date. When Lia's grandmother dies and her mother eschews any right to the inheritance or obligation for dealing with the estate, it falls to Lia to come up and tidy up. That's exactly what she intends to do. Sign the papers, clear the house, get it on the market and go home.
|author=Leif G W Persson
|title=Another Time, Another Life
|summary=We start, enjoyably enough, in the realm of truth, as German terrorists attack their own embassy in Stockholm, demanding things as only the [[The Baader-Meinhof Complex by Stefan Aust|Red Army Faction]] demanded. But the truth only goes so far - as this whole book will prove - before we are engaged in the solving of a civil servant's murder some years later. There should be no connection - but there is. There should be a way to solve the crime - but there are too many potential stories and nobody to point the way. There should also be effective collaboration in the police forces - but with personalities as rich as these investigators, there won't be.
|author=Alison Ritchie and Mike Byrne
|title=Jack's Mega Machines: The Dinosaur Digger
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Jack the mechanic loves to repair broken vehicles in his workshop. But the magical Rally Road Workshop is no ordinary garage. Whenever Jack takes one of his vehicles on a test drive, he is wondrously transported to incredible locations or different time periods.
|author=Geling Yan and Nicky Harman (translator)
|title=The Flowers of War
|genre=Historical Fiction
|summary=1937, Nanking. The war between the Republic of China and Japan has ended in defeat for China, and now Japanese soldiers are moving in to bloodily occupy the capital city. In a small American mission church, fifteen Chinese schoolgirls are hiding, trapped until the priests who look after them can smuggle them to safety. Into this already fraught atmosphere come desperate Chinese citizens looking for shelter – a rowdy group of Nanking prostitutes, a colonel on the run and two more soldiers who have survived a horrendous secret massacre. As the Japanese atrocities gather pace, the safety and survival of each of the church’s disparate members becomes uncertain, and the initially hostile girls begin to realise that there may be common ground between them and the prostitutes they have been taught to despise.
|author=Gary Raymond
|title=3-Minute JRR Tolkien: A Visual Biography of The World's Most Revered Fantasy Writer
|summary=When something with such a built-in cult base as Tolkien books have gets transported into another medium, the manically interested fans have two reactions – to initially scoff at how nothing could compare with the original, and then to try and buy everything worthwhile with even a tenuous link to the object of their affections, while avoiding the mountain of crud that could deluge the unwary. Such it will be until the third movie part of ''The Hobbit'' is safely behind us, and the six-film, three-month long Blu-Ray box set is on the shelves. Tolkien enthusiasts of course have a precarious situation – so great do they rightly hold the originals, and so low can the quality of the spin-offs be, there are some who will never be satisfied. But there remains the newcomer, freshly inspired to find out more, and those at least will certainly be able to enjoy this beginner's guide to [[:Category:J R R Tolkien|J R R Tolkien]].
|author=Philip Ardagh
|title=The Truth About Love
|genre=Children's Non-Fiction
|summary=We are never too far from springtime, when, of course, a ''young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love''. [[:Category:Philip Ardagh|Beardy Ardagh]] is hoping that young people's fancies turn to trivia about love customs, predictions of who they'll marry and what the whole symbolism around love, Valentines and marriage mean. The emphasis is on young – this book is definitely suited for the primary school library, although he slips up once when asking if we think our partners smell nice.
|author=Jenn Ashworth
|title=The Friday Gospels
|genre=Literary Fiction
|summary=There are five in the Leeke family. Martin is the father and he works in the mail sorting office. There's not a lot of ''pleasure'' in Martin's life, but if you were making a list you'd put Bovril at the top of it. She's a labrador and Martin's obsessed with her training. Well, he's partly obsessed with the training and the training is partly an excuse for his other obsession. Nina owns two labradors and Martin sees them (he and Nina, that is - not he and the labs) as having a future together. It would be easy to be critical, but Martin's wife is in a wheelchair. Pauline's been unwell since the birth of their youngest child. She's not quite doubly incontinent, but accidents are frequent and embarrassing. She's also got a penchant for spending on home improvements - despite the fact that there ''really'' isn't the money for them.
|author=Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschappeler
|title=The Change Book: Fifty models to explain how things happen
|summary=''The Change Book'' is a pocket-sized publication with lofty ambitions. Small enough to slip into a handbag, and a mere 167 pages long, it makes the following claim:
|author=Faye Hanson
|title=Cinderella's Secret Diary
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Did you know that Cinderella kept a secret diary sharing all her thoughts and feelings about how she was treated by her stepmother and her two ugly sisters? The diary starts when her father returns home from his travels and not long after, she is introduced to Madame Riche who is soon to become her father's wife. When Cinderella finds out about the forthcoming marriage, she is very excited to discover that she will soon have two sisters. Unfortunately, her excitement is short lived as, after the marriage, her father stays abroad for business and Cinderella's stepmother and sisters start to show their true colours. They are mean and nasty treating her no better than a slave. The worst thing is when an invitation comes for the royal ball and Cinderella is not allowed to attend even though she has been invited. Luckily, her fairy godmother appears, waves her magic wand and well, I guess we all know what happens next. Everybody loves a happy ending and it's wonderful to read Cinderella's words at the end of her diary:
|author=Sharon Werner and Sarah Nelson Forss
|title=Alphasaurs and Other Prehistoric Types
|genre=Children's Non-Fiction
|summary=I suppose you could describe any book about dinosaurs as being sixty-five million years in the making. What is definite is that this title was certainly not knocked up overnight. After a suitably clever, rhyming introduction, we enter the world of prehistory with A, and exit with Z, having met 27 (yes, there's a surprise guest entrant) animals along the way. And the way we meet them on these supremely clever pages is the selling point.
|author=Robert L Forbes and Ronald Searle
|title=Beast Friends Forever!
|genre=Children's Rhymes and Verse
|summary=We're never far away from spring, when the thoughts of the whole animal kingdom turn to love - or at least, one aspect of it we'd better not mention in a book for the very young such as this is. Skunks need to smell nice, elephants and crickets need to make the right noises to attract a mate, while others can just celebrate their being together in different ways, whether they be real love birds or grizzly bears. The whole wildlife love life is here, in a very chaste and harmless manner.
|author=Laura Dockrill
|title=Darcy Burdock
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Darcy Burdock is a ten-year-old girl who sees ''the extraordinary in the everyday''. This is her first book, a story about her life, complete with her own short stories and pictures.
|author=Mark Oldfield
|title=The Sentinel
|summary=Plaza De Toros, Badajoz, 15th August 1936: a group of prisoners are marched across the sands of the bullring, lined up against the barrera and, mown down rifle-fire. The first group of many.
Cut to 2009. In the mountains known as the Sierra de Gredos in central Spain, there was mine. For some reason it was abruptly closed in 1953. On another newbie-assignment forensic investigator Dr Ana Maria Galindez is about to find out why.
|author=Geraldine McCaughrean
|title=The Positively Last Performance
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Gracie absolutely loves Seashaw. She has many happy memories of holidays in the faded resort (which bears more than a passing resemblance to Margate) and she is delighted when her parents, who are actors, decide to move there for good. Their plan is to take over the old theatre, which has been abandoned for years, and do it up—as long as they can get a grant or two to fund the work. They are understandably busy with surveyors and town officials, and it's no surprise to Gracie that she's left pretty much to her own devices. Besides, she's just discovered something extraordinary: she can see ghosts.
|author=Katharina Hagena and Jamie Bulloch (Translator)
|title=The Taste of Apple Seeds
|genre=Literary Fiction
|summary= Iris Berger isn't a stranger to loss. Her cousin died at 15 and her grandmother has just passed away leaving Iris her house. It all echoes with memories, for instance the wardrobe full of her mother and aunts' childhood dresses, the beautiful garden and the apple tree that played such a large part in the family history. While wandering outside, Iris bumps into Carsten Lexow, family friend and garden caretaker. Over lunch he tells her of a family secret. There's a reason why, on a certain June night a lifetime ago, a certain apple tree bloomed twice. Although significant, Iris discovers more secrets as she settles in, and not only secrets concerning others.