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[[Category:New Reviews|Teens]]
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|summary=Vanessa is getting weaker and weaker, unwilling to use her powers of seduction to kill someone as she must do if she doesn't want to die herself. When there are more deaths, and Vanessa starts receiving anonymous messages from someone who seems to know her secret, she must work out whether she's ready to face her destiny.
|author=Katherine Longshore
|summary=Kitty Tylney has always followed her best friend Cat. Cat is larger than life, full of ridiculous plans and plots, the self-titled Queen of Misrule. Cat wants nothing more than to live life at the Court of Henry VIII - wearing amazing clothes and enjoying the attention of handsome lords - and Kitty is happy to play along.
|author=Oisin McGann
|title=Rat Runners
|summary=Nimmo lives in a London of the future. It's not a great place to be. Under constant surveillance by the WatchWorld network and its Robocop-style Safe-Guards, even the slightest transgression brings you into very unwelcome attention from the authorities. Life is particularly difficult for Nimmo. His parents are in prison and he must live below the radar of WatchWorld, amid the city's underground criminals. As you can imagine, Nimmo has skills. And this is why gang boss Move-Easy calls him in when a case containing valuable black market credit cards goes missing. Nimmo, together with sibling grifters Manikin and FX, and teen geek Scope, are to find the case or face Move-Easy's chief goons.
|author=Marissa Meyer
|title=Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles, Book 2)
|summary=The events of [[The Lunar Chronicles: Cinder by Marissa Meyer|last time]] are but media chatter as we start book two, with a French farmgirl being worried. Her grandmother has been missing for over a fortnight, and the police think there's no case for them to solve. Our girl is even more worried when her dad, long missing presumed drunk, turns up to ransack the farm looking for something that must have been left behind – something that her kidnappers need. Things might look up with the arrival of a good-looking man, the epitome of calm power and strong senses, but while he seems concerned and claims his innocence, dad points him out as one of the gang behind the crime. How much can he be trusted? Either way, things must be investigated – and so our heroine, Scarlet, complete with her favourite riding-red hoodie, must go off into the unknown –alongside the man his fellow underground fighters call Wolf…
|author=Kai Meyer
|title=Arcadia Burns
|summary=If you haven't read the [[Arcadia Awakens by Kai Meyer|first book]] in this series, then STEP AWAY FROM THIS PARTICULAR COOKIE AISLE! There will be spoilers.
|author=Sarah Naughton
|title=The Hanged Man Rises
|summary=The Wigman is at large, murdering children. You'd think this would be the first concern for Titus Adams, as he's only fifteen, his parents are incorrigible drunks and he has a young sister, Hannah, to look out for. But in London in the late 1800s, there are more pressing concerns than serial killers on the loose. Like how to pay the rent. Like where the next meal is coming from. Like staying out of the workhouse. Like keeping your sister on the right side of the law. Thankfully, Titus has a friend in Inspector Pilsbury. He doesn't arrest Hannah when she's caught with pickpockets. He feeds her and keeps her safe at the station until Titus comes to collect her.
|author=Brandon Sanderson
|title=Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians
|summary=The celebration of Alcatraz's thirteenth birthday is quite a muted one – he gets a thirteen-year old parcel of sand in the post, claimed to be his inheritance from his birth parents, and he burns down the kitchen in his foster home – the latest in a long line of disasters that have followed him in his short accident-prone life. Expecting to just be farmed out to more foster parents, instead he is the subject of a battle between an armed man and a strange old fellow claiming to be Alcatraz's grandfather. What's more the guy says Al's abilities in breaking things are a Talent with a capital T, and the sands – that were stolen overnight – are a great threat to the world in the hands of Librarians (with a capital L). Against all his own instincts, our anti-hero goes with the latter man, finding his destiny in freeing the western world from the evil Librarians, and telling us about it later as an adult in a most sardonic fashion.
|author=Marie-Louise Jensen
|title=Smuggler's Kiss
|summary=Fifteen-year-old Isabelle has given up on life. Walking into the sea, she is ready to drown herself - until she changes her mind, too late. But instead of drowning, she's pulled from the waves by smugglers. While the crew aren't all happy that a couple of their men have jeopardized them by rescuing her, she quickly becomes useful to them and starts to get a thrill from helping to evade the Preventives. Can she be happy in her new life, or will her dark secret catch up with her?
|author=Megan Miranda
|summary=Shunned by many of her former friends after killing her boyfriend in self-defence, and unable to remember the details of his death, Mallory feels haunted by his presence. When her parents send her to boarding school, will this be a chance for a fresh start, or will her past catch up with her even there?
|author=Jane Casey
|title=How to Fall
Freya dies after a fall from a cliff. But was it an accident, suicide, or - horror of horrors - murder?
Jess Tennant can't bear a mystery and so she sets out to solve the mystery of the death of the cousin she never met. She meets with nothing but obstruction and hostility, but perhaps it's little wonder. Not only is Jess a stranger in the parochial town of Port Sentinel, she is also the spitting image of Freya. She unsettles everyone for these reasons but, even despite them, Jess is an unsettling girl. She's blunt, direct, and she never takes no for an answer.
|author=Brodi Ashton
|summary=This is the second in the [[Everneath by Brodi Ashton|Everneath]] trilogy and picks up two months from where the first book finished. Two months ago the Tunnels of the Everneath came to claim Nikki Beckett, to take her back to the Underworld where she would be used as a human battery forever. That night, Nikki's boyfriend, Jack, made the ultimate sacrifice and took Nikki's place in the Everneath. Now, Nikki is haunted by Jack, who appears in her dreams every night, lost, confused and slowly having the life sucked out of him. On the Surface everybody is blaming Nikki for Jack's disappearance; Jack's Mum has hired a Private Detective who's following Nikki around, convinced that she will take him to Jack.