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[[Category:Emerging Readers|*]]
[[Category:New Reviews|Emerging Readers]]
|title=Blood and Guts and Rats' Tail Pizza
|author=Vivian French and Chris Fisher
|genre=Emerging Readers
|summary=Despite a revolting menu with dishes like slug and snail stew or rats' tail pizzas, Billy Bone's café was usually packed at lunchtime. Perhaps because there was no other place to eat. All of their customers were male, because neither Billy Bones, nor his assistant Hank liked girls at all. A large sign in the window proclaimed ''Absolutely No Girls! But one day the customers disappeared - and what was worse, Hank soon discovered their customers had all been stolen by girls. The girls were very large, green and hairy but they were girls nonetheless, and their traveling cake shop had enticed all of Billy Bone's customers away.
|title=ABC and Do