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[[Category:New Reviews|Confident Readers]]
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|title=Gabriel's Clock
|author=Hilton Pashley
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Jonathan is the only child ever, in the whole of creation, to be born to one angelic and one demonic parent. Having lived his life thus far in ignorance of the fact it comes as a nasty shock when the Corvidae (the most unpleasant denizens of hell) attack his family and try to capture him. Badly injured and suddenly bereft of his father, he is deposited by his mother in the village of Hobbes End in the care of the former Archangel Gabriel (his paternal grandfather) before she heads off to petition Lucifer for protection from the Archdemon Belial. Whether or not she’s successful we never find out, but Belial and the Corvidae find Jonathan and will stop at nothing to turn him into the weapon they want him to be. What they haven’t quite reckoned on is the opposition from the residents of Hobbes End (which is itself sentient), where all the weird, the wonderful and the well-intentioned but outright dangerous find refuge. Not to mention Jonathan himself.
|summary=Silent Mountain introduces us to the world of Jack Jupiter and his adventures. An ordinary boy with an interest in wildlife, Jack is bullied in school and still grieving the death of his father when, ignoring his Grandmother’s warning, he heads to the frozen lake and gets drawn into a life changing adventure in another world.
|title=The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett: An Origami Yoda Book
|author=Tom Angleberger
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=What is out there that can make a wimpy kid less, er, wimpy? Why, a paper finger puppet of the ''Star Wars'' universe's Yoda character, that's what. One kid in school has taken the Origami Yoda persona on through several other books and adventures, and he's going to be useful here, as he, our chief narrator Tommy and all their friends despair at changes in the school. In a rash move, the principal has banned all the semi-educational but fun classes, like music, drama and, er, Lego Robot Club, and replaced them with horrendously boring and patronising, shrill TV programmes and rote filling-in of worksheets, just so collectively the school's exam marks bounce back from a one-year dip. But how can one little paper Yoda inspire such a large scale retraction, and get the changes reversed?
|title=Star Wars Jedi Academy
|author=Jeffrey Brown
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Roan has dreamed of going to pilot school his whole life, so it comes as a bit of a shock when he doesn’t quite make the grade. The next best alternative, unfortunately, is Tatooine Agriculture Academy, and a life as a farmer on his dusty, desert homeworld. Luckily, fate steps in and Roan receives a letter from Master Yoda, inviting him to train at the Jedi Academy on Coruscant. It may not be pilot school, but Roan realises that it may be his ticket to a better life. He just needs to get to grips with the Force, lightsabers and of course...girls...