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|author=Amy Tan
|title=The Joy Luck Club
|genre=Literary Fiction
|summary= The Joy Luck Club was Jing Mei's mother's idea. After arriving in the US from China in 1949 she invited three other Chinese immigrant ladies to join. The four would meet to play Mah Jong and feast on morsels that none of them could really afford. Once played out, they shared stories of the land they'd left. The evenings evolve over time; the food becomes affordable, men join the discussions but the core remains the same. Four Chinese mothers living a new life while sharing moments enjoyed and regretted, discussing their children and parents and telling stories of wisdom, happiness and, sometimes, intense pain.
|title=When Did You See Her Last?
|summary=We’re on Noah’s Ark and all the animals are here, from the snakes to the lions to the crocodiles. There are two of everyone, of course, though randomly there only appears to be one monkey, Charlie Chatter. And uh, oh. He’s lost his potty! Now Charlie Chatter is a bit big to be going on the potty, so the other animals, and Noah, try to convince him to try the loo instead, extolling its virtues, explaining how much fun it can be. Charlie Chatter remains unconvinced though, but when his potty fails to reappear his has a troubling choice to make.
|author=Angela Jackson
|title=The Emergence of Judy Taylor
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=Judy's life had been the stuff which many others might envy: she'd grown up with friends about her whom she'd known since primary school and married the first man who asked her - but he did seem to be doing rather well. Then one day she discovered a lump. A hard lump. In her right breast. Nerve-racking test followed nerve-racking test, but eventually she was told that everything was absolutely normal. Husband Oli wanted to celebrate. So did her friends. The problem was Judy. Missing the bus home after her hospital appointment she sat in a cafe and thought. She realised that ''normal'' was not what she wanted. She wanted something more.