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Created page with "{{infobox |title=Shh! We Have a Plan |author=Chris Haughton |reviewer=Ruth Ng |genre=For Sharing |rating=4 |buy=Yes |borrow=Yes |isbn=9781406342321 |pages=40 |publisher=Walke..."
|title=Shh! We Have a Plan
|author=Chris Haughton
|reviewer=Ruth Ng
|genre=For Sharing
|date=March 2014
|summary=An unusual style for a children's picture book, but cleverly and amusingly done. Nice to share and easy to follow.
When four friends go out together to hunt a bird they have a specific plan in mind as to how they will do it. One of the friends, however, isn't really in on the plan and is just tagging along for the fun of it, and he finds himself getting shushed along the way each time he shouts out 'hello birdy!'

I find that a bit of repetition in stories, or sometimes a lot of repetition, goes down well with small children. It appeals to that side of their nature that demands everything again, again! This is the sort of story that is perfect for when your toddler has reached that stage, but is also equally enjoyable to read as a grown up. So, as we go along, we see three friends, each with a net, and one smaller friend following along after them. Each time they spot a birdy the littlest one calls out 'hello birdy' only to find himself shushed by the other three and told that they have a plan. The plan involves sneaking up on the bird and then, ''ready one ready two reading three'' quick, trying to catch it in a net. Of course, each time they fail, finding themselves in more and more awkward situations and falling out of trees and into lakes! In the end, the littlest one says hello to the birdy and offers him some bread. Then there are one, two, three birdies with him...and then there are LOTS of birdies with him! His friends with the nets begin to get ready to try and catch one, but a rather larger bird is certainly not going to stand for that!

The style of the artwork, and it really is artwork, is very unusual for a children's picture book. The colours are dark and repetitive, with only the birds providing a little brightness on the page. But I like the quirky design and somehow it works very well, perhaps because the story is funny and easy to follow. I have referred to the main characters as 'friends' because I'm not entirely sure what they are! I think they're little boys, but they could be strange monsters. The smallest one reminds me a little of Pootle from ''The Flumps'' (showing my old children's TV show from the 70's!) as he has a very large bobble hat that creeps down to his eye level and his jumper is all the way up covering up his mouth.

I liked the ending of the story, which made me laugh, and overall this was an enjoyable book to share and one that we will easily and happily come back to for repeat readings.

You might enjoy reading [[Bit Lost by Chris Haughton|another story by the same author]].
