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|summary=Bees have been making a bit of a media splash of late, due to heightened concern about their declining numbers and general welfare. Governments have been urged to do more to protect these important creatures, with a recent EU ban on neonicotinoid pesticides hailed as a 'victory for bees'. There is no doubt that these prolific pollinators are a vital part of our ecosystem, and the human fascination with bees goes back to our ancient history. But just why do we find these hardworking insects so fascinating?
|title=Animal Lives: Elephants
|author=Sally Morgan
|genre=Animals and Wildlife
|summary=The eye-catching image on the cover of this glossy picture book certainly encourages young readers to pick it up and start reading. Two cute baby elephants gaze confidently into the camera lens whilst sharing a trunkful of lush green vegetation. There is just ''something'' about baby elephants, isn't there? Who could resist opening the book for a closer look?
|summary=''Psy-Q'' is a fun and interactive slice of 'Pop-Science' which delves into various psychology topics, with the aim of entertaining and enlightening the reader and debunking a few myths along the way. Most of the chapters are only a couple of pages long and include quizzes, personality profiles, experiments, optical illusions and the odd cheesy joke thrown in for good measure. The result is a readable, accessible and un-putdownable book that I managed to devour in an entire afternoon.
|author=Tony Ross and Wendy Finney
|title=What's My Name? (The Not So Little Princess)
|genre=Emerging Readers
|summary=Now, I do hope that what I'm about to tell you won't be too upsetting. The Little Princess is growing up and it's causing a problem in the palace. You see the little princess has always been known as, well, the Little Princess. Whilst the Queen was helping to make cucumber sandwiches the King was striding up and down, wearing the carpet out and making his shoes squeak. He had a problem - a big problem. Now that the little princess was growing up was it really appropriate to continue calling her the Little Princess? There was an open secret in the palace: everyone knew the little princess's ''real'' name - but no one was prepared to tell her what it was.