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|reviewer= Ekaterina Rodyunina
|genre=General Fiction
|summary= Sometime in the 21st century, the UK government decides that the taxes paid by the population do not add up even closely to providing the expected level of benefits and health service. The solution to that problem is soon found - namely oursourcing the benefits sector to private companies, which is being done through an internet auction due to low costs, no need for printing documentation and a convenient restriction on items description. The ministeries were bought fast enough, and the companies who bought them were in fact merged soon enough, leaving the government out of any control. Consequences did not take long to take place - in a tricky loyalty-points-will-buy-the-country scheme, one Civil Service chief overnight becomes The Leader: new ruler of the nation.
To tell you exactly what happens next would be to give it away, but as much I can say - this is a remarkable story of how best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
|buy= Yes
|borrow= Yes
|format= Hardback
|publisher= Bluechrome Publishing
If you enjoy dystopias, treat yourself to [[The Witness by James Jauncey]].
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