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no edit summary
|buy= Maybe
|borrow= Yes
|format= Paperback
|publisher= Headline Review
Although there's plenty of titters of recognition at the family and friends surrounding our heroine, I found it rather sad that so many of the characters are negative stereotypes. Yes, I agree that all the characters make more effort to toe the line at the end: they 'develop'. But chick lit is life-affirming, and I just found this novel's take on people a little bit negative for my taste.
The Bookbag would like to thank the publisherrs publishers for sending this book.
Suggestions for further reading: If you like easygoing stories around the theme of different generations looking for love, I suggest you try [[Eating Blackbirds by Lorraine Jenkin]] or [[Back Home by Bethan Darwin]] which are both what I'd describe as chick lit plus. On the same theme, if you appreciate quirky women's novels, there's also the wonderful [[Valeria's Last Stand by Marc Fitten]].
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