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|comment= I groaned at some of those puns, Claire!   
|comment= Oh, I wouldn't like this (I'm allergic to hairdressers and go only when forced, otherwise I do my fringe myself and make Michael do the rest - with the kitchen scissors) but I did like the Bourdain gossipy thingy about restaurants. Same thing, but I like cooking!   
|comment= My answers are no, no & no (though I like chick lit) so obviously not for me ;-).
But the main reason is that I actually hate going to hairdressers and the necessity of talking (with the inevitable Have you been on holiday? Are you going? eughrrrrr Oh, you've got wonderful colour; you are lucky! iiiiick) is just dreadful.
Oh, and they take so bloody long: 15 minutes to cut but then 30 to blow dry, but if you only pay for a cut, they make it awful on purpose.
|comment= You must be getting old, Magda. If you're young you're asked if you're going out tonight. When you're obviously past the stage of wanting anything at night other than cocoa you're asked if you're going on holiday.
I did once hear of someone who, when asked how she would like her hair cutting, replied 'in complete silence'. I can sympathise with that.
|name=travelling hairdresser
|comment= As a busy hairdresser I found myself laughing along sympathetically throughout this wonderful book. I loved it and have recommended it to all my friends, family and clients: its fab !!
It gives a true insight into how bloody hard it is day to day being a busy stylist and the "cut throat" fashion industry we are part of . A must read for all !