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|title=Secret Breakers: The Power of Three
|author=H L Dennis
|publisher=Hodder Children's Books
|date=May 2012
|summary=Code breakers worked on the mysterious Voynich Manuscript for years, but no one ever managed to solve it. However, new information has surfaced, and Mr Smithies of the Black Chamber recruits a group of young people to finally crack the hardest code on earth. What he doesn't realise is that by doing so, he has put the three children in deadly peril.
The back cover of this book says it is the 'Da Vinci Code for kids' and that's not a bad description. Secret messages, codes, helter-skelter journeys to well-known places, and baddies lurking round every corner . . . plenty of action and adventure, mixed in with generous dollops of facts and information which will definitely appeal to readers who enjoy having their brains challenged as well as their imaginations. The legend of King Arthur, the house where the famous Enigma code was cracked and a fabulous sea-side building created for a prince are only a few of the clues the three teenagers will encounter on their journey towards the truth.